Minutes of the Regular Quarterly Meeting of the
     Board of T'rustees of the University of Rentucky for
     Tuesday, October 2, 1923.

     The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in
regular ouarterly session in the President's office at the Uni-
versity, at 11:30 v. m., on Tuesday, October 3, 1923.   The
following members .vere present: R. C. Stoll, R. G. Gordon,
J. I. Lile, J0 W, Turner, George Colvin, Rainey T. Wells, Frank
McKee, H. iH1. Froman and W. H. Grady.  Frank L. McVey, Presi-
dent of the University, and W01ellington Patrick, Secretary of
the Board, were also present8

     The minutes of the Executive Committee for September 26
were read and approved.   The minutes of the Board of Trustees
for the June meeting were approved as published.

     1. 4Alurli Election  ?The ballots 'for nomination of Alumni
members to the Board of Trust3es r:ere opened in the presence
of the Board and in the presence of Professor W. F. Freeman
and J. Frank Battpile, representing the Alumni Association.
The ballots were counted, with the following result:  There
were 124 ballots cast, and 135 persons nominated.   Those re-
ceiving the highest number were as follows:
        N. C. Wilson, Lexington, Kentucky .......... 15
        V. Y. Moore, Madisonville, Kentucky ........ 13
        Herbert Graham, Lexington, Kentucky ........  12
        Prestley T. Atkins, Pineville, Kentucky ....  10
        J. Frank Battaile, Lexington, Kentucky         9
        louis E. iHillenmeyer, Lexington, Kentucky     9
        --W. H. Towvnsend, Lexington, Kentucky  .8.......  8
        R. ,I. Holland, Owensboro, Kentucky . .. . .. .. ,  8
        ILilliam Collins, Paris, Kentucky ...7........  7
        A. E. Ewan, Greenville, Kentucky      .   .    7
        Rodman Wiley, Plizabethtovnv, Kentucky  ......  7
        J. 0. Reynolds, Lexington, Kentucky ........   7
        T. R. Bryant, Lexington, Xentucky     .   .    7

     Mr. Prestley T. A3tkins, not being a graduate of the Univer-
sity, and being ineligible under the law, was dropped from the
list of nominees.   Lots wtere cast between Mr. '. H. Townsend
and R. M. Holland, resulting in the selection of Mr. Holland.
The *following persons were therefore declared nominated by the