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fbi,   wr members of this joint committee to include one representative of each oi tht instruct
'iigig   three larger colleges of the University, i. e., Liberal Arts and Sciences, Eng.  s of Agri
  , i neering and Agriculture, and that the three be nominated t0 the Board by thi Directo
  l faculty themselves voting by ballot at a meeting called for the purpose. lt i; ·  ment to
  r desirable that this committee should make a delinite recommendation on or expendi
    before September 15, 1917*. _ _ _ volving
¤·   3f (The members of tl11s Committee, who were elected by the Faculty, art College
    Professor George Roberts, ’o9, Profssor P. P. Boyd, and Professor \\l. li. Fra.  · must gt
    man, ’o4. 'l`he four members appointed by Governor Stanley are R. C. Stoll,  t subordi
  .—Zl ’o5, vChairman; ]. I. Lyle, ’o6, Robert G. Gordon, of Louisville, and Fraitl; _ js to be
ily,. l Mckce, of Vtloodford County.) U _ _ _ - Th;
hill · All appointments in the University of kentucky shall be made strictly nit mm “.·
=;,},-_ `   the basis of merit. The Board of Trustees stamps with the strongest disapproval ‘ `Tl
  lj the slightest reference in this connection to any political, religious, fraternal ig.;  _ TID
;{   ,; family influence.  _ 1.0] l`
tj .·'_ · e No member of the Board of Trustees and no relative by blood or marriatt _ lhlcr
lc} it of any member of the Board of Trustees, or any administrative oilicer ol tht; ll-OmTfll
      University, or of any member of the faculty holding the rank of assistant pro- T d l`
_ Y ,   fessor or higher, may hereafter be appointed to any position in the University, L, leflli H
  § it That the President investigate all appointments, including the county agents, i allolu l
it `, jg alleged to have been made for political, religious, fraternal, family or other  ` Ol Qi
*     improper reasons, and to make recommendations based on merit alone as to  . . I I
    the continuance of such appointments. V lu tf
,g`gg=_ -   No alumnus or student of the University shall be employed as an instructor  » l‘ it
·   ,   for a period longer than two years, unless he has been at least Five years cm- · lm cli
.' Q ; fl? ployed elsewhere in practical work, or as a teacher of the subject for which ht  5 lugs Sli
' .,`_ A $3° was employed at this University, i 6_ Tl
1 _ l 1Q That an amendment be secured to the present law providing for scholarships  , le hm
  I " I; to the University, repealing the present scholarship provision, Olltrlli
.   , i An amendment to the present statute to provide for a Board of fifteen (lil ?mt‘Ll(
ly g , members, comprising the Governor, State Superintendent of Public Instruction. = .0l It
ii I " the Commissioner of Agriculture, ex ollicio, and twelve citizens to be appoiutrtl i lm if
` its _ by the Governor, for each biennium for a term of six (6) years; one of the lout  ; _l 15
l   { appointed each biennium to be a representative of the State Board of Agricul- ` Noni
t   ,   ture (in addition to the Commissioner) ; one to be appointed who is an aluuuui< j
  ~ T nominated to the Governor by the Alumni Association, and the other two to ht  V
  · ‘~ _ distinguished citizens, one from each of the two leading political parties. M ·  S
jilfa ’ _ V   two of the appointed members of the Board holding ollice at any one time shztll .
  , V. be residents of any one county in the State. ‘This provision, however, shall .
  _ ‘ l not apply to those who are appointed on nomination of the alumni. p
  . That the Executive Committee shall have prepared a general plan or sclictnr
jzilfg . 1 for the future location of buildings on the campus. .
  Members of the University staff may be permitted to do professional wpfli Tl]
Q   of an _expert character outside of the University, and to receive pay tliereleft _ of Tm
l   t when it appears that the services desired cannot be readily obtained elsewhtfvt U
3 .tl·» provided that no piece of such outside work shall be undertaken except on tht . ‘ l· Sl
l   . prior written authorization of the President of the University, The l‘resi