MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Jun-6, 1906 Page 95(cont'd)

     Motion of President Patterson was duly seconded, put upon
its passage and carried.

     At this point President Patterson read to the Board a special
report on the matter of a pro-osed Carnegie library, which is
as follows:

Gentlemen of the Board of Trustees,   Lexington, Ky. May 25th 1906
        State College of Kentucky.
     About the latter part of March, or the first of April,1905.
I addressed a letter to 'Mr. Andrew Carnegie of New York City,
setting forth the origin and organization of the College, its
income and expenditures, what it has accomplished and what it
could accomplish with additional needed buildings, equipments
and other educational facilities.  I stated in this letter that
I was in doubt whether state institutions came within the scope
of his benefactions.  If so, the State College of Kentucky would
be glad to be the recipient of his favor in any direction which
might command itself to its judgment. If not, an answer in the
negative would content us. A few weeks thereafter I suggested
to the Chairman of the Board the expediency of addressing a
letter to Mr. Carnegie along kindred lines, which he did. I
discovered, after addressing him, that he has shortly thereafter
gone abroad. He did: not return until late in the autumn.
Several months passed after his return without hearing anything
from him, but in March of the present year, I received from
his private secretary a blank form, with the request that the P.96
questions contained thereon be answered. These related to
the date of foundation, organization, number of teachers, in-
come, expenditures, sources of income, number of students on
the first day of December of each year for the last five years,
average income for the five proceeding years, number of books
in library, annual appropriation for maintenance of a library,
with the request that a statement be made, setting forth some-
what in detail the most obvious necessity of the institution in
the way of a building.

     The blank form was filled up and returned. Some further
correspondence ensued, leaving me in doubt whether anything
tangible would result from the correspondence. Somewhat later
I received from his Drivate secretary a letter indicating the
willingness of Mr. Carnegie to make a donation for the erection
of a library building upon certain conditions which were laid