has _' Master’s degree in human re- as clerk for the Honorable Eu- tucky Derby Festival, Inc. Pri- ply officer aboard the USS  
and sources administration through gene A. Siler _]r., the Honor- or to this position he was events Newport. °  
ith- in the University of Scranton, able Thomas A. Ballantine jr., coordinator ofthe Festival.    
iskal   Sc;2;lngor;aPangiegzmarried to gr thelA.rm){]_Judge Advcpc?te   Theresa L. Schultz ,86 is  
`   JO P rs ’ ` thinggierg Jugiggggacgntcr EW Robert W. Vick ’84 is the the media relations coordinator  
  . n n creditline o erations officer in for the Kentucky Department  
`ii l  David S. Mitchell ,82 has WaShlngtOn’ D'C` In 1983’ Barnett Baiilt of _]acksonvi]le’s Ol`Trav€l Development  
iS a   earned an MA in marriage and Ethchards was a Summer mmm (Fla.) Bankcard Department. ——  
30lf   family counseling from South- Or U'S' Senator Wendell k , 2
She   . . FO]·d_ Jac ey R. Stanley 86, a {
 _n, western Baptist Theological . , . . N . · N , 1 H. h ·,
Hm   Seminary in Fort Worth ;—_ Chris Kalb 8415 abusmess avy enslgn, 1S a awa lg t {
.,,a_   Texas ’ education teacher at Miami ofiicer after completing the  
the 1.;  ‘ D ·     Edison High School in Florida, Overwater _]et Naviaoation  
X 1,;     · I l _, IA ._   and is gdvisgy for (hg   Pl‘1aS€   Training SqLlZi(iI`0H·  
{uh   1 William C. Fenwick ’82, a  " _ " 86, Naval Air Station, Pensaco-  
  1 Marine captain, was promoted     i ,   la Fla  
if E? to his present rank while serv- A   -·
at  1 . .   r t ¢ ' `*
 ,1 ing with Inspector and Instruc—  », U2 "’/ . , ~  
, _ 1;, 1 .   ._.      y Jeffery W. Fultz 86, a Ma- ,
1;;;   11§2§,$te§» §,**hHMe¥¤¤_e» §?,Vj¤:·   Q5   rine second lieutenant, it on _1
  " °: “ · C J°‘“° .6      . .   duty watntnt 2nd Marine Divi- Q
it it   Marine Corps Reserves in  e gg .».   l  <,_   sion Camp Lcjcunc N C ;
,1,,, ii  1, _ ‘     1.
  ` Carole Don las Christian Melissa Salchli ’83 is traiiic ,11   Dana J_ Nelson ,86 and  
law   l` t g end bF0¤d€&$¥ m¤¤9~§€Y f01‘ ge in Cynthia L. Hill ’87 were mar- °l
` if  82 has been named an asso- F . . _§   _ I1
ron- il  _- Yoodman AdV€1`U$mg IHC She     ried on August 20, 1988. They .l
_ .t  tiate by Wyatt, Tarrant & - l · -   . . . ·
[UA1 ~,,  1 ` is responsible for bidding and   are hvmg m Great Falls, l
 . tombs, a law firm. She pre- _ d t_ d t. f . l
 li ` viousl served on the aumal 0 pre an poi pm uc Km O Terri Neieer Constant ,84 MOnt" Where Nclsfm is a KQ- ;
1: 1 Y J Jl b d ll .I
Q  ` Famil Law and was a Summer roa cast projects, as we as is 8 the Wine Omprcmisc map 135 Navigator with the Alr ·_
  1   managing the orderly flow of · — Force stationed at Malmstrom  
;tott   1 associate for Woodward, Hob- O. t thr h th C ket SUPCYVISOT lll K€m¤€kY for A. F’ B ni
ant;  * .1son & Fulton and for Wyatt, pr JCC S Oug Cagcn y` the Bwwn-Forman Beverage " °"° aw ` 1
jni- ,1,  iTarrant at Combs in 1986 and ;_ Company- She le based l¤   1
,0%   , 1987 respectively David S. Adams ’83 has re- Louisville. tl
tion   i M ceived a Master of Divinity in  .  
nm        M M WWW}, christian education from the  
g_ Ei,  E     Southern Baptist Theological     _%$_ Jn;-”" ··
  1   _   Seminary in Louisville. ,.  »· _ . * *1,   ·-) if __ l'
 [    t.   M   . ,   ··  1   I E
  ,1,  l , te  4;   David o. nitidtttn esa, tt  _·  -.~ ‘       5
ain,     in  ;  " Navy lieutenant j.g., was part ‘    g ,,, ft  mi  
J ’ ii   `/ f a six-month de lo ment to "> T 1 ·i lo ·
1t.· ¤   ° py t ·.  \ ~ ‘
in 1;   I. ‘  the Persian Gulf while serving i    {  ,__‘T’i,‘   Q
`ét:  V    ’_,, V _/ljeo g aboard the guided missile frig- "; _.      ..;` Regina Abrams ’88 is an as- i
  V '"'i  ’·     ate USS Reuben james, home-  i' ·,     r sociate with the law firm of  
_   ported in Long Beach, Calif. t·1liilnt.  . in   [e I   Wyatt, Tarrant & Combs. She `g-
  il ,2,  Roger Bonn ’83 has been M , _ was previously the executive 1
gllvli  ,= `PV0m0t€d by B¥`0W¤·F0Ym&¤ Ricky B. Clark ,83 has I.€_ ggml Hoiglicstazg/C   gs I: editor of the Kentucky Law _]0ur-  
·‘“‘   ~Beverage Company to Missis- . . me ee mp S_ n a 0   nal and has won several book ·
port   is, imarkct mana cr based in Cowod the Jurls Deeter degree tex Laboratories. Before join- W nds 1]
· _ _'1  1 pp . g .’ from Ohio Northern Univer- ing S mcx She was a Sales a a ' ai
mg   jackson. He 1S married to the Sit   f’ C . I mj li
  former Catherine Wheat ’81. yl cxiimmic Scir Lénmlglgs Nigel?   il
 5 They are members of the UK nil uma lgn O` S _ _   i  Q. i
  National Alumni Association. Susan Camlc R°°d°* ,84 vlH€’T€nn` U   " toil   
  [ iistiZ§$LZ°?.S.nM§ZTtiZi.i°i¥§§C F,,,,,,A Sm., tt, a N.,  w ‘        i
 > ,R?°*‘“"* I? P’°‘°‘° we a ost Theelegieel Somloory in lieutenant jg. it tt member ti t     ` ll
ii?  ~ A {mime Brit hcutcnarm was re- Looisvluo- the crew ofthe USS Peterson a ` .f Z I  in l
1,  rently designated a helicopter . ’   ,2 l
  htuttttrt commander. He it » demvet homepelted ·¤ Nee   __   £
  lserving with the 2nd Marine Donald W. Blevins ’84, an fOlk’ Va`      
  lAircraft Wing, Marine Corps electrical engineer at the Mi- if ‘ "  
 _; Air Station New River, Jack- croelectronic Center of North ‘_]eH`rey·W. Fultz ’·86,~a Ma- Jennifer Leigh Sapp ,88 is  
 o sonville, N.C. Carolina at Duke, 1S a chief re- rmc 2nd lieutenant, is with the an associate with the law Erm _ 1
ear    -—— searcher for the Blitzen super-   Marlilnté Division, Camp nf Wyatt, Tarrant & Combs.  
'fm   Ward D. Richards ’83 has computer pmlcch cJ€unc’ ' ' Sapp was on the Moot Court  
'(O   tbeen named an associate in the Board in law school and also  
me  t law firm of Wyatt, Tarrant & Clay W. Campbell ’84 is joseph Lec Paul ’86 is a won the Outstanding Oral Ad- vgif
Or '  i ` Combs. He previously served director of events for The Ken- Navy ensign serving as a sup- vocate Award.  
  2I UK tail
 1 th