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      Vincent Spagnuolo H   E `t°   ' _    .-.V, ,   ppg;
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1 V Chosen Member   d B F · d     V ».`. €????>:éf¢¥ ??E?·f=*:§Z`k§‘§£`;":5.;.-;9   nlcn
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:1:;:;:;:;:;:; .-:;;$;·:;g·:··-:-:-5>:;:;:·:~      _:-:<·:-:-:~:~:»:·:·:·:-:-:-:·:·:·:·:·:·:-:-;-:-:-;-1- * n Z·i\z:;;-;$¢:-:- .·.-:-:-:-:4-;-;€_  . ··;-·i·F:·:·:·:-;·:-;f-2·:;S·:·:·:·¥b§·:—‘:·;-$;f~2 . 1
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‘ :¢:=:¢:¢:z¢€=E=:f=E=E=E$51.·¢:¤E=3E=E1:=E=E£=E§52EgE;E5?  ·"= .1;  ’jggiig25E5EgE5£;i;E55;E5§;E;E;EgQ_;,E;£:Er55E;§gi§=Ec . · · E¤E¢;=£:£:§:§:§:i$  .§;5E§§5E¢E¤{Z5:Q:}ri:§:§:§:§5§E§E3§15:§:§:£:§:¥’·~=E$"~.§.f·§:‘·¢£`$£:$:§:§""-=E:¢··’ ·.; :1*
1 I   ‘   11111e he has succeeded no l)()Sl[lOll$ as   ----.      age.   19]5_
1 ¤2=2:2¤z:2:1=2=2:2=2:2¤- 12:2:2:;:2:2:1:2:2:2:2:2=;:a=2=1=;=a:2=s¤==a¥"    _   _ — __ _ , 4 1 · . . _  
'`'`'` ` "`'' ` ‘"````"` `" V`   lessor. 1908; professor and head ol Lhe   archa
. . . , , .  
\'i111e111 Sllilgllllllh), (iumlxerlarnd, [01; D<’l¤*i`n¤€m vi Latin, 1909: PY0t€S$Oi` l’1`€>1d€11l H. L- DU11<.>\‘i1111 H1 \\’h0 d15·   amhr
111<·1‘ social (`lllllflllilll of the Vererans wd huid of \h€ D€PHYU11€H€ of A11· ciussed UT. T. Jones, the Administm-  
(Zlub. was 1`C(`(‘llll}’ (`IIOSCII as llUll01"?ll`y ‘ <‘i¤¤¤1 Languages. 1918: wiug dean Of i01`S`V D€\i`1`€u Hancock. PY€`$id€¤`t of- dw  
llll’llll)Cl` of the L'Xl‘(V\ll.l\'C co111111ittee 0[ *nCn» 19225 acting dean Of [ne Gmdln UK Swdcnt Vclcmns Club “'n0 Slmkc   T'
I the Ul1l\'C1`Sll}' 1\l1111111i .-\ssociatio11 at nu! Sclwoi. 1932: nnd dmn of men. 011 HT- T- _]011€5. ll1€ C0U11$€U01`§Vi Mild in
i 1 ‘ 1 1 - · 19%% \ D l{l1`\\'21ll "76 who succeeded Dr. ii
1 .1 1111·e1111g l1;ld .11 the Lafayette Hotel. —— · · · · — » 1
l I 1 = 1
` ).' . ' ’ ' . I *· . € _1,,.r_; Y 7 . , b_ 2};
g bpngnuolo was (`ll()S€ll from ll group mfm Im Pinnnglimc Ulk fningzglh _l<>llLb db tlc lll ol men, and whose su   j
I Ul me Omsmmlmg Seniors. HC SuC_ llllgl[ 111 LIC liu 1; sg rolos 0 1 1) AI(,(I w1s 51; bcmper T)1;l11lll5 1 I   RU
. . . . . ‘   . ‘_,. ‘ , . ,. 1 ). ) ggje
I wclls Ri(_hm_d Lccmndj “;m,su“,’ who <0u11ty and 011 eax es 0 adsince dfO111 L11111;1 111 111; blIHl1Il(.1 D1. 11111     Louis
I sm-C11 1111 the 1-0111111111ce 11111 past 1-C111. nn 1"“€"**Y he °""“?“"’ _“S €_ “°"_ **‘fYd· ‘l°"“ Ol dm C°n€8" Of ns ““ .1; 1.01115-
1 last vc’1r he K\"lS public relations mm ¤¤P*¤1~‘=¤d and me Umvcrslty Ol Smcnccsi D1" M' 1;* Llgom il 1¤¤mb€1 Yi ate of
· 'A     ‘   \"‘V " `= ·`* ·;' `;t [1 
1 (Immmm Of the student dwlsmn Of the (l11(.dgD receivmg tl1e 1 laster ol Arts ol 111; College ol Ld11;1uo11 111111111 171   memb
l <‘o¤11111im:e for 1;e11111e1;v P1-€s1;1e111 of <*¤g1¢¢¤¤ 1908 ¤¤d1h¢ DOCKOY <>f1’1¤i- 25 vwrs Mud former drrcctor of 115 =; A1111111
' 1 ’ . ' . `
- .‘ · ‘ ·; V` `·# ·· D`. `zofthe
I {hc Hamm County Club, and VICE osophy degree 111 1929, both fw? thi Bureru ol bchool berxice, and if XC ·t
I Im_wI(_m Ot the Atmummg Club, HC IS lormer 111st1t11t1011. He IS the aut O1 0 \\1ll111111 Lew 15 Robe1 ts, professor 0 HO  
’ 1 1111111 111 w111»·s who 1.11111.11;; s111d1m1$ *“"°"”‘ 1’“*°n°”"""“1 "‘“°“g ‘h""“ " ‘*‘“‘ "‘ nm U""'“““Y s‘“°" mn "V°"° V V GI?
I in ~\lm_l,Imn Colleges and Uui\_Cl_SiticS‘ second-year Latin text, “Caesar in ll()l]()1`C(l at similar resti111o11ial di1111C1‘S. Y hi; 11}
gI)1Igmml(, is 1 [Ormm. President Of (·1lUl, 0110 Ol tll€ l1l`St CO111pOS1tC texts 111 l`C(`()gl1l[1011 oi Ll1e1r change of stalllb.   It men
1 ‘ ` ‘ , _ · . . . . --- ..... ;4.+..Wwe..—.·» 11 ‘
§ the 5\ll(l(’llL G0\'Cl'l]ll1CIl( i\SSOCl1l[l()H, lmmlshcd by {ml °Oml°‘ml‘   tors fe
_   lN|$||ll?$S1IIilllilg€1`()l me ]\C]][[I(`k)' km-. D1. L10 M. (-Jl1¤1H1bCll2llI1, VICC PIGSI- Two gid(lUdl€b ot me Unucmty: Of   Stor? (
I 111-|_ In-1-1§(](-,,1 gf [hc Ncwmml (j|u],_ dent of the University presided at the Kelltllliky, Benjamin Fl0y€l B1‘0W11» 4]-   C0r1t111
l · · ·· y . ' 1 ~ · . · - ,. - " n · ` · r A · 1 ' V i ·
I 1]];m·m;m 1,| [hc (_;.mI,uS \\m~ Chest (llIlllLl, .lll(·l 1%.111 N, 1*;.1],; ’1;, YMCA of Peebles, Ol11o. and Bewuly WVh1l€   $15 la
’ l)rir1r, sporrs editor ol` ll1C KCl1[llCl(lilll $€<`¤`€i¥¤F}G 0ff€1`<‘c11edicti011. Speakers were Prof. XV, were awarded the degree of Masrcr Of WI (mill;
I ;1(]]l(j[i(j (]c[);[l·[]n€nt_   `VCl)l), ’01, `\\’hO (l1$(jll$$€(l (iT,   SClCl]CC ill h[C[8llUl`giCHl EHglHCC1`ll]g il; gcrvice
1 11;: was gl`[](ll]§][C(l in ]1m€_ Hg is yl _l<)Il€S, the S{ll(lCl1[§VV Prof. M. E. Ligon, at the May cormneucemerrc exercises Hi   hO1_St,S
I Ill(‘l]ll)('l' of [hc 1{(f§QI`\'{;‘ Omggrg ASSO. Clll€I`l[l1S I)1‘Ol`€SSO1` of €(lllCi1ti01], \\’l1O (ViEll`1lCglC IllSlillllC of TCCl1H0l0g)`»  
` [>0l<€ OH HT· T· JOUCS, {l1€ T€€lCh€I`§VV PiU$bU¥`§lL Pm Vi Edit
.$. 1.