AND (ZE/lt? ti
Vol. 5, No. 4 .......................... Fall 1959 _
A report of progress published quarterly by the Kentucky Agricultural
Experiment Station, University of Kentucky, Lexington ~
Kl£N'l`U(JKY .»\(}RlCUL'I`URi·\L EXPERINIILNT Material appearing in this publication may be re- . _
  ]_)I`0(lllCC(`l \Vltl]OlllZ fUI`tl1€1` p€I`lUlSSlOH, ]_)I`OVl(]€d thklt   ·‘
l"lL•\NK j. \V1£taCII ............................................ Z ..... Director {nl] neknewledglnent is nude ef the Source and that —
Q¥Ili;.I?}I A. SUIEAY ......................-. · »·-»     ne Chgngg in hgadmgg or text is made without UDDTOVRI Qi
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j. ALLAN Ssrrru .........................,........ Agricultural Editor by thc author' {/ip
Kentucky l:m.m and Home Seienee Address correspondence about articles in this pubi L
IOSUPH G DU\I(_\Y Editor lication to either the authors or the Department ot  
‘u)U.ai 1¤.'1s(»$Xv§L¤. Z[Z[X][][[[]j]X[[]]”"A§;{§iL{}{{`izaam Public I¤i¤¤¤¤¤<>¤¤ Md Ed¤¢¤¤¤¤¤* Aide E¤1>¢¤¤¤¤¤t H
ltourzirr C. NIAY .......................................... Photogranher Station Building, University of Kentucky, Lexington.
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In Th ts Issue rr
Ciunmxc on \VrxusUc1<1No ,4*
V' ,
IN Trronouor-imuzns e
By Dewey C. Steele Page 3 ’°"r I
Poou QUALITY LIAY ou CONcmN’r1iA’rms
Dams Ur DA11iY Cows N ‘ `
By Don li. jucobson, ]. P. Bates. ]r.. and \V. M. Miller Page 4
Usic or l)A1l{Y l)1’tODU(C'l`S BY KENTUCKIANS
By jolm B. Roberts Page 5 if