In majesty, on thy swelling bosom '  
__ Are carried cargoes to the sea.  
€ Likewise in life, with joy and song,  
· ' We journey toward eternity. Q';
But, perhaps one finds more of recreation and real fun in the nut-  
ting parties that annually visit his extensive bottom lands. To-mor-  
row we shall go. This afternoon there is bustling and hurrying to  
° and fro getting things ready—baskets to be collected, a run to the i_
neighbors’, the wagon got in trim-everything must be ready for an  
early start in the morning. \Ve all go to bed early, but can not go T
to sleep for some time. Finally weary eyelids close in sweet slum- _
ber. \Ve dream of wondrous exploits in the wood, and adventures  
that make us shudder with dread. But ere long father calls, and out  
of bed we jump, and the whole place is lively long before the sun-  
beams paint the eastern sky. Our various tasks are early done, and  
soon we are off to the "b0ttoms," as the nutting grounds are called. L
The jolting and the brisk moving air make us merry and lively. ._ .
Soon the "bottoms" are reached, and out jumps some one to get the T
first nut. They are plentiful, large and sweet. The trees on which r
they grow often rival the giants of the forest. Grapevine swings are
plentiful, and, moreover, the wild grapes, too. The grandeur of the
. wild scenery is enchanting. We can hardly work for want of run- _
ning hither and thither to see the new "sights." But we cheerfully
' »~ fill and refill our baskets until, ere noon has come, we feel tired and
quite hungry. The luncheon is spread and we begin-—nothing is -
left. We spend a pleasant time in ch ttting with our best girl, and
then start for home. \Ve hull the nuts on the way, and have them T
ready for a feast when the deep snows come. Thus passes the day.
With a fishing party it is quite different. Everything necessary ~
for "camping out" is taken-cooking utensils, blankets, provender,
ctc. We go down to the river under some big tree, where we hitch
the horses and get things in readiness for the night. The long lines
of hooks are brought out, overhauled, put in good condition, taken _
down to the river, baited, and then placed for the night. We then
turn in, telling fish stories and ghost tales. Our beds are rude and
well nigh sleepless. The hooting owl or a rustle in the leaves makes
you shudder, or the puffing and churning of a steamboat will awaken »
you at midnight. But ere morning dawns the camp is awake and
. if