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2 T H E 1 D E A
 -•-••--—·- »— · -----— :1·-•—i>—-·  **""‘ """‘*‘ ‘ " 0 ****1 ·-· ·-
Symphonic Orchestra Exclusive Mutual and Universal Program of Moving Pictures Go Where the Go': Go.
“°°‘ I HE ORPHEUM I HEA I RE °"""'°"°° #
Me At Admission 10c
I     have been given to The IDEA.   &  
I __-_;______ I
1 Published every Thursday throughout the Colton you by tho student bod! wt, note that a book exchange ht mI |ucc•••or to IARIIO A CO. • •
, ot th• State University of Kentucky, tor the benetlt ot the undor- 107 W Main St
I mann", slumnt and neun, ot ut. lnsuutusn. be <>v•¤¤<1 ¤¤¤¤r the ¤¤··v*¤¤· 0* the · •
l ,-_.s-—----—»-   ·--an       —-e»»—-Tr: runny on the campus or the unlver- UNT •°¤A WUNTMN W TNI
    I THE IDEA In the otnctal newspaper of tho University. lt ls tnuod with sity of Mtcmgam Such B movement UTY- Fm! GANNN
Itho view ot furnishing to lu subscribers all the college news of Kentucky, _____ ___
»tog•th•r with a digest ot ltemn ot lntoroat conoornlng tho u¤lv•r•It|•• ot mlsht **9 3 ¤¤°°€¤¤ und"` Y¤°“l*Y ¤“‘ S
    Iothor states and Canada pervision, but past experlenve shows  
_' ___i _ I __ _ r _ _' __ _ H , , 'j,, _ 'L ';”;i.T"I  U I H 1 I
2 NEW 8 IUIICRIPTION, our oottn nn vnn. nv: cnn nn corv "‘“ ‘"‘°“°""" "‘° ""°*‘“““° ” °°“ luniversity
8 ' '     ' ' 3 Entorod st Lexington Post Otllco u second cla; mul matt"-, tt‘0ll€d by the students, they generally
Y.; _..s ., .:. - - . 7;;.1,.. ;._;*;.;;..·..:r;-_:;.·:·:$i’;;r:.····?·· rz.;   to IGIVO thé other    
EDITORIAL ITAFF 1|14-1|16. .-L·-•-•---—-
ma MA]-INEE Inc ctymc P. rnruon .................   ................. Editor-In-Chlet *E*°‘-U"'°N° °" “°’E°"`· K
c KENNETH DORIQ _....... . ....... . ................... Managing Editor The faculty of the College of M9   • ·
      IJ. OWEN REYNOLDS ............... . .................... A••t•t.a¤t Editor chamcnl mid Electrical Engineering, Often free tuition in an dep I
I Aoooolato Edltoro. State University of Kentucky, were tl h
  Lncsumrrrm BELL .... Patterson Hall J. E. BOLLING ...... Mech. and Bloc. called an speenn session at 9 s. m., men t° t ° K ra d u * t ° B
IA. B. LEIBOVITZ ........... Atln1•t1c•IG. C. ROGERS ............... `klnlng Mm-ch 10, 19l5_ and passed the follow- of Kentucky High Schools who
  lll. W. ROTH ............. Agriculture FLORENCE HUGHES ..... Exchange ing resolutions;
¤ are prepared to enter the Fresh-
......._.. Whereas, The father of our Dean,
‘  c  I LESTER W. BRADY ................................... Bannon M•.¤•;•rIpmf“sm. F_ Paul Andm.B0n_ died at mlm C].“_
I J. T. GELDER ...................... . .............. Subscription Manger ms home in Moline imno,. on Mm,
s s..»~44-s   as e   Y   ———e --—»»_.e——-—_I ' ' Each county in the State is
  ’"*"“"" M"   ’”"’ "     A   `" A"`"' Iday, March Sth; be it resolved,
I(‘oIlege of Mechanical and Electrical ,
M  peace Ann r>n:l=•AnA1·toN ron wAn. lEngm€e,,ng_ State University 0, Kem tl°¤» m¤t!‘i¢¤]¤U0¤. laboratory • •
‘i‘ Itucky, express ln this way our Bl¤0€T€`8I'1d other feel one Ot mol'! lp-
Elsewhere in the columns of The IDEA ls found an article pertaining tomympathy wml professor Anderson I ’ _
an address delivered by Ur. Louis Lochner, of the University of Wlsconslmland the members of his mmm. In meh, Pomuel
pertaining to peace. He is working for international conclllatlon and be-I|OBS_ I Necessary expenses moderate
I .
AN       lleves that this great neutral nation should take the lead ln disarmament. I SGc0nd_ That 9, telegram expressing . · ·
It is apparent that the need of the man behind the gun has been urgent I our Sympathy and a copy of them reS_ F0? fllu 1!1f0l’!!18t10n 1‘¢g||’d·
tn the past. Philosophers contend that might ls right and that power shall ioluuons be Sem to professor Ando, ing appointees, courses of ltudm
U, ~ Kt- _ ever be dominant. Never have rulers and statesmen made so many loving_S0n_ _
I  3;i_,:j‘  .  speeches as within the last decade. Nothing has flourished within the present I Thh.d_ That A copy of these ,.es0lu_ 008t of board, etc., apply to
'* **7  A2 · _`. ·. generation so much as the campaign f0|’ D¢·‘t1<‘f‘-€X<‘€D\ the manufacture of I gong be entered on the minutes of the °
, .   ··  e . t 1 H S BARKER
I ,  -·"‘·",.7,1 ; , • •
‘ -<"Q.·—'·..yr_gw<}~ · armament. rg·acu|gy_ ·
  I All men with love for their brethren are opposed to the wholesale slaugh-; Fourth, That the Lexington dam. Prelideuts
_   ter of soldiers. The power of reason appeals to the sane mind as the pr0perI papers and the University IDEA be r(,_I Lllihfton, Ky.
 ·    { tribunal to Same an dtgputeg, Should men and kings be able to conflde in queswd to publish these ,-9s0;um,nB_  
one another and but forth the principle of` brotherly love as did the Nazerlne,   · ·
1 Signed.
by `· there would be no occasion for di8D\1tP. JOSEPH DICKER’           S
~? lt seems as if one nation becomes mighty in war because lt fears theI A_ L_ WILHOITE, C
__ aggression of another. This is emphasized by the present European conflict W_ E_ FREEMAN, TAB!-ETS AND FINE
»· . Q which can not be descrlbed evcent by that art *****1* ls °"’" ““‘“ ‘““"""“"·I C°‘““‘"‘°°‘ I STATIONERY
I, The people of America are opposed seemingly to a strong military props- ’
\_ ` ganda. Columbia University has started a campaign for peace, declaring thatI I JOHNSTON S CANDY
G |;_ the soldier unsheathlng the crimson sword has too long been our tavoritel      
  ., x harry And today it is souls and not soldiers that we want. I       E  
' The history of the nations is little more than the history of war. Man *‘-""‘ ° °  
on ».
CHQ il is a warllke being and conflicts are lnevltable until some substitute ls given B· H· Mitchell. ¤ student ln the 30. W"` Mlm ·"“‘
. . to me peoples Oy the Gang {Horticultural Department, has been
To Inspect the new   _______;..;........_..; Iemployed by the Board of Education *' *""'   •
Sgykg in + + + + ,., ,|, ,·, 1, ,., .., ,·, ‘, + Vandy ,.M,dS ha". now gone in towns supervisor of home scholo gardens .
HUM OF THE GADFLY 4- i d b .· h u. or th, pdurlng the summer. He will have
Hatq * n oor the 8 <‘0\1¥`t*€ ey I I f I d i I I Y HAVE YOUR
’ * ·I· ·|• •|· •l· § O O O I- •I• O 0 ·|·`lm\’e the usual positions ot catch-lm,`C*m`$€ 0 UQ ga" EUS n a Bcloo let
·r»-as News an mma. pttcmm, mst basewomsn, etc. Ito be selected by himself and super-   I
  ______ llntendent Cassidy, of the public FOR THE   `
Shrrtse ‘Al C°l°¥`¤d0 ¤thl¤¤¢ **1199 The girls of Transylvania and Ham·{’°h°°‘8· MADE AT N I
  Govern student publications, Hton held {lm,. mst mack UWM lull He will begin his work about thei I
And ¤ varsity msu was wounded is week and tt mss Mahoney carried ss~**r¤t 0* the m¤¤th end W"' V¤t*> the uumphrcy’S   0 I
’ _ The hght among the nations. the honors. Muay ter the lrlsh!" ““"“°°““ each “"’°k and **11 °f SMI `
  t     » one hundred and titty Seniors here l ;._. urday as long as the gardens require 341 w_ Ian SL p.°“1635_x
Th   I:   Are their diplomas seeking: I A eertatn student whose name we 'm°“u°°· I .....,,
e   e   At K¤¤¤¤B U·· wouldn't tell under any circumstances `tm __` H ` K V 1 ` l` `— Q" ` ` ` `wvwm" ` " wr" "' "'
S0V€¤iY·iW0 Iwants to get his picture ln the annual Q 4
. , 1 A
Pglm Buch Sung   50__$9 Women take public speaking. Iand is looking for Someone with 8   AM I GOING?
ull. tu umn ; Ipanoratnic camera. To
(‘olumbla'lI have a football team, ;___,.
  <   The studéms have S0 voted.   lletgiun professors left without l>0¤i·      
Q For ¥6¤ YGUB Dui ih°Y'V€ l¤<'k€’d hltions because ot the war are coming
'l6V€¤ Ito the United States, says a news  
& 4 O I And F6! Ulf? school is noted. Iitgm_ Thug dogg me wm- throw great     l
• Miami gives her mld-year DIHY. hardships upon American college stu-
"°°"°""‘ I W*·*c*·   may       WELSH & M U RRAY
The College Fellows' Shop The J¤¤i<>r "Me¤l¤¤" I
  ATB YU from L°*·· ° The Georgetown supporter who
Wllllé this YOU M6 D€l‘¤¤l¤8- Isent the debating team a note reading,   N I   ( O.
u n ; I .. , _ _ · ·
I cxington C§ar CO. get your watch thalns ready for the incur Onmt
gun", The Franklin High School exchange medal," at the debate Friday night, I I
M.”uf"w,.•,.• cf refers to The IDEA as "the breezy, failed to vonslder the posslblllty that
_ windy weekly." Why windy? States walrh chains had already been ‘
Th R ° h N ' ’
nxctustvnm ____ mm md,. e lg t Ow Servrce I
13. wggy MMM ··|-ally lt‘s a wise student that knows his ; ,,4
;;;-;; ,  
own mall after its been in the mall We take this means of notlfylnt; the
DR_ J_ D_   Ibex tor a day.——(‘lncy News. IM. A. (‘. llolcud that the poem "Dead," I
sv;. EARiP?;%?EL:nd 1·•-•n0A·r ···——· |<·rlsi·¤¤ll>’ uvveuruns in this paver and COLLEGE WORK A SPECIALTY
UT I Things to worry ub0llt€ All i¤l¤tY¤¢‘· lreprlnted ln their issue ot March 8,
mn". Grmmd `° ord"' tor at Vanderbilt will publish u I was the work ot J. F. (Torn a Junlor A ‘ . ' I
u¤c¤•u•»»¤ nuumng. lp i N xt T · _ · 124-128 North mmestone Lexington, Ky.
cmu nm". •“_x n“|‘•M• "•_x ers an grammar souls 1110 IW Y€¤ V ll. student here, and due credlt should
° 1