MINUTES OF TEE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Jurn-5, 1906 Page 87(cont'd)

     Committee on Minutes of Executive Com.:- Messrs. Metcalfe,
Smith, and Terrell.
     Committee on Minutes of Faculty:- Messrs. McChord, Clay,and
     Committee on Finances:- Messrs. Nichol.s, Clay and Kinkead.

     Thereupon, upon motion made by Mr. Metcalfe, duly seconded
and carried, the Board adjourned until tomorrow morning, Wednes-
day June 6th 1906, at nine-thirty otclock A. M.

     Met pursuant to adjournment at 9:30 A. M. Wednesday June 6,
1906, at the same place.

     Present:- Messrs. Frazee, Terrell, Patterson, Metcalfe,
Nicholas, Carpenter, Brooks, McOhord, Hop-Kins, Kinkead, Clay, and
Smith.-   12.

     Absent:- Barker, Lafferty, Bell and Stout,    4

     There being a quorui present, business was proceeded with.

     The Secretary read. report of the Director of the Experiment
Station, which was referred to the Committee on Experiment Station.

     Upon motion of Mr. Metcalfe, duly seconded and carried it was
resolved that the action of the Faculty in prescribing and adopting
a general schedule of class work as shown by the Minutes of the
Faculty, be concurred in.

     Thereupon Mr. McChord submitted the Report of the Committee
on Military Instruction which was read to the Board by the ecre-
tary, and is as follows:-

     The undersigned committee on Military instruction hereby ap-
prove of the  Deoort of the Commandant, and recommend that his