MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Jun-6, 1906 Page 93(cont'd)

ask-ed the Board to make an aonroDriation for the benefit of said
Association to the amount of tRl5.O0

     Thereupon Mr. McOhord moved that there be appropriated for
the work of the Y.M.C.A. of the College, the sum of $150.00.

     Said motion was seconded by Mr. Clay put upon its passage,
 and upon roll-call the vote stood as follows:

     Ayes:- Frazee, Terrell, Patterson, Metcalfe, Nicholas, Car-
penter, Brooks, McOhord  Hopkins, Kinkead, Clay, Smith, Barker,
and Lafferty           4l

     Noes     --none.

     The motion was carried.

     President Patterson made a statement with reference to his
action in extending to the Medical Society of Lexington and Fayette
County the use of the Chemical and other laboratories of the
College in its work.

     Judge Lafferty moved that the action of President Patterson
in tendering to the Medical Society of Lexington and Fayette
County the use of the Chemical and other laboratories of the
College for the use of said Society be ratified and approved.

     Said motion was seconded by Mr. Smith put upon its passage
and carried.

     Upon motion of Judge Kinkead, seconded by President Patterson
and carried, the Business Agent was directed to look into the
matter of the closet facilities in the Mechanical Hall, and have
them repaired at once and put in proper order.

    A-t this Doint the Board took a recess until 2:30 P. M. of
same day.