_  , Moimixo Siissiox. ‘ i 
intetl   The meeting was called to order by \iice—T’resident Gardner, in the absence  
`°"°l·  , Of President Graves, in the tent which had been raised for the commencement `
Yfml ‘_ Cxereises. The minutes of the last animal meeting and of the meetings during _ ‘ ‘
T TTM ’ the my year of the Executive Committee were read and approved. The Loan . if
TOWT V Fund Committee had no report. At this point R. C. Stoll, ’o5, gave his check i V I
zluatc , for $100.03 as a Scholarship Loan Fund. The Secretary, ]. D. Turner, announced ,
rk iii that quite a number had taken out life memberships; in some cases this was a T
‘t`llOIl  { second life membership. The list of these life members was published in the
Tull Alumnus for january, IQI7. A vote of thanks was then extended to Mr, Stoll
·`\*‘  — and the life members for their contributions to the work of the Association. V
2 “` ‘ The committee appointed to count the ballots for officers then made their _ V
m““’   report. The committee consisted of James H. Gardner, S. D. Averitt and ]. S. T `
l“"k`   Tie}-Iargue. They reported that the following officers had been elected; Charles T V
_  T R. Brock, YQI, Denver, Colorado, President; Thomson R. Bryant, ’0S, Lexington, T
Tb Ul  ` Kentucky, Vice-President; Dr. Samuel B. Marks, `oo, Lexington, Kentucky, See- T
mllff , i-etary—Treasurer; \V. E. Freeman, `O4, and Lucy K. Hntchcraft, ’o6, both of T
CMF   Lexington, members of the Executive Committee. .
T’O‘l?j   The meeting then adjourned for luncheon.  
7;    A1¤·ri2axoox Sicssiox.  
Vlislcl - » The Association re—convened at 2:00 p. m., Vice-President T. R. Bryant in T T
M, ·, the chair. The Dix system for future reunions was discussed and adopted. T
, ,,0, r  lt was suggested that a chart of this system be published in an early Alumnus. .
T th, in Retiring Secretary, ]. D. Turner, stated that some action should be taken  
had — to construe as to who shall bemembers of this organization, and as to whether T
WS I , admission should be charged all delinquents desiring admission to the Associa-  
,1 mc Qi tion. \\V. E. Freeman offered the following motion which was seconded by Mary   ‘
UWT, T Rodes Leaphart, which motion was carried, "That communications, except the 5
my L annual circular letter, be sent only to those having paid dues, unless the Secre— ]
mm; - tary in some special cases should see ht to do otherwise." {
ymm  . Mr. Turner brought up the matter, which had been discussed at previous  
[mm   meeting, of the much needed revision of the Constitution and By—l,aws of the T
im.], Association. It was moved by S. B. Marks and seconded by T. S. Mclrlargue, T
,,m;,_ T that the Chair appoint a committee to revise the present Constitution and By- T
mn,. - Laws, taking eognizanee of the problem of fees and dues, this committee to ' ~
L OT . r€D0rt at the next annual meeting or earlier if possible. The following amend- T `
1 me . ment was offered by _l. l·l. Gardner; "That the Chairman of the meeting, Mr. T
mm  ’ Bryant, and the Secretary, Dr. Marks, be members of this committee and that T
mmr ` they Should appoint a third member. The motion as amended was carried. ].
_ lm., U. Turner was designated as the third member. T
_ Professor Frank T. McFarland, who has charge of the University grounds, T
. requested that some action be taken by the various classes to mark their class T
· trees by means of marble markers, 7x7x18 inches. These markers in lots of T
20 would cost ·$2.co a piece. It was moved, seconded and carried that the T
T ‘ _