Mr. Smith offered the following resolution:
    Whereas, ProL. J. R. Johnson, a graduate of this Col-
lege and for years assistant in Mathematics here, has
severed his connection with this College.

     Be it resolved that we, the Board of Trustees of the
Agriculture and Mechanical College of Kentucky, hereby say
that said Johnson while employed in this College, as assistant
teacher in Miathemratics, was thorough in his work, efficient
and capable, and that we recommend him to the confidence of
any college in search of a teacher in Mathematics.

     Be it further resolved that this resolution be spread
upon the minutes of the Board and a copy thereof be. sent to
Prof. Johnson, by the Secretary.

     Said motion was duly seconded by Judge Barker, put upon
its passage and carried unanimously.

                                                Page 100
     Thereupon Judge Kinkead made a statement with reference
to the work of Prof. Wilson in Electrical Engineering Depart-
ment, based on the Report of Prof. Anderson, and moved that
Prof. Wilson be raised to full professorship,- that of Pro-
fessor of Electrical Engineering, with the emoluments there-
to attached. Said motion was duly seconded.

     President Patterson moved that the matter of raising
Prof. Wilson to a full professorship be referred to the Oom-
mittee on Internal Expansion, and this Committee be requested
to investigate this matter, and make their report to the
Executive committee, with authority and power in. the Executive
Committee to firmlly act.   Said motion was duly seconded,
put upon its passage and carried.

     Thereupon Judge Kinkead made a statement if reference to
the work of Mr. Milligan the Carpenter, who desired an in-
crease in his salary of lOO. per annum, and moved than an
increase of $100. be granted to Mr. Milligan.   Said. motion
was duly seconded.