Senior Class Joe Alexander Wesson, B.S. in Agr................Wingo
Joe has taken every course in the Ag. College and some of them twice. You see he likes agriculture, and for that reason and many others, he will attain success in that greatest and oldest of all occupations farming.    We understand that he has some one back home to take care of  the chickens  for him.
Hattie Ell Wheeler, B.S. in Home Ec..............Lexington
Though she couldn't be said to be much of a grind, No one  can  surpass her in quickness  of  mind; Good-natured and generous, jolly, and clever, Her tongue, like the brooklet, goes on forever.
Mina Frances White, A.B...................Blackford
Strollers; Philosophian; English Club; Haflnesque Club, Secretary (4); T. W. C. A. Mina is an English major and a good one; consequently, no one dreamed of her harboring "scientific aspirations" until last semester when she registered for "Chem. 3," surprising even "Mighty" for the first lime in fourteen years. Now the secret is outMina is to be a doctoress. Just what branch she will specialize in we do not know, but from the number of hours she is spending at the new Chem. building we believe it will be bio-chemistry.
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