Senior Class William Mason Wallace, Jr., B.S. in M.E...........Lexington
Kappa   Sigma;   Marconi   Engineering   Society,   Vice-President   (3);   Lexington   High   Club;
Merriman   Engineering  Society;   Kentuckian   Staff  Artist   (3);   Art  Editor   (4);   Tau   Beta
Bill is the fashion plate of the class. They say a cat or two disappeared in Hampton Court last fall. Anyhow, it wasn't long afterward that Bill blew in wearing a fur collar on his overcoat. And when it comes to the ponies, Bill just naturally makes the editor of the Racing Form look like a country jake. He has an artistic eye and is very temperamental. For instance, he glanced at the Mining Building one day and decided it had a poor location; he straightway set out and tried to move it over to Mechanical  Hall.
Henry Keene Warth, B.S. in Agr...............   Georgetown
Agricultural   Society;   Senior Football   Team.
Henry is the boy who bloodied up the class football gamestoo bad it was his own blood. Nevertheless, he was a tower of strength in the Senior line-up. He is the older member of the Warth firm, and will return to the farm in Scott County in June.
Robert D. Warth, A.B....................Georgetown
Patterson  Literary  Society;   Senior   Football   Team.
Although Robert is from Georgetown, we feel sure that he will be able to overcome that difficulty. He has already proven his ability as a student, a soldier, and a diplomat with the ladies. Thus, we dare predict   for  him   a  bright   career.