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duchess of some rose or other, like Killarney or
Malmaison or Marechal Niel."
  One after another they passed by to take their
places beside the throne, all in such exquisitely
beautiful costumes that Mary thought that each
one must be indelibly photographed on her mem-
ory.  But when they had passed, all she could
remember of so many was a spangled procession
of court trains, covered with cascades of crystal
and silver and pearls and strung jewels.
  Each time a new duchess swept slowly and
majestically by, Mary turned a quick glance toward
Phil to see if he were properly impressed; but when
the Queen was announced, she had no eyes for any-
thing but the regal figure proceeding slowly up the
aisle, amid the admiring applause which almost
drowned the music of the march.
  It was at this juncture that Phil glanced back
at Mary. Her face so plainly showed the admira-
tion which filled her that he continued to watch her
with an amused smile, saying to Roberta in an
  " Look at Mary's rapt expression! She's always
adored queens and such things, and now she feels
that she's up against the real article."
  " I don't wonder," answered Roberta, herself so