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· l the
Uniuerszty0fK€zzt1zckyA/umzzz KCI
Make Natinnal Impact W
. • \Vlien Reese S. Terry jr. was helping to • Lt. Col. Tim Bender and Maj. Steve Witt-ti H¢1l
V develop the first programmable heart pacemaker, pilot Air Force iilwo. the plane that llies the vice
° V USA liz;/try did not have a national poll ranking president, the secretaries olistate and defense, am] F1'€11
V V him among the top scientists. the lirst lady around the world. The two were in j l11 l
‘ _ I _ Lexington Sept.lO.ZOOl. giving Ul{`s Air lioree l 10 ‘
_. Yet, these graduates ol` the University ROTC students a close look at the plane, Sinn l)'$1
. ‘ ol` Kentucky have made a tremendous impact on 9/I l, both have extended their military toni- ist P111`
V . ·" An1eriea’s society. lvledicine, literature. husiness, duty. Bender earned his degree in husiness admin- l11$
. ‘ .... ' . . . _ i
· law, line arts and astronomy are just a few ol the istration in WS] and \Vartl graduated with it ll`)
° ' ·" V lields in which UK graduates have succeeded at degree in economics in l‘)80. l1€1'
‘•°° V the highest levels. • (ieneral john H. Lamplvell is associate diree. 1011
~ ix} g . __ V4 tor oli central intelligence lor military suppoi·t_
  »r’°’ · _ ,_ g Crmsir/e1·... Central lntelhgence Agency. As the prineipitl [ 1l1¤
fi · `   ___ · Angelo Henderson is the most recent UK adviser to the director ol? central intelligenee on   111 $
‘ i z" \ 1 alum to win the Pulitzer Prize in Feature \\$’riting. military issues, he ensures proper intelligenee l l1CV
` ‘ · { · * V _ He was honored in 199*) lor his portrait ot a community support to the services across the l
1 V . 1 \·\ . . . . . . . _ :
l , `g \ _ druggist who 15 driven to violence by his encoun— spectrum of research and development, actitusi— j [llc
. ga 3 · `—.,_ ters with armed rohhery, illustrating the lasting tion, plans, training and operations. He also coor- l
_   ellects ol` crime. Among his other awards, Hen· dinates Cl/\ activities in support ol`militarv activ l $101
· ·· 1 . . . . . . 1 se . ' . . _V
é   derson has received the P)92 National Associa- ities and oversees the Ll/-\`s Ollice ol Military   5¤l1
  l tion oli Black journalists (NABI) Award for out- Arlairs. The general was commissioned through g
. i _ ‘ V_ »,,..».t standing coverage of the Black condition.  
I ‘ M  —»  ;sa.t..t .  ~   —»·.¢ · ` . . · . . . E
      5; it   1 L ‘ . bm loved as a senior s wecial writer at the \Vall Lt. L'nl. Time Bandar and Ma nr Eteve Ward ,
 ;5;A.;t£yaey 4}.-3; ,;, —,.s<.¢.t-.»e·,   i  V . l J V
· A :_V  ’ ` · · otreet journal when he won the Pulitzer Prize, he prlnt Air Fnrce Twn, tha plane that flies the 1
  ’._.—*§iag£.,h.V;i,· .,‘-_-_ = _ ·.     now works lor the Detroit News. He is a member vice president, the secretaries nf state and g
`   2- · =· · A ‘ . _ r e 1
i ‘   ·‘ " ‘   r ol the Kentucky journalism Hall ol l·ame. defense, and the first lady arnund the wnrld.  
g i William T. Ynung has achieved remarkable - .   . ,V, , _ ___»_ . . . . ,V_,.     l
~ . . . .  ”—.€`£:.`=f:§*"§>§?§2V   `   ' ‘ '     l
` I success in several fields, including fund · ·   4 V-; ; V 1     V j _  Vjjriigiisg E
. { manufacturing, stnrage, trucking, snft drink _   1 Tix, » ~ i*l`   A   V iiQ‘_f’-ii `’'l    
i l hnttling and hnrsa racing. A native sj; tz. " —       _`_,r g   A    
` _ _ gz age.; I A 1 ; rry].1-5-:,,;.t;a;_gi··—.};;;;» twrj   ~ ·= »
Vi Lnxmgtnman and UK graduate, Mr, Ygtmg’5 mq     I pei,     gm     _ .,4.        
· fnuntlrng gift nf 55 milhnn started i.e7§»§;*  < ' assi;.   ‘ .     je _..`     ’   Q, . l  
. . . . . ,   ¤;*?€*=j*     at?  2   ~   ’ .. `.‘`e V   ‘  
l funtlraismg fur the magnificent University ,3/ . · “‘ " *§}‘>.\ r` ’g%?}—‘ r     e·   ¤ ,;=;=~j v " it i
9 . .   s. . .. `   —·  wi   srvtv  ‘’¤’ ·’ * 4   A   L .‘·< ’ r ‘
Q library that bears his name.     #*6 H__,;;3;r   r _ J; ~;‘·Vg.4; 1 _ l
i     ’:._$sss.i¤ U4   »/gg;         ¤=;_ V . < | t-;
: { Q5 YM. *   ' Sari!     Je.  i ‘ · l
· ` . . . . . . ¤g;·t_ ‘-:-i_sa·.,·_a*& ’ _ ,     1
i he l niseisus ol lsentuekv is known ·.;_[ge »      »_ V M . j
· ihrongliout the ssorld as one ol the most       A ii /   ~  
~.uttt·s~.|ul tolletge haskethall progranis oli all- M I   _ . . ii   ' t g  l
· l time the iuost wins. numerous national         2 mt l ff
tliainpiousltips, popular stutlent—athlett·s antl `  gi!   "     l .i
L lklt It \. Ji   R {L (   . E S1?.
. . . .1  =· I it r rr . 3%;:; 5:;;;
lliai same attention is not always granted     ·7   3   » l  
to those who hast- inatle a dillereut’t· in their 4         ,a~;$i$1?~i i  
patlitlllai llelnl ol \llltl\`, olten titties lar away ~     ° zi R    *  
· 4 = * t _§;?*¤~.:  V =.V V.! ‘ .;.>f;¢¢Iia>·"*" 4  
ltoui the luight lights ol a national television ‘ 33; V __’. L   °  V   The  F i r `iiii    
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’ \\ hen lhoinas l luut Morgan xs as xx inning       · . _.   li   `   T A    
~ a Nohvl l`ii.n· in uutlitine. there was no l)ieIe     V» T .‘     [  ‘»’ ·  ,, · ..>i ii '    
I \u.il¤ pit st‘1il.t.\lli|n;tlit attion in his eustoni-     '_.si , _ - V   _ .. V   ‘ A . ’··.   ii.
{ ai x inauuei.      [V   ‘   F eff  j  
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' \\ lieli l1·¤l‘l*\t` \l1t\ \l.tstiti \\_1s lwttxitiiiiii _i {Y-'i_.’ ` _.·;.$i `· — · *   `  
would ieuon usd nuxehst. there was no l·in,il   ' -· .V Vs '. .   . '   l CQ;
i lout lot het to iiuahli at;a¤nst the nations lsest   9 · ~¤w   “ ' ·     l
. totupui rtion `    .i   F . V ` g fr; . · ‘     .2  
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