. ,,,   y;, _ ,
 i Edncation of the National Association of State Universities, and is at the present » . ‘ i ,
BOM " time secretary of this association. He is a member of tl1e American Economic Z {
1 my  _ Association; tl1e American Statistical Association; National Educational Asso-  
mak, —‘ Clarion; the North Dakota Educational Association; tl1e Natio11al Conference —
_ of Charities and Correction; tl1e Natio11al Association of State Universities; the 1
Q bm,   National Co11fere11ce of Marketing and Farm Credits; tllé Honorary Society of A , ·1
Drs O,  . P_ B, K,, and was a speaker and delegate at the Second Pa11—American Scientific , 1
mzmv __  Congress 111 ]anuary, IQI6. » { 1
I ; "I11 1910, Dr. Mc\*ey was a Special Agent of tl1e United States Census. He i
km Oi  · was President of tl1e Minneapolis Associated Charities from 1898 to 19o9_ He `
md U,  U was Director of tl1e Tw111 City Exhibit, \\ orld’s Fair, 111 1904, Zllld a member of
Oi mc  · the International _fury of Awards at the \\ 0rld's Eair. He was a member of _ 1
 ‘ the National Conference of Charities 2\ll(.l Correctio11s, 1905-1909; a member and '
. .  i Chairman of tl1e Minnesota Tax Commission, 1907-09, a11d Chairman of the l 1
  ·· National Conference 011 Marketing {`tlld Farm Credits, 1915, 1916 and 1917,
 i "ln 1895, Dr. McVey was 2111 editorial writer i11 tl1e City of New York, a11d
{Ohm   ill'IQCS·C9 Editor of tl1e proceedings of tl1e Minnesota Academy of Social I
, ISO; , Sciences. In·1907 l1e was Associate Editor of l.llC`TillllCt11l ot the American Eco- 4
    nonnc Association, 2`tl`l(l f1'Oll`l 1914 l1as been Editor of the National Social l
` _  · Science Series, A. C. McClurg Co111pa11y, Chicago. ~ l
mf OI g  "Dr, Me\fey l1as served tl1e State of North Dakota i11 many ways. He is   1
  Q now a member of tl1e State Council of Defense; a member of tl1e State Board -  
` -‘  _ of Education; Hlgll School Examiner, and Chairman of tl1e local \\'ar Con1mis- · ;
 . sion at Grand Forks, where he lives. I11 1911, l1e was Chairman of tl1e temporary T
;il}` ei L.  Educational Commission, whose report was tl1e foundation for tl1e report of tl1e i
s State Educational Commission appointed by tl1e Board of Regents in 1915. He E
ly up— has served 011 many commissions and is closely associated with many of tl1e n1ore i
in l1is- ` important national movements. I11 tl1e last three years he l1as acted as tl1e Pres— 1
from   ident of one of tl1e most important bodies in the United States, tl1e National 1   _
ructor  · Conference of Marketing ;lll(l Earm Credits, Illld he is 11ow a member of one f
8, and  · of tl1e advisory committees of the National Council of Defense. {
CllIlll'·  _ “\\fhile a member of the Minnesota Tax Commission, Dr. Mc\'ey formulated  
elected _ tl1e present system of taxing iro11 ore properties, which ll[lS stood lll? test of te11  
I years Z`tll(l many contests i11 the courts.  
_ 1111111-   “Dr. Mc`\'cy is both [lll economist (lll(l an educator. He llZlS written many l
011 his i books a11d numerous articles. His articles have appeared i11 tl1e Independent, I
l1ro;1d-   the Yale Review, Popular Science Monthly. School Zlll(l Society, SC2lll(lillil\`lIlll l
sity of licview, _lournal of Political Economy, ;\.l]lC1`lC(lll ]0llI`l\(ll of Sociology and l
nc ha: ` others. The best l{lTO\\`l'i of his books are Tl1c History and (fi0\`Cl'IllllClll of Kllll— l
llCill`l}'   Hcsota, Modern Industrialism, Tl1e Making of Z1 Town, Railroad Transportation l
versity  ‘ illld Business Economics, wl1icl1 is just off the press. He has lectured i11 many I
  states, a11d i11 IOI.2 delivered lectures before tl1e L`nivcrsity of Cltristiznia i11 l
of i111- _  Norway. In COllllllEllllll§ upon tl1esc, tl1e i‘\l1lt‘l'lC1lll Minister said i11 :1 letter to '
itndent Q fudge N. C. Young, the I‘residcnt of the Board of Trustees of the L”11iversity i
versity   et NOTlll Dakota; X
1905 to   H (The Rector flll(l prominent n1e111l1ers of the faculty spoke to 111e highly l
imc i11 E of the lectures, 2`tl`l(l tl1e press COll]l'l“lC‘ll'[S were all COlll[`lllll'lClll.{`tl`}'. Dr. McVey`s l
, t
i i