,1   ’v.   -.     1 ‘
» Basketball Suppnrt 5taff
  .1 c111‘111ng a "Smitty Award`, as best supporting videographer, ln addition, he has worked on the
g   —·   actress in "'1`lie‘ l\’1onogamist.” ln 1999, she UK football teatn video staff for the past I5
4   zijn: " ' ;,*· ;· ·' ` rl ·“. .- — -s ` V ,,.·- ` . , I .- ·,-»..». i i · ·»
A       j71~1}LL1 1.1olc 111 \\/ings, another Actors Liuild ycats. ln lns 1l)1L,;%§1]L[ ovttsees all of tht 11.1s1vet~
      xt rm Pliliifr j)|UsIl1C[|0I1. i ball programis video needs, including staffing oli
    r t   She also has been a guest columnist for the home and away games while maintaining the
. Ii ` _ Lt*.vn1_g!w1 /V/t·m/z/-].wzr/er. \Vildcats` sophisticated editing system.
  David Kindy is in his filth season as athletic The Auburn, Ala., native is married to Russell i·\sher, -12. started his own company. ldle Minds
-   _ {miner for the University of Kc11l11C1<}'· NIUIICIUZ Oli lit. Pierce. Ha. lhe couple resides in 1’roductions, in 1987, wliieli provides video servic-
  Kindy, a native of l’ort \I(/ashington, N.Y., Lexington. es for various networks. doctttnentaries and com-
  in joined the \V11¤1€¥1V$ 9*1 .l¤l>' i?’1· 1998- Hs 11*19 tnereials. Since l99$. he`s been employed as a free-
  pmyjousjy served as the head z1t11I€11C U'11111€|` I_01`   lance trainer and demonstration artist on non-lin-
  mcrrs basketball at A1111111`11 1111 1111`N $Ui1$011$· Hs  V   J N h _ ear video systems for Sony (jorporation. Hes also
  ‘ njsn worked for [Wo }'C111'$ 11993*15) 111   °‘ iw  asngwmfi rlng served as a field production specialist for \Vl.1iX-
  or/yomjng, serving in the same position for   {   _gm.,j£,,{, (@,,0 TV and as a producer/directorfi>r\V1)KY-il`V.
  n]Cj]l$1)[l$l(L][1A)Llll while 21SS1Sl‘111g W1111 h¤>1111111· 35  V 4 rk A Asher earned his b;tchelor`s degree in Lj()11lI'I1l|-
  The 5Li-year-old 1{111<.1)' is 21 1991 g1`¢1<1Ui1Y€ Oli I 2 nications from Moreltead State University. .-\
  i Fjoridn State and received 1115 11121SlC1"S degtcc jason Nchring joined the menis hasketball native of`()live Hill, Ky., he and his wife Cindy
  fmm Michigan State in 1993. Hc Worltcd 215 L1 Stall 115 a gradtiate assistant strength coach in have a four-year-old daughter, l.aura.
  Student athletic t1‘11i11eI` zlt IIIOYIQIQ1 Sfillc and 215 j£\11L1:11`)' 211111). In addition, he oversees the
  3 graduate assistant at Michigan State. He wotttetts basketball team`s strength and condi-   gi; 
  . worked two summers as an athletic trainer for tioning ptogtant.    
  [lie Miami Dolphins. ` l\leI1ring, 29. is a 1996 graduate Ul`\V1SCO11$111·   t     Align Edwards
  He is niarried to _jill Bigman Kindy of Bloom- La Crosse with a degree in exercise and sports sei- _    If   Mztmger
  I. Held Hills, Mich., and they have a son. Andrew ence. He is currently working toward a masters `  
  and an infant daughter, Lauren. degree in biomechanics at UK. ‘
  At \Ii’isconsin-1.a Crosse, Nehring was a four- liormer Kentucky letterman .·\llen lidwards is
  Y   year tnember ofthe football team where he helped in his first season as a manager on Coach ilitbby
    _ the Eagles win two Division lll National Cham- Smiths stalifi He handles various administrative
    ii       MFM?ck'n pionships (1992. 1995). Before joining the staffiat assignments in the mens basketball office while
· sl     Kentucky, Nehring spent four seasons [1996-99) also assisting itt practice attd at games.
i » with the Nliljs Minnesota Vikings as the strength lidwartls. a native of i\·1iami, lila., lettered lor
_ and conditioning intern. R,
um lviarta Mcolackin is one of the more fitmil- li)ttring his internship. the Vikings advanced     _ 
lar laces around the Kentucky basketball to the playoffs four titties. including a near per- i ai 5"`_"€$-{ 
t office. having been on staff for 25 years. A tire- fect li-1 season in 1998. He also assisted in oil-   A   I
VE" less worker, she has served as an Administrative season conditioning attd mini-camps and even   Qfagg    g   i __ _
Support Associate for joe B. Hall, Eddie Sui- worked with LlK`s all-time rushing leader and ?`      `~i;~¥`,¤     A I
ton, Kick llitino and now ilittbby Smith. 11>l‘111C1` \’i11i€ Mov \Y/1111*1111* I;  1 I i$i$`t`—i i.j, s A .’·   · ii
l' r\nativcol`1t·onton, Ohio, MeMaekin attend- ln his spare time, Nehring worked for the   z     li 1 Q? I h
€t1 Morehead State University and UK. She and Minnesota llevelopmental Basketball llrogrant   Q;   é lh     Els;     `   i
111151111nd Kon have three sons — Rott. Kick and where he taught 110)% and g1l‘1$ 110111 Q,|`~1L1U     __ I;   in  t gi    
Rodd, and one grandson. Michael, school through high school on the 11l11tI11|11&`1I· D   lx ,      
tals of basketball.   lj;     g   { ti‘` E   i { wl
j`   ‘‘‘‘’   Nehring, is it Certified Strength attd Condi-   .      
    I tioning Specialist ((i.S.(i.Sl and is 11 111cl111\‘1` ol *1, 1*     ` · ..., ‘ ` I {    
    ;   Meredith Nelson the National Strength and Conditioning r\ssocia-   _ {.1     .`  ._  
  -%*1 Q; S_   tion. He has also contplctcd 1l¤\(i1‘;I it 1)1’¤1§1`=1111 iitr t   ,m.! Qi L; -j ’ 4, ` —  I __i. i` V6
ff giggih I jg 1.i[}5uppm1riirmmre N I It   _!   I; l _ ·  —_` . ,_ T`., `   ~ . °`
_   . , tactic ,.o.tt its .(11&.1110l1. _ V   .  g 1 _ ,._ .
    Jp. t v i ·II_   r __,_ - _  
En · Mcretlirli Mendez is in her sixth year 118 QI . g 1;.,: -_ it!} N  I  ii.,    
l I11CI111)C[` ol? [1]Q   1)Q1Si{C[19l111 ol‘1`1Ct'   ilqhc   `     mlw"   l L   il   ii     A
Er ` Stall" associate is a graduate of the U111\'€1`51I)' Oli   yin Iltttlv/{tt?]/11r{¢'(’ iis;          i ii    " i i  i i
KCIIWCIW 111 /\111e1‘ican Studies. She is ein-reinly   r_j,,,,,]j,,,,,,],· { I *‘   *` rl        
Er \\'91`1<1l1g toward her tnasterls in linglish.     W "  1 ·» fl {    M?   `i  
11 _ NICIICICZ, Z8, has a passion 1`or acting :11‘1c1` I M    1*   ~ v\ file";    E ·~  
` Serving in ‘“lm‘¢|‘011$ plays both as an actress lint .·\sher is in his second year asgtltc \\'tltl- - P`) `  I       "j
and *11r°€¥01` 111 high school, ln 1998 she was e;its` Isasketlwall \'ideo (i<1U1`L11l1Q11U1` ¤111c1` \c1`\‘1¤1§  ~~J/r`¥}`  QV   ,1 }%  {  A   he
l`°1Illl"€¤1 111 11 local play at ilu- Agro;-S (}rri|ti_ the 1] previous seasons as the 1c~1111i> 11`i1\`s'111l§ ' ilk i n I    I iiil i ii i
A .   T j   J!/(U-(H Ivtwxmltr [1):/X/i’t’//HI//' (:9