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Senior Class
Louise Smiser, B.S. in H.E...................Cynthiana
Philosophian Literary  Society;  Horace Mann;  Homo  Bc.-Ag.   Society,
"A fig for worry and a fig for care."
 is  Louise's  motto.     The   cake may  burn,   the  custard  scorch,  but  still   she   smiles.     For  she  has   a  hih                                                                    H                i    "il
This  is  Louises  motto.     The   cake may  burn,   the  custard            ,
happy,   care-free   personality   on   which   the   worries   of   college   life   sit   lightly.     Her   motto   is   "smile. Truly   an   appropriate   one   for   a   Home   Ec.     Nevertheless,   Louise   is   an   earnest   student   and   reflects much  credit on her department.
Nancy Bowman Smock, A.B.................  Harrodsburg
Kappa   Delta;   Strollers;   English   Club;   Philosophian   Literary   Society.
Nancy has decided to go to Honolulu, for there she has heard that the inhabitants spend much of their time in sleeping. There is but one drawback to this plan however; it is so far from New York that it will take the mail an awful long time to reach her. Nancy is the aristocrat of Kentucky. What she lacks in stature she makes up in airs and no one would think of the adjective "little" when he sees her coming.
William Carlyle Soward, A.B.................Maysville
Alpha Delta Sigma;  Kentuckian,   Feature  Editor;  Co-author,   Pageant   (3);  English  Club;
Presa Association;  Democratic Club; Y. M. C. A.
Bill has a large collection of old shoes and defunct beer bottles that people who have heard him perform on the fiddle threw at him. Billy's first year on the campus was a blaze of glory, but the advancing years robbed him of his brilliance until, as a Senior, he took to reading signatures. Here his work is as startlingly excellent as ever, and those who really know him are confident that his brilliant  (and eccentric)   personality will win him success somewhere.