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  t . . . A New Yeur rs here  
  ‘ •V\/e ore thus reminded thot AS you know, olong with •V\/G will be occountoble  
t¥_ we hove hed mony positive these positive things, we hove the public. We ogree with   A
Q. J _ things to rejoice obout ot the hod some problems. ln porticu- those who soy "demond the  
    University ot Kentucky in the lor we hove hod the rtoggirig best Ot UK, provide the tunde  
jj A . yeer just post, such os; investigotion ot our bosketboll needed, ond hold the odmirti  ,  Fe
ll . . ‘e ._ —-   A _ progrom. Resolution ot the trotion responsible torthe  il
2 t   _. .   _ jj  • An outstoncling treshmon . . . it  
il .. r e"“‘”r· {  . . NCAA ollegottons is o high results. ,,
it .  ~ - .  ij  tl Closs in l988, with entronce MOM {Or UK We remcin  
il "l `g ·  ='.   E exom scores substontiolly p ljj d TO (gl Com GHHVG in- •We will moke our best  jjj
  _ _r` .     crbove the notionol overoge. Fglglgljg Gjcje Gjhjejjcp rO mm etlort to ottroct outstonding st  
ji {  M   i  ‘‘', l 5 UK's treshmon closses hcrve im- B Q I p_H gdj ' dents to UK.   lu
   ’”  l  § proved steodily in quolity since Ul   Oleg SO COmml G O  
jj   O SGIQCHVG Odmjssjons pcjjcy odminrstrcttion ot thpjejpfig-· T •To·enhonce the groduote  
j, Nj Ei WGS jnsjjjjjjed jn jog4_ 9V¤m$ in ¤ mclimei G *5 Oli O educotton ond reseorch copcr  
  » the student-¤thleteS Gnd com- bilities ot Ui<. Improvements!  
  " •Applicotions tor the 2,600 Dli¤¤i Willi NCAA V€QUl¤ii0¤$· these oreos ore olreody evi-  J. l
  Q .   slots reserved tor the treshmon Our othletic progroms must dent, Gnd We WOM jO Comm,   
ll “*’l·’*l’ closs exceeded l l,000, o reflect ilté V¤lU€$ ot the to do more. We believe thot  
l: I record. institution. turther emphosis on groduote  ‘__ _
l • Record-high enrollment ot   ll? help 9jljOUl ‘;L¥m"l Sduccllloll Cllglleseglclj as Gl]  
S negrjy   Studenjs {Or The OD b|l'|€HthS W9 LVII $$19   I E);fOpFICIl€ Ol']   Clit O UU   i ])l8(
L University—23,000 on the lex- El? Gm lougjj   ll G; jj' Ommonwec ‘  
jj ington Compus ond 32,500 in G l€ll€’ We Wl CVG G 8 Gl •\/\/e else wgnt to prornot  je 
r jjj C . C jj othletics progrom. . . jjj  ,
. G »0mmU¤¤iV 0 GQG . .. involvement in UK omongt 0  r
jl S lt is olso trodittonol cit the end . . j ·  
ystem. , citizens ot the Commonvveoi   —
  , ot o yeor to mention gools, our Gnd OH Of Our Ojumnj We j(O _; 
il l • UK i¤<3¤ltv h¤v€ ¤ttr¤cted New Yeor Resolutions, it you . . ‘ “j  
il l record outside support tor the W;||_ Just brtetjy Some Ot l0 QM llccllllcllcl l;llOglOm$_O‘   · ·
  t Umilt-its$5/*·2m*"‘¤t item   ¥?.%"§§lZL7lf§'ZEL?i“;iti2”22"    .9
lg ottrocted in ronts ond con- _ ’ _ _  iw
  l trocts ensurei thot the Univer- °l° '§l°ji'd€ Qjlcxllllum OC` llOl‘# time Glls pl°9l°lj;llm'llg’ V  =`` fg
" sity will retoin its ronking bythe C€$$_lO '9 _€l G Umlloll °F’pOl’ €l€·» ¤it€r€¤* Uflcleil 8 $F’O"$   y Mm
ji Carnegie Foundotion os o Re- g"'l'€Sr lllcllgyjjlllougll Oul Slllp Qt lllg lexlllgloll Cclllpllg  jj fo al
j Segmjj Unjvgsjjy Oj jjje FHS, ontmunttv 0 ege ystem. tx/ledicol Center, ond Commu ri,  Kentu
  OCISS. The tuture ot Kentucky lies in ty College System to prO\/Gi tig  __
fj I I j the opportunity ot its citizens to the University ot Kentucky is   Q Ml
Ii ’ Ul<·$ ll'€“d$ PlOV'd€d V€" become better educoted. Eco- truly the University ot oll   E E
ll Cmd Pl'V¤l€ SUPPOVV W6 Ole nomic develo ment will come, l(entUCkiqns_  
i» - l° · -
jj deltsihisd th¤t Qi O Oi ¤¤r wp- out o good educotionol system ln the New Yeor oheod, jj  Q m
j_ Follels bewme MVK UK l€l‘ stotewide—trom kindergorten pleose join us in working to- ji  Em
tr OW$» the mO$l GVGV lil Om? through college—must come Werd these gOels_ You hove  V
y€Ol' ll'$l· much to be proud ot in being  Y Qm
l •To improve the solories ot Qhlgclllflle Oljlllls ;l‘$lEljll°"j;d  {g fj)¤¤
{ UK toculty ond stott. We hope l ele ls muc l0 O?98%lW  _` jj;6
ij thot you will tell your govern- GS UK mol/SS llllo ‘   j,,jsh
j; mentol leoders thot you wont ` 5 By
‘ the best higher educotionol op-  A Kei
  portunities possible, ond thot it   U By
  storts with ohtrocting ond keep-   l°
[ ing good employees in our   ll ll A
S universities.    
Q lj 
ii, g  Stow,
ijj  s —
  Llik is ·