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University nf Kentucky that
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he University ol Kentuclty was founded in ronmental Sciences, Luw, I\’lccl1ClneI Nursing, rl hcsc numbers pluce the University 47th on [IIC CIR
IH(>$ as a land-grant institution, and the Phartnacy and Social \\7o1’l<. UK offers 88 l7uCl1e- list of all institutions amd 32nd among pIII)]iC [ml
present name tlates to I‘) I (5. Ior`s level, 93 mastcrls level uml more than 60 doc- Lmi\'el'SitlCS. To date, UK boasts 75 national {gn];- tbl.
I.ocated in the heart ofthe heautifiul Kentucky toral, specialist and professional degree programs. ings for quality education and researeII_ [lm
Iiluegrass region, Ulss 687-1ICI`C campus is adia— Enrollment is more than 54,000, up 5 percent In 2000, officials launched The Campaign for '
cent to downtown I exington, and is one of only from the previous year, uml stands ut an ull-time the Ulll\’C|`$lf§' of Kentucl¤1 ....   I u » · 1
. _ _ . f:. cl u c a t 1 o n , l‘()lll](l1l(l()l] Scholars program. I his p rogra m  I  M 4,   A     tt 4
4. T I 4 4 4 4 4 4 - `     I     . I 2 t·-· 1
, t   lin ¤1neer1n<·. allows Uls to award .I_ .__- 1 ..
· / § 4 . . .   t~,r   ~,‘_ 5  
.l _ _ . % ,4 \ ltluman shall Scholarship recipient. ;_1;.?5! ;.,·. 4 _» ·    a .I* *t.*$%?;3?~;`
I 4 4 . . ,. . . I   ·“,—   n’*·». tai *·tt’ ·: ··-. , s-52 .-.r 4 ·   4* . ..¤   ·4;I42 ·t’t it      I
, / — 3 [LIl\’l· Since the mid-I9‘)0s, the Universttv has pur- ` ` ' ` ` ' ` ‘ " ‘ I
I r-4- . 4'\\ ` 44 ' . .   ,.. , I -
fg 5   \____\ sued an ambitious goal to become a top—20 pttb— scientists. the \\/illiam T. Young Librarv, onlv 1
I I,;;‘_)‘ _   \~4.__ lk ¤¤¤\s¤>H} ll) tht Yszu 20204 Uls Ptesldent Lee four years old, already has assumed a position I
< I' 41· . ..1·:·z. .‘-’ `4 §*F§;..,4.§sI~é-t; " to · · _ , . _ _ _ · _ · 4 4 . . . j I
I       ifgiggiazg:   I. lodd I1. has cmbtaced this goal in a wav that among the worlds leading research libraries: its I
,_ ;. ;C1·*§4‘;’L _`_-   ;—Ii?";¤;4 ~ tjjttéaj >;j·g·2‘ii¥,  . . , _' " _ * _ _ I
( giggg: nge? 2   __ promises an impact on everv Isentucltv resident. boolt endowment is the largest among public tint-
.   ;¤,_ L   ` ' y:,_ ew .,g1gj;},, ‘  A.; `· N__ _ ' _ _ ‘_ , • _ V k ` '
I §2·,¢`§?‘¥._4-jI.J,  ;;V   `P   l IW CHIUPUS of [IWC Uil1\'C‘!‘S1t)' of l\CINLlCl<\’ Versittes ranlttng second only to Harvards, among y
1  it`?   ~ ~"4 '     jgiig · _ 4 . . ' . . . ` ' ,
4   I2 44I ·;Is,I4 ty - Q 3   — encompasses the area within the boundaries of all universities. Its broad sco e of technoloev .
, .,r. t ws ,  . .%,;%,4 _/.. .   e. ,
· ,411 ·,,i   4= ;, I. 4;, A ·. we   4 . — ., r I .. rr . — 4 I
;   .._. _,_;II .v ‘_   the Lommonwcalth of Kentuclty. offers students, facultv and Kentucltv residents I
1 .,I=sr¤4 ‘Z ..`»‘ 4   ~4¤·. -4_   -   .‘,. . . _ · j _ _ j
I 4    yin.;    5__,A&,___  ‘ _ H As the luml-grunt institution, special access to the most up-to-date information ,
I   ’ .    as       · 4 .,’. I   4 4 4 — 4 . . . ·
j W?} ‘       _ ~ `4 WC l1l1V€ il 1‘CSpOnsll>llltv to from online journals, government publications I
t 4:%..  ‘¤ ·—  :5*  4  ..Ié   ‘   4 ‘ 4 . . . 4 I
' ‘4     te ,   3 4%;.:   _·;§____   gi;)   I' s\ help tllls state move for- and private studies, as well as more traditional _
        //’§ `I; \\ Wutd," Todd savs. materials.
I ‘ W t` " ' ¢;.·?t_9», ~,,___ . w ··. I .__ , ‘; 1 ‘“,4» _ ·G·:t,··»" _· 4; ·` ‘ '
1   init   y¢·;*4},-4 \ T} . U · ,,.. · . , ·. W I I ·l_ UK ~ _ · _ _ I -0
4 W W, I _   ._:. I   up _f;§%I`!I , _ ~4__\ IL I1l\ cislty is f eanw ll c, maintains more tiun D
. ;i=· ‘24I·`$—     44: ·  ¢ ·  IW ~, - - 4 4 - 4 ·
I   . y     ,_ V     Killimg llggI'CSSIVC t·ese:treh centers and institutes. Ihe centers con-
J . ,·     ·4·g~_ _·.g.;.g·2i~;41·;I-rt`.,._j":I;· t  gf   __. r ~ .. 4 ....
4 g4    .   · 4 r ~ 4 `   steps to fulfill tts duct applied research in areas as diverse as tobuC·
~   I,_;= I4     g g     _,i _ . . . ‘
  3* * 4    - 4 sg'- {Op-/Z0 goal. co and health, aging, cancer, toxtcologv, Cqlllllf
    if      4_  j‘      `jjg ‘ tt J,. · t' . 1 4 ' I y4,· . · * _ ‘ _
· 4     f-·· _ _, , - {_;  During the lust health, mineral production, 1l`l1lI]LllTL1Cl`llI`llIU, S}'S· I
_     `i;g‘,`i_'_T_ `.‘7`;;·  ¢j.;' _ ,,;_ in \__4:f?,_‘_.‘;l. “‘ . - `   I I *
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`4~.`   ».·,· J   -44   €I?%¥w*?tI   . ·.   4 I II. F 4' ‘ . . 44
            '(   fF' —=· I.44, .¤ I>   · UK ?1ClT1€VCtl Several centers excel in the services offered to
I 4 .. :I 3 Tv 41 z 4   7·. , t=14—;  _:t;II;;g;II     4’,,M_I:;;  ,34; ‘ _ I _._ _ _ _ , . I
  __,`_   ‘_ »    U ?.   ’       G X p e n cl 1 - the pttbltc. I he (enter for lVlLlI1Lll';lC[lll`lIlU, S}’$·
N 4 ` I      4.t           I Iv   ,,44. 5 ‘ “ " ° S “°‘““ Im l‘“'I’°°I ‘“‘”“ "‘*“‘ °"" "“*‘ll "‘“l ‘“"l‘
·4 `4   l QI.?}        I t. 4 IQ V ¤XC€€¤llng sized indttstrial firms in Kentuclty. II he (IIucl< I
t   ‘`,       @4.  Fi?  ‘=’4 I Z? »   · - ~ · . I4 4 I ·# .
_ {Q, — `           ze L \ · ·, \   I $12l 2 mil- hqutne Research (,en ter is one of onlv three of 10
  ·II.t;`¤I ~4··  :z:€4@‘ti;>i      4 Q2 JQ 2 I  4t4,. 4 . . .. . Z 4
` lj   ,     ‘ rg V I _ If   l l O n . limd in the world, offering research IINU tllS€1\$¢$
I   " I   =»*·     ,   · 4*. I     ;€f.   » · »
I x I *   »-,*·4 I-       It     I t—,   °f ‘l`? l"’“°‘ . . . . .   .,
I I . "   ·I   "   ..·‘ ` i?‘i*I.T?i};   <_.?§3,,{` l . __ ,   I _·I¢I It `I.  2,33 l. he UK College of Ivledtcine is ranlsctl LINK
" ~~¤ -   *·4 ·*   ‘ ’‘*4».   ,..» C  ·:’   I3?   `~    2     - “ . . 4 4
l " 4` `4 I   `   ·‘~?·’    *-  " *’.?%-¢‘é.’*’.¤i4   P {If I L I I   j,}é=;Z+z€ amono 2 · · ~ I n ~t ical scltool$ III
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· t   ·   '   f `;#l@Lf% ` 4 fits   {1   4~4_ 5   the area ol primarv care ut 44 4
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