Senior Class Margaret Woll, A.B.....................Hawesville
Y. W. C. A., President (4); Delegate to Blue Ridge (2); Horace Mann; Vice-President (2); Philosophian, Secretary (3); Glee Club (3); House Staff (2); Student Government Council, Treasurer (3); Class Historian (4); Y. W. C. A. Delegate to Des Moines; Staff and  Crown.
Margaret is a delightful combination of fun and seriousness, admired by those who have noticed the efficiency which has characterized her leadership in scholarship and in all college activitiesand by those who have tested her and found her always fair and square. To a few who know her more intimately, "Conscience" is the truest friend, the most dreaded tease, and the most daring of cut-ups. If you want to hear her rave, just mention her new spring hat.
John Douglass Wood, B.S. in M.E.................Elkton
Alpha Sigma Phi; Marconi Engineering Society; Merriman Engineering Society; American Association of Mechanical Engineers; American Institute ol Electrical Engineers; Class Baseball; Tau Beta Kake; Assistant Baseball Manager (3); Baseball Manager (4); Republican Club; R. O. T. C.
"Doug" is a bold, bad gob from the Great Lakes. If you ever see him smoke a cigarette, report same to D. C. Choate and collect ten per cent, commission of the ten-dollar bet that it wins for him. Doug is one of the boys who makes his own way, so we haven't heard of his being mixed up with any frivolities except military drill.
William Yourish, B.S. in Ind. Chem...............Newport
Glee Club; Omicron Alpha Tau; American ^hemical Society; Marconi Engineering Society. Tills   combination   of   Industrial   Chemistry   and   Engineering   is   a   maniac   for  work.     It   is   reported   on good  authority   that  he  spends   twenty-three  hours   at  work   and   the   twenty-fourth  in   learning  the   latest steps.     That  may  be why  he  looks  so  sleepy sometimes.     He  has  not  had  enough  work   to  make  him a dull boy as yet.