Dean Simrall
The office of the dean of women serves one of the most important functions in the life of the University. As director of the social life and general welfare of the girls Dean Simrall is efficiently fulfilling the functions of her office. Not only has she sought the welfare and happiness of the women, but in every phase of university activity she has shown herself to be deeply interested. Having proven herself to be a wise counselor and loyal friend, Miss Simrall is constantly growing in the esteem of the students.
Her marked ability, not only as a writer, but as a lecturer and reader, have been recognized by the Women's Clubs over the State before whom she has appeared many times. Her gracious manner, her charming personality, her splendid vision have already made her one of the most popular and valued members of the University faculty.
The Dean of Men
The office of the Dean of Men serves very effec-ti.ely the many miscellaneous needs of the university students. Dean Melcher has always endeavored to make the life of the students more wholesome, profitable and above all, more enjoyable. By his wise counsel generations of students have prospered and we trust that many succeeding generations will be equally   fortunate.