Student Housing - Supporting Utility Plant Upgrades .  
Project Number: 2153.30  
Project Description: $¢0I¤$i $7,275.000 A Q
This project includes expanding the Virginia Avenue Central Utility Plant to accommodate future expansion in steam and '
chilled water capacity. The project was established in support of the Student Housing Project.
. Consultant: AM Kinney
»Contract# AO41000GG Original Contract Amount: . $26,315
Total Amendments to Date: Cumulative Amendment Amount:
Describe all amendments : Revised Contract Amount: $26,315
No amendments this quarter.
Contractor: English Boiler & Tube Inc.
"English Boilers contract was awarded by RFP process. ‘
Contract # 4500008298 Original Contract Amount: $1,147,748
Total Change Orders to Date: Cumulative Change Order Amount:
Low Bid: Revised Contract Amount: $1,147,748 ' -
High Bid: Contract Percent Complete: 99%
Number of Bids: `
Describe all change orders greater than $25,000.00:
No change orders greater than $25,000.00 this quarter.
Upgrade, Renovate, Improve or Expand Research Labs (Chem-Physics) .
Project Number: 2332.00
Project Description: S<¤¤P<=‘i $832.000
This project will renovate approximately 2,100 square feet of Physics wet bench research space ln the Chemistry-Physics
Building. The work consists of renovating several contiguous laboratories on the tirst floor ln the Chemistry-Physics
Building as follows: Demolition of existing finishes, partitions, andbulldlng systems, and
Construction of new partitions, installation of new finishes, bulldlng systems, and laboratory Items as required to create
new research laboratories and their supporting spaces. installation of new buildings systems in other areas of the
Chemistry-Physics Building to support the new research labs as shown on the Contract Documents.
New hnishes include resilient floor tile, resinous flooring, resilient base, painted gypsum board, and suspended acoustical
ceiling system. New building components include metal laboratory casework, epoxy laboratory counters and sinks, and
fume hoods. .
Consultant: Omni Architects V
Contract # A121080 Original Contract Amount: $59,000
Total Amendments to Date: Cumulative Amendment Amount:
Describe all amendments : Revised Contract Amount: $59,000
No amendments this quarter.
Contractor: No construction contract awarded to date.
Contract # Original Contract Amount:
Total Change Orders to Date: Cumulative Change Order Amount:
Low Bid: Revised Contract Amount:
High Bid: Contract Percent Complete:
Number of Bids:
Describe all change orders greater than $25,000.00:
V 23 ` . _