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  Sleep Apneo Study Whispering Pines Sofety Poys E
an   Three UK researchers are studying james P. Dunn, a UK doctoral student A Southeast Community College safety  
Wg l" t1 whether sleeping disorders among the in entomology, reports that trees send training program has helped Arch of  
ii till elderly are benign results of age or con- signals not only to one another, but to Kentucky Inc. earn a Sentinels for Safe- I
C M   tributors to serious health problems. eavesdropping insects as well. ty award for its outstanding mining  
'C,   David Berry, assistant professor of According to earlier research find- safety record in 1987, according to the  
E   psychology, Barbara Phillips, an assis- ings, trees react to insect attacks by, Labor Department’s Mine Safety and  
  tent professor of medicine, and Yvette among other things, changing the for- Health Administration and the Ameri- E
eU;`li`, Cook, an assistant professor of neurolo- mulation Of chemicals in their leaves. can Mining Congress, co-sponsors of l
Pu;"·‘·»§ gy, have reeeived 3 $16,545 grant from This alteration makes the leaves less the annual program. The UK commu- il
ndlusi the American Lung Association to tasty and, in some instances, less digest- nity college taught safety to all of Arch’s L
recc-.·- - - · . :
t , study sleep apnea in the elderly. 1ble by insects. employees in 1987. 1
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~ Sleep apnea 1S a breathin disorder As t e new mlxtute O e emlea s ln *
:11 1 r . . g · · - 1
ESC,   tl1at may result in a cessation of breath- the leaves ls r¤>_l¤¤S<>d_1¤t¤ the alt; the l
Q pw   ing or shallow breathing during sleep. tneetY S9es» nelgnbetlng trees begln te  
  lt th k — f th ' l -‘
m, gn; About 80 Peteent Ot the elelel`lY POPu` ah Cr h Ch mil Cdué) 0 M Cir Eagles; ES Students in ossociote professor Jock Gron's  
laumhf lotion sunsers from some degree of sleep t eug t eY a eeu_ Wame O t e sculpture closses hove disployed their closs  
  _, aqnea, Berry said. Presence <>fd&¤ger<>¤S1¤S<¢crS· proiects in vorious locotions oround campus. {
      About OnC_thiI.d Of the elderly POPu_ Dunn has shgwn that at least 01'1€ glais li||W}l;1{Om€d EECE, by $€nl§V SFULDWVB ln¤lOt  
.1. 1.., . . . · · ern oncoc , is compose o see, screen ,1
’ ; l M €>ht_¤¤ 4, ` __ A —:. ‘ ', ,, * gy l ·- VH1, l -rr•,¢ J, ,
_   anong the middle-age population, he _·;»¤sg,y;,(\_ ·lll‘lll>  1, . {  •" , c ·   -;· '·’· 1,   ·· Z   ; f
1€¤o   1   —··:..· . .z»1¤·¤=··¤·~tl;l a · I i- it s ` · · ·   ‘   » r' r ’
.   ss·1d. Those who frequently suffer from -~- — ~g·.ti   ‘—., _ ep . , ‘”   1 _ -1 ; ` E
:s1d1:¤. ·· l . . {}t.·,;;_,ll*l     *~=* , ’ .   ‘ . ; r
E , sleep apnea tend to have cardiac prob- ,§,,i;l1t‘ts__   ‘ Q _ ,·· y 1- ·· g; .. ·
asc , _ ` ltms, be depressed and have trouble  __, !t·§i?""}3t;p' all  ~   1 ‘iT l
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g ,,,__ concentrating. Y   .- _ _1 —`1:t,EE;ti·;` , '   ._jTi_.` ” ‘   " _:_,· ·‘ 1 ‘ l
_O0,_, ,f Since 1986, Berry, Phillips and Cook  1 , ·* ¥— · ·l!ill  1   I   , `   _ . _  
{W,.   have studied groups of people age 60 or Tw Q} o   it .   ,     . _ Q o _· . —- . _  o .  1 Q
mt ,,   r Otder to determine whether sleep apnea _ __  glp   ~.o·_»_,,___   1 ·~ _   to — .. . .   ,25;:    
Q cztuses similar problems among the el-   {LI`-     V .- .lF** 'il ·. . fr Q, "` . i ~"§;—.   " T" l 1
S 011-·* . . ’ tis B j —- _—·_    — _ .   Y ,1 F _, 1 - 1 .
il? ,1 l dvrly. Berry said the grant will allow the   ___;,js,_·t   1 ", ·   ’ · · .· __ i·¤§ - s  
i _ rt searchers to continue annual observa-   ‘ ~» _   _;   ·_ . .  2·   ,  
¥ tions of the group members.   ’   I `     \_1     \e·-szr" j il
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’ The first follow-up study indicated  ",;:"j?—~*°;  Nob, ‘ r·<;,·,E ,,;__,¢_ x   i* __.g,;,,;L:_».v_ *,·,,:o:;·-  Q;
· I tlzat those who had frequent sleep dis'  fn l I it      if 1 W  i   
  , ruptions had more daytime problems it s ju`; V  _/ 6,..    ,,,°_` sa   S   ~·'f' ·g  _#»{ _  l E
 1   than those who had few or no disrup-   .·       _    ”  
 S ` tions, Berry said.   {Vt .._, ,, [ ,·.‘ ¤.>Q·,...·=· ’.  ,.., M "=r*;4`§,f~ Qfggj-f:;·L_  
1 1 1 · · ~·'•'. ' · i - .   .";» .` · `:· · s` T~" " * ""’ · ·°"' . `- w 1
 j 1 They had a mild increase 1n blood   js ‘_ eg _`\;·   '·#· ·   ’4‘ `·:‘·‘— af ,_ · »   l
; pressure and reported having heart ir-   "   , , ‘°· ,          
_ _ · ·   .,·   _ o ¤·‘·*':1’;,;__   _. 1 Q 1 _·’{q2{;   _   t~_1*"‘·~1•_.(;_.:·..a,.—_ Z_
I rtgularities and pulmonary problems,   , ,,,,{,§f,_i’>b,_r&_s_$,;F  ,4 ,,,,,,1,.W Y     \. $1,*, ;_,,_,,,__,<.,;.   E
1, hp S3_1d_ -, $,,,1*; *·.,,' no *_   ,~ {gg ,   .5 urn     · ·r 1;_.·{_-._ ‘»j»1o·   .   _Q
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 I The researchers are currently compil-    .:».;a·*¤ .‘ .    - .».  €-~¤·· -  B- ,. x--   ·· ••‘· 1   ··1 · . .¤~ · 11 . · 5.1, ··  
  ing data from the second follow-up  
  study and will compare those findings  
  with the earlier study. Q}
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