· Rex
) 4 _ ii ii. i ,150. 15] p i iii Marla 5, 28ta Pruitt, Ben 2-13
lwppprn ROHAIJ   lab [hl Alpha Them 213 P;:l€l`ieI‘;2   241       327 PLIEHYPS, ETEAZAF   2.87 RU)
Periater, (`athy 230 Phi Beta Lambda 212 ‘ f _ _ 7 Y 7 W Rt-)
. , .i 7 , j Polk, Richard 118-21 Powers, lack 3-" PU1~·l1· W1 —3'~ n
[)(·i‘kin5, BUHY   A-34-7 3-U   [-)(”lt$ -31 — Polk, Ron   Punvcrsl }
P°rl`lH" (Ml D` M2 lhiuipi Mrs 2/ - Pollard, Ann 230 Pan-ers, Linda C. 241. 302 Pulliam. Laurie I. 327 R"?
PLTIUHT PTH A 12***313 [)hlHlp5' IPM lr- 32/ Pollird Robin L. 327 Ptwthress, Leigh 28¤ Pulliam, Robin A. 313 RL`)
l’=·*’ti**~‘$‘*‘“‘°- 313 "*‘*"*i’*- '<·"'*“t‘ L·22"-327 > ' ' » ~ .‘ gi.-i .,i 2Bo i·ni5rari D1vid°27 Rhi
i»,.,ti..., tai. i.. 3.11,2sn i»i.iiiii.., iainina 1<. 233, aan '°iit‘°in;“i]“°i     ;‘“f'iDn,‘iQ€`2,ii‘ ‘ ' ` “ Rin
1-,4-,-..1.1, iiainras M. 313 rininati, on-ight s. 327 [ZR   R F " _,·_O if“n‘ Dlm _;“’ Rip
Pt-rros, (ieorgv N1 280 Philpott, Steve 23Q ;)lmi’ IUb€;“;L> " PER' Le`h`_i,)7 Q Rig
i_ V i_ ,. .- y -. ~_ one, Ort!. / · · · ·- ._
""** "·“‘ °'_- Il" U*”'i"l` ° '“"“`“ Us i>.,.,i, mia no rrati,v1i-ian M. 302 — R}
Perrv, (.li·nn 2:7 PiBeiail1i228 _ 2, Ric
i»_   i , I in iiiniwnii inns, no Poole, Scott 235 Preston, Dana 225. ..3¤ R__
i-t-ith Ei-isn; vn iurianiii Raih;`327 i‘¤i*s- €`r>‘**¤‘ A- 2*** l“r¤~i¤·€*1€rvl25° Queen, Donna S. 327 RQ;
ii K U -' _ I T-.- , i __ I , _ Pope, Nlilxe E. 327 Price, Bryan 235, 254 Queen! img ih R_ 313 ' __
li·ti·rs lrai1tts(».3O.. I itkttt, Lx ndtll 138 _ t RR
i>i.ii,r_, iiikn. i nv no pike, in Pilon H3 Porter, Stott M. 302 Price, Lisa A. 327 Quinn, Nang, ZM RR
iii_n_rL' Rwin NRTZROT- iiiiilnn inmné R 327 Portela, Iiian 07, 08, OQ. 101. Price, Patti A. 302 Quimi Knihy M_ gig  
Pi~tt·r~, Susan K 302 Pinkston, Kyle L). 230, 231, 104 _ PUR" Rlck 254 7 QUll"~`» Mary I-- 302 Ric
[*(.ii.7,,t,iii iiiiii 23; 327 Porter, .~\ub1’€y`257 Price, Shannon L. 30.. Ric
iignirnnnr iiiii,nni.ii Ltin 23;; Pinto, (iemiyn 328 Porter, Lynna C. 327 P1"id€H§)f€,iLllidJZ;é 32q Ric
i>(.n,r>nnr Mniihn Ki Zgg [ii Tcni Signm 212 lzotattihead, Mr. 4-1 Priniln nengln   th 102 R Ric
i·t.n·ia.n, i·in·1iii i. 2.11, 2ti¤ i*i1$anh1~riit»r, Elaine 241, 327 [mmf- (i°°'¤" ° P'¥“ 6* i "“k"8_~ Rn.
I>l_H.(i\,' \·1ii/i   Zigi nigh Pinnnnnl Luihui.     P0t{E’I`, L}/Hl'18   P1'1tCl'\Et\, MJT 2 -  
i»i_n.nQr MM`, gin, 327 [ants. Scnn iii Potter, Marianne 235, 280 Probst, Hans 2-10 vi Ric
L """"* "“""'l"‘i ZM m"’*”°* Ch"““`ph°" C ZM [iUW€|l' Ci Cirfehizl r;rim.H' D"b§’.“l‘i L`i3d`/Zi., Rabe. David R. 287 .11 Ri,.
[’(·[[i]5, bill'.)   220,   l)|Ul'11b, Kin}   Ioxvellf qnroli V7 ..7/ 14.; L10   U{rI__   (T ‘r_h {On); Rabei M·1Fl<     i  
"*‘>"""» ""*’>”" 2* M "'**“‘*’ L°*"·’ W P""i“"‘ °"'Yii`i“i{2§‘i, ` *§`,‘° “` "°""` M “ “ Rabe. Paul A. 327 Ric
l’i·ytt»ii, Ronald l 327 Poage, l\‘largai‘&‘t K 313 Powell' Dave __` ` ` T 5_._ __ Rains, Todd 23O Ric
l’i1{·iff<·r, Karon 22*1 I’nd>hadIei,·, l\lary 235, lip PL"“`H- El“'“"_3i’7” l;F¤Hli`l·l;-€€hA{‘“72;/ Road Rain, 22R, 220 Ric
l‘it-itler, \`.i|t-ri¢· K. 327 Poetker, Ann 2-1 1. 313 [;°“"€H" l€h‘25`7`_%“f Imebi SET _1 "R"§Oj Rainey, Lisa 327 Ric
l l‘fl1ifh.i11pt, Sarah L. 28o Pohl, 1).1vid W. 280 l~*~~‘<’ll- kd} ‘*`° Pm°'tt· El A ‘ " Rai-Rey, Siibyiiid [__ 3,g7 Ric
V Ramsey, Cliff C. 287 -
i Rif
i Ramsey, Frank 183 Rin
i Ramsey, Homer 183 Rin
l Rancy, lacqueline 327 R-.
Rankin, Carol 220 Rii
I       Rankin, Benii M.302  
` Rappig, Jill M. 241, 243, 287 Ri
ll Raque, Bruce E. 303 ` Ri]
_ . . i R. , R‘~k 238 -
Concerning the article in Wednes- _ The ethijiii Fylawih argfgqia C; Rgiliiiil Bgih 254  
days Kerrie! on the [inter-Pmtéfnltyi msang a _lS_ 9 1 er n Ratlitf, ietf T. 327 ’ Rn.
Council we feel that these bylaws befween Pure gram m Punch and rum RM¤erm¤i1.r>:v R 287 Ri,
4/ ' · in Coke or bourbon in water? All will Rauch. Karen l. 313 Ri,
serve little purpose and are mis- d k It ldb _ t Ray, Anmiiiz Rn
, ·- - . € US BS G35 -.
guided. Each bylaw passed this past §€f One Hgh k WOU d hlnh 8195; i , .>.*,.228,-_7
__ ages economic activity through RZ;   EU
{ increased Sales of Cups. It also creates Ready, Kathryn L. 313 R;
ii more trash. As ridiculous as all of this Resist-{*1* 23**_5¤ Ra
i . . EEVP5, UIIDH ...
    is, the worst is yet to come. A person Regan, Danni Rink 2,,2  
·» ~`__   must now be a UK student to enter a Regan, lasmin Black 202 Rn
· i - i - - , 7
- Gi rush party. Did IFC ever think that Rsssnbessn-Brs¤t*¤l—¤“ na
  . . Rehtuss, Kenneth M. 327 Rn
\/ alumni often attend rush parties? Rcnmni MMR 257 RL;
DO 1 O How about brothers from other Reid, Diane 23c RC
i it -  r-?  T   chapters or members of a national Eeldt W‘"'i;‘“ R 3`O3U_ Rc
~ _ , _ _ EHTIEIDH, JYEH f , ..../ ,
i - -7 \/V   organization? According to this, Rcisicii Diiiiiic A, 327  
i i fT/7’ Dean Palm cannot even attend. We Reiinwi. Elizabeth E-313 Ri.
_ Reitz, Davit L. 327 R_
i       doubt he would concur. To say the Remaciel nmie L_ M3 R;
i ~;i-..  least, these new rules leave much to Rgmaqlei Shawn M. ztis RC
i   Q be desired. To say the most, we R¤¤1i¤s*<>¤1 Liiid-i 232 nt-
i \ Q1;.] ' h   f h Remington, Sherry L. 303 Ri.
1   ` S Ou Orget t em' Remus, ludy M. 327 Ri.
i l Renco, Fred 288 RC
OR     Rcnfro, lames R. 288 3]
i I Renner, Billy Bob 4-1 R.
{ NLQ Robert M'   Renshaw, David W. 288 R;
    warren T- Million Resident Advisors 20, 21 RK
. Business Admimistration juniors R€"'°“t l"h““>' R· 327 Rt
. , Nov. 29 .
gl 344-INDEX