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‘   ` fine personality captivated the academic circles and all others with whom he camp   \l)l.
V   { in contact. The visit was a most gratifying introduction of the Universitv- of Qé:
  . _ i - . . . . . . . ’. ;+·‘
§l~§¥ - l North Dakota to the Llmversitv ot Christiana and insured reswect for American  
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i'/3}; scholarship, It was creditahle and satisfactory in every way}  
Lf} “This is a brief outline of the work which has heen accom lished hv 1)]-_ ;=`
  P .  
lily}; l\~[c\ ey. Xonr committee unanimously recommends him to he President ol the .=‘ 
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  Umversitv ot Ixentuckv and it heheves that it Dr. Nlc\ ev is elected and acct »1< 3
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12* T' V the lace, that he will make the Umversitv what we all ho ue it to be.  
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  ·,·. E if “Respectlully submitted,  ;i
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·;.·»'_;i C . Signed iRIL`lr[.\lil1 C. STOLI. Cliazrman, je 
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  "l’.xL‘L P. Bow,  L
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