Senior Class
Howard Clark Forman, B.S. in C. E.
Tau Beta Kake;  Lamed Pe.
"Baldy ' is never happy unless he is making eyes at a transit or waving arm signals at a target. There is nothing slow about him, for he is used to "Speedy" competition. His favorite song is "Back to the Shack Where the Black-Eyed," etc.
Morris Forman, B.S. in C. E..................Louisville
Sigma Alpha Mu; Track Team Merriman Engineering Society; Brooks Engineering Society   (3);   Assistant   Basketball   Manager   (2);   Louisville   Club;   Instructor   in   Surveying.
Morris learned early in college life that the world did not revolve around Louisville, so, with a great victory gained, he succeeded in making many friends in Lexington. An Eastern publishing company gave him power to be their agent, and also he acts as shepherd to a guileless flock of Freshman devotees to the transit and level. Morris deserves double credit for carrying the twofold burdens of studies and outside work.
Emery L. FRAZIER, LL.B..................Lawrenceburg
Sigma Chi; Alpha Delta Sigma; Lamp and Cross; Fish Club; "K" Club; Press Club; Ananian Club, Vice-President (1); Patterson Literary Society; Winner Crum Medal (3); "Prohibition Club" (1); Democratic Club, President (4); Class President (1); Class Representative (3); Class Baseball (1); Law College Baseball and Basketball (1); Varsity Track Team (1); Baseball Team (2); U. of K. Band, Lieutenant (2) and Major ('17 and '20); Strollers, Casts "Charley's Aunt" (1), "Father and the Boys" (2), "Lion and the Mouse" (3), "Call of the Blood" (2), "Under Cover" (3), "The Climbers" (4), Business Manager (2), President Strollers (4); Pep Generator (4); Assistant Business Manager Kentuckian (4); Inter-Mural Athletic Manager (4); Class Orator (4); First Lieutenant,  U.   S.  A.,  '18; Theta Alpha Phi.
Frizzy, in spite of his nickname, is a pretty smooth chap and gets by in lots of tight places. A jack-of-all-trades, he certainly stands "next" with the queens. Once a year he strolls down to the opera house and "leads" the cast of the play to rounds of applause. "Judge" Frazier was a lawyer, but he look things in such an artful way that Dean Lafferty traded him to Dean Boyd for a second-hand postage stamp in the second semester of his Senior year. Nevertheless, he has set a record in college achievements for the boys lo shoot at for years to come.