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By Mm`? Beuvin mothers take turns caring for each other's children.  
Uwe many dOm»t have time tO d0 anything//[ Said Parents also bear an added financial strain. Arnold “
mining engineering junior Rick Fyffe. He summed up ROgUer_re’ graduate Student m eeelelegw Sale' The  
* the only thing married students all have in common; Ones with the Children have the hardest Way te ge E
not Qnmlgh hmlrg in the day Early ChildhOOd The Roguerres, who have no children, experience E
graduate student Garnet Chrisman echoed those Very few e“e“eY efeblsqie because, The eheapeet .
feelings about her class and work schedule, saying, "I Way te ge le deublsd ee _ P
come home from work, study and go to bed. There’s The Skaggs and the" daughter, Q/a“'e» have eeme Q 
no time" Classes, homework, jobs, and family life tereegh a ”Yhele_“eW franemen te aeeemedate V
leave married students little time for other activities. lerfy S edueatlem Wlfll the help ee V·A· beneete Mee V
; _ _ _ Skaggs was a homemaker for five years while Mr.
Q This could be the reason there is no formal married Skaggg Wmked {Or Ashland COM befme deddmg tO .
—~ student organization, and why many complain about gc back tO SChOOl They mmyed {mm 3 thr€€_b€dmOm _ 
` the elffleulty ef makmg fmeneejl Patti eleagge house to their one-bedroom apartment and Mrs.  
< secretary in the College of Law, said, We had visions Skaggs Went tO Wmk -I-heirdaughter was Old Encmgh ·
Qt eeuplee getting mgethee when theyflret mm/ed to be placed in a nursery school this year, but Mrs. A
Ente _COOperetOWm’ One OehUK_e (farmed Studena Skaggs Said, "l had to deal with problems of guilt." V
¤¤¤é¤¤8 _eOmpleXee‘ Het ueban ’ Jerry, a elw Nursing graduate student Gail Wise and her
engineering freshman, has found that most married hugbémd TOm made 3 Similar tmnSmOn They
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