Senior Class John W. McKenzie, LL.B...................La Grange
Alpha Tau Omega; Law Debating Team; Union Literary Society; Henry Clay; Democratic (:iub;   Royal  u-der of Fish.
Mack is one of the charter members of the Fish Club and he certainly lives up to the requirements of the club. His specialty is "Herring." John is another of the soldier boys who came back to the cid stamping ground at the cessation of hostilities. He is a quiet lad, but the best-natured ever, and he will be missed by scores of  friends when he leaves in  June.
Elizabeth Marshall, A.B...................Lexington
Kappa Kappa Gamma; Strollers; Y. \Y. C. A.; English Club; Philoaophian, Treasurer (3); Glee Club, Treasurer (3); Press Club; Romance Language Club; Cast "The Two Virtues"; Kernel   Staff   (3).
Elizabeth, after having tried desperately for her first two years in college to hide her light under a basket, has been at last forced to come out into the open and display the fact that she can boast of nearly as many different accomplishments as Frizzy. Her Kernel copy, for this versatile young woman is also a journalist, is the joy cf Louise, the despair of her fellow reporters who are doomed to weekly see their stories going to print with all their pet expressions blue penciled, while Elizabeth's passes the censor with never  a scratch.
William Francis Marshall, Jr., B.S. in C.E..........Greendale
Brooks   Engineering  Society;   Merriman   Engineering   Society;   Tau   Beta   Kake.
William  looks   timid   and  bashful,   but  "still  water  is   often   'way  over  your  head."    He   entertains   his
friends every now and then by staging a hltle dance, but always gets back in time  to study the next day's lessons and keep up his reputation of being a diligent student.