Senior Class
Margaret Tilford Bird, B.S. in H.E.
Home    Economics   Honorary   Fraternity; Home   Economics   Society   '16,   '19;   Horace .Maun:   Philosophian   '10,   '1!1;  Glee  Club  '18;  Y.   W.   C.   A.
Margaret has not spent all four years of her college career at the University, but during the time that she has been here many As have been placed under her name on the registrar's books. Margaret is a steady worker, full of fun, and possesses a personality which will bring her success wherever she may go.
Clyde Bland, B.S. in Agr...................Cynthiana
Alpha Zeta;  Class Treasurer   (2);  Class  Football   (1,   2,   4);   Cynthiana Club;   Agricultural Society (1,  2,  3,  4), Treasurer  (4); Class President  (4).
"Clippy" left us for a year and a half, but as soon as he had accepted the surrender of the German Navy he came back to be a member of the Class of '20. The Class was so well pleased with him that they elected him to (ill the vacancy in the president's chair. Clyde will make a good farmer and he need not be lonesome unless he chooses.
Lucille C. BlaTZ, B.S. in H.E..................Louisville
Alpha   Xi   Delta;  Y. W. C.  A.; Glee Club 'IS, '19; Homo Economics Club '18,  '13; Louisville Club;   Honorary  Hoine  Economics  Fraternity.
"Ceil" is the "pop" and the pet of the class. If you don't know what that first adjective means, then you certainly are not familiar with Patt Hall jargon, for it means popular, and in this case has no substitute. There are not many girls who can get through four years of Home Ec, never miss a dance nor a "rush" at that dance, who can play and sing, and yet remain charmingly unspoiled through it all. We know but one such  girlLucille.