' ’ r ¤ 1: to n
A •
,L,_,,,O,, 6,,,5, OUT lSENl0R INSPECTION TASHOF AND BARR _i___ ,
,,,,L,,A,, ,~,O,M,,,O,,) TRIP ITINERARYI IN EXTENSION WORK Youn Men , S , St I
M . . "` . " S T1?} QS
{ At R rp pm mwmm of mp bond of The Senior Mechanlcals, thirty-me Professor I- P- Tuhof and Pwr- T. g p g y
r (' _ '
in numb"' wm go m (hh`“° from J. Barr, of the College of Mines and     at
trustees of the Unlverslty of llllnola Ilpxlngton Sundmu March ZL for the
th r was ttl orlyed thc ttstabllsh Memnurm" are engaged in dpuvprmg L • q B
° " ‘ ‘“ ‘ J t ‘ ··¤··¤··l Saw l¤·¤·>·¤ll¤¤ l*l¤· The lt .,.,n... or rms. ln the tm··~·~· of ° S
t r Mult tntorn tt i oivt- ‘ l ` ex"] ton 8 7 est tore
""‘" ° " ‘"’ ‘"   “ —··rlt all ba ·¤·~¤l l¤ *¤·¤¤¤·*¤·= ml ...9  w».M.M..,,.,t.....~.... g gg
lllll lll  l6‘ * t
v pany, \vpBtprn Fileotric shops and (iludp \V|n(YI]PS'Pr,   Starling: Ash. l '  
mmmandunt, Major l·‘. lt. \\ehster, mh,,,,,_ I 1 (_ U tt h M m d . H
fl , . . , . . 4
lnf. ll. S. A. The tlttrtlose of tht- dl- rtetniqnarters wlll he at the Palmer R ( R P Q um mw P an { other make SU U "l’·
Loulnn. ln earh tmc of the towns leo- · ’
vlslon ls to "<·omplle lmpnrtlal lnfor- Hmm, whs'-,. any mall should be ad.
tures will ho given before the hlgh `
m¤U0ll llllflll llll lllll\l"l`*l l‘°ll°"l`lllll¤ dressed. The party will travel over
mmmry and mlm} mlpstlom of what. the Q & (` and mg Pour In A spedal srhool students on mlnlng and the ·
` 1 l · · ` t 1 t t t. s . . l
ever cltarut-ter and to hnpnrt lt to th:-, puuman m n ng ndmmy n th q mm Thp ' Hart Schannut Q Marx
unlversltv oommnnltv and to all othersi mms wm he mugtmtcd by lantern Y S r n 5 `(g d T C
who mav ·tpplv" 'I:he tmlvernlty has. Saturday mgm, March 27° me Stu`!**ll(l*?$· Tltls ls the first year that an , p ' 9 w 9 on OP Oats
` ‘ `· A i ldgms wm be guests at A banqumlelaborate program of these lectures ' Q Allll 0th€l‘ lllih-grade Clothes
p • set aside sufflclent funds to pay three given bv the Sum, llniverslty Alumni `
‘ thas been planned and many towns ln $12 50 to $3,3 00
m°mb°"** of mp tadat "‘"`l’“· Om S"“‘ Assoclatlon of Chicago, the president} _ ’ " ' '
nddltlon to those mentioned will be·
lor to serve as ohlef of the dlvlslon, -vf which this year is PI H_ Lowry mt l
l ‘ ’ ` " vlslted during the year. t .
and two Juniors to serve as assistants.} np tom ct,,B,_ l I New Shirts, New Neckwear. New Vollars and all the
  "‘“"°° °°“"‘l**’°" °' the "lll W"' Expsstnem sums NOTES [ other New Things for young men.
M N   lbs malled the Lexington papers daily. I
~ t lly L. H. Nelson.
{   “AG ,,   J. H. Carmody, of the Experiment;     C0.
° `Statlon, ls ln Bowling Green this
A I 'l`llG Agrlcultural Soclety héld ltS   week lnstltutlng a large number of ter-,
jr F6}-$ul8l' m€€ll¥l$ Monday MEM Wllh Nl btlllzer tests on strawberries. The ___ __" _, V v_ 7
` V4 interesting Dl'08l‘¤m. Prof. E- J- Kl¤·.pe0ple ln the Bowling Green neighbor-l ————— ---—-;—..-.- .. . .~ .-.. . _____
• • A   ll€Y. of {lll? A8l`0!l0mY l)8D¤l'tm€llt.|l10od have a Strawberry Growers As-\ P
\ gave a talk ln which he pointed outlsoclatlon only a few years old. This I-I O E N · X I-I O E L
  the duty of the Asflvultuful C0ll68€lassoclatlon has grown rapidly untll lt   _ , 7
¤_LmTTpgABQ¤Ygc°_TRQyN! graduate as producers ol' good seed. now ships 100 to 250 cars of stra\vber· C
  g I b
  lle said that the lnqulries coming ln ries this year, its ttmbtttcn is to ntgke u Breakfasts frorn I Sc to 60C
T T to the Experiment Statlon lndlcate\the best better, both as regards yields l`OOndaY L\.II`\Ch€0I'I lI·0(j to 55c
    that the demand ls Buch as to Wv·l‘l‘¤¤l and quality and the growers ln this   _ T e . den.   .   ,7,, _..
one man in every county in Kentuckyl l tt l’ l ll th l d, . . . , l
nn I T   · a°”°° ° an are um Sl rr E an The new Grill is the mo•t beautiful room in Central Ken- 1
• · • ‘¤ devote hls entire time to good Seed labor and bearing the necessary ex- .
, I tuclxy, decorated with Rockwood Pottery.
· 127 Cheapsrde rlroduotlou- Professor Klnnoy alsolpense to conduct these investigations. Q
d A l l 1 C ll d-, ——‘__*_*·"——··~···~·~·—··——-—·-—————— -·
nate to try to keep out of teaching and Prot', T_ R, Bryant ig at present gt-.  u-_.”_.__,______________
_`-' -__' A" __•_ 4- — agricultural work 88 mUCh HS D0¤¤lbl€, tively engaged ln an alfalfa growing "_—_- _Y_Y-wr, * rr-V   U _-—A —_*;_; —`-l l
r     Q und go back to the farm where he vunlcampalgn ln Harrison County. Plots         t `
‘· O — ___g__;____,....,-   loud an lndepétldétli llfé tllld be 8blPll1ave been selected on sixteen indlvld- I p      
·   _ m;;;,1,l,,:`,, ;0r,:;1,;,,;;€ 8 [Short ms iual rar;nSl;n;f»·t»t;i;»l;·ro¤¤ one tn t<~¤_   SEE KAHN FOR FRESH SUPPLIES    
.... · . · acres o a a a w e rown, a »e~ . l
` { UF D t U ,, H _ K _ _ t AT WHOLESALE PRICES lg
+_ ) _ 3 Q*~,7_ wry ° “"“ ‘*m°“S "** °“· 9 ing conducted as directed by the hx. I . ' —- - i
"` ·   "EXT' emphasized the neresslty of combining periment Station. This is the twelfth ' SUPPIICS fUT PGTUQS. Banquets, Etc. I l
’ U`RT§§ ;,?i   X `lltoty Wllll lll‘llPll¢€· ==llS0 the l'¤l¤¤bl€ alfalfa <·lub organized in the State the ’ Phone 483 or 1690-y, gap for Solicitor l I
*~`l$ 7 " ~ service that filflll d€ltl0¤Stl`lill0¤|tv\·elve clubs comprising 148 members, l l __,_ _______r _ _ l
        \ work has l'€lld6l‘€d tht! f¤l'm€l'· A- N·! During l·`armers‘ Week these members  “"""" "‘_"""t ‘* "
LxC[PT SATURDAYS. `{)|‘d()n· Ong of the l3s[ year'}; arts and und Others intprkxsted in alfalfa pr0du(._  
I TURKl$H.$l‘lOwER &l’L¤lN `  science graduates, and now taklniz` tion organized the State Alfalfa Grow-;
_;__ O B~£’mT&?§|NiI0~ KV   vvork in the College Of Agr|Cu]tur(;"·I,S• ASS0(,i8ti0l" with   F. Shousew J• J• Graddy   Ryan T- C. BFICHQY J||, T, M¢C|f'{y
i BA'.l*lU*ll · ’ I
.-i ~--.-~ --·-- - ·~—~—»—·~r ' Rave 8 llletwlug talk 0ll "ANS and AK ‘·`ztyette County, president; L. L. llor-L I I 0
_____r i____ ___ t‘lCultut‘P." l‘€0l\l¤8 B¤<*0ll`S ESSKY Olll y. Anchorage, Ky., vlce-president; 'I`,   `    
• . Ionkart A Fotoch, Pr¤pr|•t•r• Studies to illustrate the point of l1isl|{_ m·y8m_ Oy the Expgrinugnt Station   CO.
l B b   talk. lsteretarytreasurer. The members of CON§2)r:?S;;lNG
  c       ——-——••·•···;·· this association are almost uniformly PATTERSON. RYAN & McMARTY AND GRADDV Q, BRAQLEY
L opggznsomt :*lr:::::n;°::{•;:“k METAL TESTS MADE Stn-eesstni and have succeeded tn grow- Furnishings, Shoes, Clothing, Hats and Tailoring
` ` L,,d,,°,,,,_ Ky_ BY M- & E- COLLEGE lllg aood alfalfa in places where it had l l’h¤¤• 903 140 wut Mm, 5;,-,,;
l FIRST-CLA88 WORK GUARANTEIDI The Department of 1\lechanlt·s of|“l'“°“t lalled °“ l”`°"l°“S trials- 1
··-· ' I Materials of the College of Mechanical; ———— .
M“t M' Af"' un Gun. n luna l·:lectrlt·al Engineering has just Totitty Messrs, ll. lt. slutle_ \\‘. ll.  
ha ’ ` completed a series of tests to d··tt·r· Nichols, Mark J. snnth, mss nary   U • ·
  5 {mint- the efllvlellvy of el€<‘tl‘li‘2lllY wel- Sweeny, l’rt)fessors \\'_ S, Andel‘s0n,` c      
wh"! ·u i.   md   ltléd $[891 and C8Sl. lI”OI]. The IGSIS Sidnpy Adagus und '|`_   Bryant \\`ill` corner Limc·`°ne and Wlnllqw
1. C d d I {were made for the (`. N. 0. & 'l`. l’· go to North Middletown, Ky., to take?
Q {   Ch°c° k' ·n y ·¤ cugrailroatl, which does a great deal Ofl part in a two days' farmers institute., Full Lille of   and  
Ielectrlcnl welding at its modern shops ________•_____ _____   LUNCH COUNTER OPEN S V N D
D1'.  Edward GO1‘d0I‘1_ttt Ferguson. Ketttttrky. l The Free l,lve Stock lcxclntiige, Q E E AVS AND NIGHT"
DENTIST l The bl`€l=lkllll< SU`€¤Sill of ill? lllllld I started less than a year ago and main- ’ ESPECIALLY ON SUNDAY
liar was compared wlth that of a but tained bv the Experiment Station une l W ( , m
• • I `
    of llli-F Skilllé BlZB and Ul8[t·‘l‘ll1l but elec- der (hg charge of Pr()fggggr [Kry3|t[_ { · F.     CO.
G0 To tt‘lt‘ull>' W€ld€d· 'l`ll€ bars W€l`f* bl`0k€‘ll reports encouraging success. lt has l
i , D   on the ltll'l4€ 200.000·l0ll il·‘Sllllt·i llllljbeen responsible for an enortnous vol- ` ___ _ ———{ P L W U _ L _
Johns rug °r€•l`lllll<‘· 'l`llt* €l'l`l€l9¤¢‘Y of ills wolds ume of sales in spite of the demorallz-
N•x‘ to P°·` °fn°• ! \\'(·‘l‘8 f0l1lld to VHl`y f!'0lll {U |)t*I‘ t'l*ll[ to I ing effects of the war and the fggt and
P0! h'¢$Ul#u0¤$, Slluonuyp Swal nearly ltltl per cent. the largest varltr mouth tliseuse. The purpose of this l I
w],t¢f, (lun'], HWS and GKUS tion being lll lllv Putt!. ll‘0ll welds. exchange is to act as a tnedluxn be-   SPEClAL ROUND 1-R": FARES 1-0
·"""""_"‘*“"‘”""'_“ " l   ‘ V" l tween prospective buyers and sellers. \
° ° K' k d C l C ‘BI°l‘0GICAl’ °LUB *”·· ·‘·* ~·····*¤*°*‘**>‘ lr ¤~·¤ mel by the    
lll ¢¤ 03 0-; Mmcrrso romotmow . . . to
  ‘ · ' eselntnge tut the) put into counnun —l ANI) T0 ALL 0-{HER RESORTS OF THE SOUTH.
, Al\thl‘8Clt0 Blld Blt\Il\\ll\0\lI 'l`ll*‘ lll‘ ttwllllls ill " ll`l‘llll‘k- | t·|nn·geti ttntt the hope that this set·viee`          
  l’l'0l”- l‘}· V- l"lll'lllllllllU`· will l*‘<‘lUl`•‘ would be of benetit to stockmen hats
‘ __ __ l FoPut°l•AltA
    T[AcII[R$° AGENCY on "'_l‘he |·llet‘allll¤* lll *·‘l**ll*‘*‘· tlllll been wry larsvly l‘¢*¤ll¤€ll» ·;·;cL [itat pigdo ny
PRuMl*'l‘ RELIABLE I:il·`I-`lt‘lEN'l` Mr. t`. Sidney Adams will tulk on "'l`he` ...—....•...---..-—   • •n °r na
The Way to The Best Positions in (· I -. .| y 1 -, · ;.   | Matty tt mlsgultletl youth itnogines ’ ’
· l Tm N°"h· w"“‘ “'“l M“l‘"" W°“* \i|.lll:_ul2: bu fu;im_;I_;? lcvmsifgwd U that u girl is interested ln his welfare, ROUTE u' c'   Pm I and Tlckel  
· IALBERT F· Pnoult Pm tiluatcd *V"· I I I ( B ( ( H ‘ ` ` when ln reality she is lnterestetl only I0] Ellt Main $t·,L•xington, Ky.
a•“"_·"._hL w"___Q· Y “" °“°_' IW"'. uw"` ls··t··t·*~» ` ln his farewell. l‘hlt·ng,o News L _, _ ,,_;,.._;;..."_ _
tl lp
l kl •