7 Renovate Track and Fleld Faclllty
Project Number: 2315.00
Project Description: S°°P€? $12»360»839 _
The University of Kentucky‘s Shlvely Track, used by the men‘s and women‘s track and cross country teams, ls over 30
years old and needs to be renovated. This project will renovate the existing track and field facility by providing new track
and field surfaces, field event training areas, spectator seating, spectator amenities (concessions, restrooms, etc.), and
equipment storage. The track is antlclpated to be a nine—lane synthetic surface track. An athlete only practice throw
area has been lntegraled into the site plane, creating safety for adjacent spectators as well as provldlng a proper
environment for the tralnlng and warm up of student athletes. A practice runway ls being Incorporated with the javelin
throw. This area would also accommodate visiting track teams during meet events. The architectural design and
materials will be integrated to enhance the proximity to the design elements ofthe Universlty's adjacent baseball stadium.
The concession building will overlook the track so spectators standing in llne will continue to have visual access to the
event completion. A new storage facility rmll be located at the Cooperstown Road entry, and will be of sufticlent size to
store all track and field equipment. _
Consultant: Ross Tarrant Architects
Contract it A11106O _ Original Contract Amount: $8ea,s0o
Total Amendments to Date; CLlmul6tlVB Al`l’lSTldil1SlitAi`TlOUl1tC
Describe all amendments : Revised Contract Amount: - $858,500
No amendments this quarter. ·
Contractor: Abel Construction Co. Note: This is a ’CM-At—Risl<" contract. The amcuntwlll be increased as subccntracts
are bid and added. *Abel's contract was awarded by RFP process.
Contract #· 4500043874 ‘ Original Contract Amount: $9,820,610
Total Change Orders to Date: an Cumulative Change Order Amount: $239,823
Low Bid: Revised Contract Amount: $10,060,433
High Bid: Contract Percent Complete: 60%
Number of Bids:
Describe all change orders greater than $25,000.00:
Change Order # 2, 8/24/11 was approved for an increase of $30,332 to provide sand based sod in lieu of regular soil
based sod to provide better drainage performance. Change Order #10, 8/24/11 was approved for ra decrease of
$45,600 to use Interlocking deck In lleu of welded deck and to use galvanized steel in lieu of painted Hnish on structure. V
Change Order # 12, 8/25/11 was approved for an increase of $117,663 to provide and Install an eight lane practice
track. Change Order # 20, 10l13I11, was approved for an Increase of $35,975 to increase the Kentucky American
Water Co. allowance needed to relocate a section of waterline along Cooperstown Drive. Change Order # 21 ,
11I3l1•f, was approved for an increase of $25,275 to install subdrainage piping for the permeable pavers for the
drive along the north side ofthe track. ~
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