xt7cjs9h5c8h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7cjs9h5c8h/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1963 journals kaes_bulletins_183 English Lexington, Ky. : The Station, 1885- Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin n.183. text Bulletin n.183. 1963 2014 true xt7cjs9h5c8h section xt7cjs9h5c8h • \ ‘Geds  
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Kentucky Thoroughbreds
Regulatary Bulletin l83
I University at Kentucky
Agricultural Experiment Statian

Bruce Poundstone, Chairman
Robert Mathews, Asst. Adm. & Chief Inspector
Guy P. Zickefoose, Auditor-Inspector
W. J. Huffman, Registration Inspector
E.G. Vanderpool Neville Hulette Noel J. Howard
M.M. Davis W.M. Routt
*Harry R. Allen J.A. Shrader Lelah Gault
Valva Midkiff Dewey H. Newman, Jr. Norma Holbrook
J.T. Adair **C1yde Bradway Robert N. Price
Paul R. Caudill John Ellis
Introduction ........................................... 3
Companies on Reporting System June l-l96A............... Q
Estimated Tonnage of Feed sold in Kentucky..............
For the Years Listed................................. B
Average Composition of the More Common Feedstuffs. ...... 9
Miscellaneous Samples Analyzed in 1947-63............... ll
Microscopic Examination of Feeds. ....................... l2
hbthod of Calculating the Analysis of Feed Mixture...... I3
Table 1 - Report of Official Samples Analyzed 1963 ...... 14
Table 2 - Samples Classified as "Not Passed"............ 21
* Retired 1963
** Resigned 196T
This report compiled and prepared by Robert Mathews and Bruce Poundstone.
Analytical data by the laboratory staff.

 Commercial Feeds in Kentucky, 1963 3
This bulletin contains the results of inspection and analysis
of commercial feed sold in Kentucky, during the calendar year
of 1963, and other.information helpful to those interested in
this field.
During l963, 3,368 official samples of feed were secured by
inspectors and 2,885 or 85.6% of these passed with h83 or lA.b% V
not passing
During 1962, 80% of the samples secured passed and 20% did not
The use of drugs in feed is increasing year by year and the
farmer should always read the directions on the label and follow
them closely to be sure that the feed is fed to the kind of
animal stated on the label.

 A Regulatory Bulletin No. 183
Acme-Evans Co., Inc.
Albers Milling Co Commander-Larabee Milling Co.
Allen Rgbgr[5g¤ 5 Co, Consolidated Flour Mills Co.
All-In-One Feeds, Inc. Consolidated Products Co.
Allied Foods Distributors Cooperative Mills, Inc.
Allied Food Distributors, Inc. Corn Products Company
Allied Industries, Inc. Cosby-Hodges Milling Co.
Allied Mills, Inc.
American Crystal Sugar Co.
Andersen S Spilmen Daffin Corporation
Apex Farm S Supply Ce- Dearborn Mills
Archer-Daniel-Midland Co. Decatur Cotton Oil Co,
Armeete Import Ce- Diamond Crystal Salt co.
Armour and COmPanY Diamond Laboratory
Armour Creemeries Dixie crain co., Inc.
Ashland Milling Ce- Dixie Mills Company
Aubrey Feed Mills. ine- Dixie Portland Flour co.
August Meldenheuer Mill Dixie Portland Flour Mills (Tenn.)
AYIOF & MEYEY COmPanY Dixie Portland Flour Mills (Kan.)
Dixie Treat Sales Co.
Bngdnd Roller Millg Doan Feed Products Company
Barry Carter Milling C0. J.E. Doggett, Inc.
Barton Distilling Co. Dog Life Packing Co,
Heres Farm Supply  Dover Milling Company
Bay State Milling Co. Dyersburg Oil Mill CO_
Beacon Div. of Textron
The Beardstown Mills Co. The Ear1y_& Panlel C°'
Best Feeds C Farm Supplies, Inc. F¤kher= mllllng C°'
Big Four Feed Store (s) Elem Graln Cenvenv
Big Sandy Wholesale Company The F‘L' Fmner¤ CO'
L_A_ Black John W. Eshelman & Sons
Blatchford Calf Meal co. EVa“S nllllng P°-· I“°-
Blenda Life, lnc_ Excelsior Milling Co.
Bobb Brothers
The Borden Company Fabr°’ Inc'
The Boswell Company Fabro of Georgia, Inc.
Botkins ctain s Feed co. Farm ChG€_F°€d$
Bremco Alfalfa Mills, Inc. Farm Sgrvlcei I“°‘
Brennan Packlng C0_ Farmers Elevators, Inc. -
The Brodcy Corporation Farmers Friend Mineral Co.
Brown bblasses Company Farmers Hay § Seed C°• (b)
Brown-Forman Distillers Corp. Farmers SEFVICE (b)
The Buckeye Cellulose Corp. Farmers Supply CO'
Buckeye cotton Oil Division Feed Service €¤rp¤r¤¤1¤n
The Buhler Mill o Elevator co. Finch Packing 
Buhner S Company, Inc. Fish Meal CO·
Flambeau Milling C0.
Cadiz Milling Company Foremost Dniries
lnc Carey gals CO_ Fort Negley Mills
Cargill, Incorporated F¤s¤er Canning Cempsny
Cnrsnn pond Cnmnanv Frosty Morn Meats
Casey County Farm Supply Henry Frueenrenichc
Cashman's Lcghorn Farm Ffuen Milling C0-
Cnc Life packing Cn_ Fuhrer-Ford Milling C0.
Central Alfalfa, Inc. Fulton Laboratories
Central Snvn Cnmnnny Funk Brothers Seed C0.
Clark Milling Coe
Clinton Corn Processing
Clineen Feedsi lne· catoen Street Mill o Elevator
Clinton Milling Co., Inc. Carinrd Farm Service
Fveke e Company Garrard Mills
H.C. Cole Milling C0. General Foods Corporation
Colorado Milling S Elevator Co. Corn yill Division
Columbian Hog S Cattle Powder Co. Cnincs Division
(sl Small DHCRJECS enly, (U) Bulk sales Only, lm) Holassco only, (d) lkng Food Only

 Commercial Feeds in Kentucky, 1963 5
General mus, Inc. Edmond J- Lang
Gethsemani Farms Lewisburg Roller Mills (b)
Goldenrod Oil Meal Sales ce. Leyingron Roller Mills, Ine-
Good—Life cneinieai, Inc. Life Guard Feeds
The Great Atlantic sa Pacific Tea ce. Light Grain 6· Milling Co-, lne-
Grent Lakes pet Food C¤_ Limestone Products Corporation of America
The Great Western Sugar Co. Lincoln Farm Service
Green County Milling ce. (b) Linden gill Gi; 1 (b)
Gwinn Brothers ce. Lipsrom Farm HPP y
Lipscomb Grain & Seed Co., Inc.
Hales & Hunter Company M_F_A_ Grain & Feed Div_
Peter Hand Foundation (s) The M_G_R_ Feed Ce_
HaPPY Valley Mllls Magic Feed Mills, Inc.
Hatpeth Mllls Marblehead Lime Co.
Hartsville Milling Company Marco Mills, Inc_
Hartz Mountain Products Corp. Marianne Sales C0_
daryadr Bra¤d· Ina- Marian miiing ce.
Haydon Mill & Grain Co. (s) Merkin Feed C0.
dayaaa Mining ddnnany Marina mite Flour nine
Hd>’“‘"d· I“°· iaartna White rienr mus of w. va.
H€°k1E_B’°“"€“ Master Feed a Seed ce., Inc.
DT' Heinz Ccmpany Mavar Shrimp & Oyster Co. (Cat)
dalndrd d Barry Fddd Cd-  Maytieid inning ee., ine.
Hi-Life Packing Company Meceuley BIOS- Seed
Highland Products, Inc. (s) MeKnight_KeecOn Grocery
Tg g?i‘;i;gCC°“‘P‘*‘“Y Memiien Feed miie
· · 1 °· Men his Cotton Oil Mil 1
“°H“' 6* Mardis nenlnei Milling ce. 1
daily Sugar Cdrvdraridn Metcalfe ee. ram sunny, nie.
H°r1i°k$ C°Fp°r?ti°“ 0.W. Meyer Laboratories
g°:;>’ '?;5}'i“b“;1“g_C°·(b) Middieabnre Milling ce. (e)
Haig; Puf;*‘;‘Ec€;;;§‘; Midland rienr Milling ce.
_ _ Midsouth Milling Co.
The Hunter Milling C0. Midwest Feeds
Milliken Sweet Feed Mill
Igleheart Brothers Division Mineral Pf¤d¤€€S C0-
Illinois Cereal miie, Inc. (b) Minute Maid Corv-
Illinois Soy Products Co. Model Mll1$
. Independent 011 m11, ine. Mohawk Roller Mills
Inland Mil]5, Ing. Monroe County Farmers Service, Inc.
International Milling ce. Moore-Lowry Flour MillS.ln¤-
International Salt ce., Inc. Mooman Manufaernring Co-
The ieinenmiineke Milling ce. The Mor—Mi1\< Co-
John Morrell & Co.
Jagqd [ndu5[rig5’ Limited Morristown Milling Co.
Jackson County Farm Bureau Coop. Ass'n. burton 5a¥t Ccmpany
Jet Products, Inc. bbwatt, Wilson & Co.
John Ewing CO- Mt. Sterling Hatchery (b)
Id- Jdaadi da-· Ida- 2::221 EEZEEEEE E2' ei
The Kahn's Sons Co, MYS°°> Inc'
Kane Molasses Lab.
K & K Manufacturing Co. H' Ndgdl & S°“
The Kansas Milling Co. Nashville Cotton Oil Mill Corp.
Keco Milling CO. national Alfalta Dehyd. & Milling Co.
Kellogg Cempeny national Biscuit C0. V
Spencer Kellogg & Sons, Inc. ;;;;;;;i 3éi;;;;;rE0Pr°duCc5 LO'
Kentucky By-Products Corp. _ _ '
Kentucky Chemical Industries, Inc. §at%¤na1 Oats CO'
Keynes Brothers national Remedy Products Co., Inc.
Kimbel1_DiemOnd Milling CO. national Vitamin Products Co.
u_C· Knoke & CO- nebrasga ionsolidatcd Mills Co.
. ·€Ul’1'\O\"a , TIC,
Kraft F°°d5 The North American Trading 6 Import Co.
Lacross Milling CO-, Inca Northern Ohio Sugar Company
Lake County Oil Mills Chas. Nunn G Sons Milling Cn.
Lake States Yeast Corn. Uutrena Hills, Inc.
Land-O-Nan Warehouse (b) Odon Milling C0.

 6 Regulatory Bulletin No. 183
Orleans Candy Company Southern States Campbellsville Coop.
orleans Canning CO_ Southern States Carlisle Coop.
Owensboro Grain Co. Southern States Clark Coop.
Owensboro Milling Co. (b) Southern States Cynthiana Coop.
Southern States Frankfort Coop.
Southern States Fulton Coop.
Pacific Molasses Co. Southern States Georgetown Coop.
Packers By-Product Co. Southern States Glasgow Coop.
Pan American Mills (s) Southern States Hardin Coop.
Phillip P. Park, Inc. Southern States Henderson Coop.
Pedrick Laboratories Southern States Hopkinsville Coop.
Pendleton County Mills Southern States LaGrange Coop.
Penick S Ford, Ltd., Inc. Southern States Lebanon Coop.
John J. Pepin S Co. Southern States Leitchfield Coop.
Philips Roxane Div. Southern States Lexington Coop.
Pillsbury Company Southern States London Coop.
Pittsburg Plate Glass Co. Southern States Maysville Coop.
Planters Manufacturing Co. Southern States Morganfield Coop.
Planters Oil Co. Southern States Owenton Coop.
Portland Feed Mill, Inc. Southern States Russellville Coop.
Provico Feeds & Concentrates Southern States Somerset Coop.
Publicker Chemical Co. Southern States Coop. Elkton Branch
Publicker Industries, Inc. Specialty Food Company
Specified, Inc.
Spen-Well Feed Company
The Quaker Oats Company St. Louis Brewers Yeast Co.
Quinnmenhaden Fisheries A.E. Staley Manufacturing Co.
Quisenberry Mills, Inc. Standard Brands, Inc.
Standard Mills
Standard Products Co., Inc.
Ralston Purina Company F.W. Stock & Sons, Inc.
Reliance Chemical Corp. Suni-Citrus Products Co.
Riteway Milling Co. Sunshine Feed Mill, Inc.
Robinson Milling Co. (m) Sunshine Molasses Co.
Rome Oil Mill Supreme Mills
G.P. Rose & Co., Inc. Surewill Mfg. Co., Inc.
The Ross Milling Co. Sun—Ray Feed Mills (Lexington)
Russells Company Sweet Feed, Inc.
Russell-Miller Milling C0. Swift S Company (Chicago)
Ryde & Company Swift S Company (Memphis)
Swift & Company-Oil Mill
Swift S Company-Pard Food Dept. I
S S O Products, Inc.
Sandusky Brothers
Sanford's Feed Service Teater S Cassity Farm Service
Salyersville Wholesale Co. The Topeka Flour Mills Corp.
Charles N. Schenk & Sons (s) Trenton Cotton Oil Company
Schenly Distillers, Inc. Tri-County Farm Supply
John Schlenmer Tri-State Mills
Scientific Milling Co. Tri-State Molasses Company
Scioto Farm Bureau Coop. Ass'n,
The Scott County Milling Co.
Scaboard Allied Milling Co. Union Sales Corporation
Joseph E. Seagram & Sons, Inc. United Salt Corporation
Security Food Company Usen Canning Company
Security Mills, Inc.
Shellabargers, Inc.
The Sherwin-Williams Co. Valier & Spies Milling Co.
Sikeston Cotton Oil Mill Varner Milling Company
Siwmgns Milk Products, {nc_ Vets Division Perk Foods Co.
The w_J, gmall gO_ Divisicn Virginia-Carolina Chemical Corp.
J_ Allen Smj[h Vita Fresh Dog Food Corp.
$mi¤h Packiw €¤¤¤p¤¤y vim Plus Corporation
Snuthcoast Fisheries Co. Vitamingral prgdncrr CO_
Southern Canning Sales, Inc. VyLactos Laboratories, lne,
The Southern Cotton Oil Co, (Ala.)
The Southern Cotton Oil Co. (Tenn.)
Southern States Bardstown Cooperative
Southern States Howling Green Cooperative N & W U“m5c€TY
Southern States Boyle Cooperative waltcri & ThOmP$O“ (m)

 Comercial Feeds in Kentucky, 1963 7
Watkins Products
Weisenberger Sanitary Flour Mills
Western Grain Coq
Whitewater Flour Mills C0.
Whitney Seed Co.
William Davies Co., Inc.
Williamstown Roller Mills (b)
Yieldmor Feeds, Inc.
Yopp Seed Company

 8 Regulatory Bulletin N0. 183
1920 —---—--——-------—----—---—--—-—-—-——--- 244,405
1921 ----------—--—-—---—-—-——-----—--—--——- 203,578
1922 ------------—---—-——-—------—-——-----—- 244,192
1924 ---—---—-——-------—------—--- — -------—- 272,613
1925 ------------------------—------—------- 227,635
1926 -----—------------—--------------—--—-- 255,335
1927 ---——-----------——---------------—----- 274,998
1928 -------------------—-—--------—-----—-— 332,613
1929 ——--—-—·-—-—-----—-—--—-----——-----—--- 322,271
1930 -———-----—---——-——----—---—----—-—---—— 341,890
1939 ---·—---------———--—-—----—-—----——-—-— 349,470
1940 ------———-—-—-----—---——--———-——------- 353,138
1941 -----------—-———--————----———-----———-— 347,055
1942 ----—-----—--—---------—-—-—----------— 416,805
1943 —————---—-----—-------—----------———--- 630,438
1944 -——--—-------———-—---------——--------—- 663,039
1945 ——---—----—--—----——-----——------------ 671,350
1946 ——-—--—--------------———--—--—-—-—---—- 647,661
1947 ———---———------—-—----—-—--—--—--——--—— 582,375
1948 —-—--—--—--—-—----——--------—---—--—--- 634,000
1949 ----—--------—-------------------———--- 607,255
1950 -—-----——————----—---————---—---------- 584,441
1951 ---------—----—--—-—-----——------—----— 612,946
1952 ----—-------------———-----—————-——---—- 648,800
1953 ------——-----——---——----——-——------———— 662,267
1954 —-----------—-——-----—----------—--—--- 566,229
1955 ---—-——--——-—-----------——------------- 541,536
1956 -—---------—--—---------—----------—--- 591,921
1957 -—------——----—----—-----——-———---——--- 572,957
1958 --------------—--—------—-------——----- 615,549
1959 ------—-—-—-—-----—~———----—---—----——- 578,148
1960 --------------------------------------— 580,652
1961 ------------------------—----—---—----- 576,920
1962 --—-—-------------------------—-—--———- 569,800

 Co mercial Feeds in Kentucky, 1963 9
Feedstuffs Protein Fats Fiber N.F. Water Ash
Alfalfa Leaf Meal 21.0 2.8 16.0 40.5 7.7 12.0
Alfalfa Meal 14.0 2.0 30.0 36.0 9.0 9.0
Barley 12.0 2.0 5.4 67.3 10.6 2.7
Barley Feed 13.5 3.5 8.7 60.9 9.3 4.9
Beet Pu1p,Dried 9.2 0.5 19.8 47.2 9.9 3.4
Blood, Dried 84.5 1.1 1.0 0.7 8.2 4.5
Bone Meal, Raw 26.0 5.0 1.0 2.5 6.4 59.1
Bone Meal, Steamed 7.5 1.2 1.5 3.2 5.7 81.3
Brewers Dried Grains 25.0 6.4 16.0 41.0 7.7 3.9
Buokwheat 10.8 2.5 10.5 62.3 12.0 1.9
Buttermilk, Dried 33.0 6.0 0.3 43.1 7.6 10.0
Buttermilk, Semi—So1id 13.4 3.0 0.0 15.9 65.0 2.7
Citrus Meal 5.9 3.1 11.5 62.7 9.9 6.9
Coconut Oil Meal 20.5 8.0 10.0 45.0 9.5 6.5
Corn 8.0 3.9 2.0 69.9 15.0 1.2
Corn Bran 9.7 7.3 9.2 62.0 9.4 2.4
Corn and Cob Meal 7.0 3.5 8.0 66.1 14.1 1.5
Crushed Ear Corn 8 Shucks 7.0 3.0 10.6 69.2 11.0 1.8
Corn Chop 8.0 3.5 2.0 71.0 14.0 1.5
Corn Feed Meal 8.0 4.5 3.0 71.0 11.4 2.0
Corn Germ Meal 21.0 9.0 9.0 50.7 7.0 3.3
Corn Gluten Feed 25.5 2.7 7.6 48.8 9.1 6.3
Corn Gluten Meal 43.1 2.0 4.0 39.8 8.6 2.5
Cottonseed Meal 41.5 6.3 10.4 28.1 7.2 6.5
Cottonseed Meal Solvent 41.1 2.1 11.0 31.1 9.2 6.8
Cottonseed Feed 34.6 6.3 14.1 31.5 7.6 5.9
Distillers Dried Grains,Corn 26.1 8.8 12.8 44.2 7.1 2.5
Distillers Dried Grains,Rye 24.4 5.6 11.5 48.3 6.1 22.4
Distillers Dried Solubles 28.5 9.6 4.4 42.5 7.0 7.4
Fish Meal 60.9 6.8 0.9 5.0 7.1 17.6
Flaxseed 24.0 35.9 6.3 24.0 9.2 4.3
Flaxseed Screenings Oil Feed 25.0 7.1 11.7 40.3 8.1 7.8
Hominy Feed 11.2 6.9 5.2 64.2 9.6 2.9
- Lespedeza Seed 36.6 7.6 9.6 32.8 8.3 5.1
Linseed Meal 35.4 5.8 8.2 36.0 9.0 5.6
Linseed Meal Solvent 36.6 1.0 9.3 38.3 9.6 5.6
Malt Sprouts 26.8 1.3 14.2 44.3 7.4 6.0
Meat Scraps 55% 55.8 9.3 2.1 1.3 6.1 25.4
Meat 8 Bone Scraps, 50% 51.0 10.1 2.1 1.6 6.1 29.1
Molasses,Cane 3.0 0.0 0.0 61.7 25.7 6.1
Molasses, Beet 7.8 0.0 0.0 62.1 22.0 7.0
Oats 12.0 4.6 11.0 58.6 10.4 3.4
Oat Kernels 16.0 6.4 1.6 66.0 8.0 2.0
Oat Middlings 15.9 5.2 3.3 64.6 8.6 2.4
Peanut Kernels 30.4 47.7' 2.5 11.7 5.4 2.3
Peanut Meal 43.5 7.6 13.3 23.4 7.0 5.2
Peanut Meal, Solvent 51.5 1.4 5.7 27.2 8.4 5.8
Peanut Skins 15.9 22.4 10.6 42.2 6.2 2.7
Rice Bran 12.5 12.5 12.5 44.0 9.0 9.5
Rye 11.8 1.8 1.8 73.2 9.4 2.0
Rye Middlings 16.6 3.4 5.2 61.2 9.8 3.8
Skinmed Milk, Dried 34.0 1.0 0.0 51.0 6.0 8.0
Sorghum Grains 9.5 3.4 2.0 72.2 12.00 1.9
Soybean (Seed) 36.5 17.5 4.3 26.5 9.9 5.3
Soybean Meal 44.3 5.3 5.7 29.6 9.1 6.0
Soybean Meal, Solvent 46.1 1.0 5.9 31.8 9.4 5.8

 10 Regulatory Bulletin No. 183
Commercial Feeds in Kentucky, 1963
Average Composition of the More Common Feedstuffs, Continued
Feedstuff Protein Fats Fiber N.F. Water Ash
Tankage, 60% 60.6 8.5 2.0 1.8 6.9 20.2
Tankage with Bone 50% 51.3 11.5 2.3 2.3 6.2 26.1
Wheat 10.5 1.7 2.8 72.9 10.2 1.9
Wheat Bran 14.0 3.5 9.5 56.9 10.1 6.0
Wheat Mill Run 13.5 3.5 7.5 60.2 10.1 5.2
wheat Middlings 15.0 3.5 7.0 58.7 10.3 5.4
Wheat Shorts 15.0 3.5 6.0 60.6 10.5 4.4
Wheat Red Dog 16.0 3.5 3.0 66.4 8.5 2.6
Wheat Flour, Patent 10.9 1.3 0.4 74.7 12.3 0.5
wheat Germ Meal 27.8 9.2 3.3 44.4 8.9 4.5
Grain Screenings (From Wheat) 10.5 1.7 2.8 70.8 9.6 4.6
Whey, Dried 12.2 0.8 0.2 70.4 6.5 9.9
Yeast Brewers, Dried 44.9 0.7 2.7 38.8 6.2 6.9
Yeast, Irradiated, Dried 48.7 1.1 5.5 32.2 6.4 6.4
Alfalfa Hay 14.5 2.3 29.7 36.3 8.6 8.6
Blue Grass Hay 8.2 2.5 29.8 42.5 10.5 6.5
Clover Hay, white 14.4 2.4 22.5 40.9 12.0 7.8
Clover Hay, Red 11.8 2.6 27.3 40.1 11.8 6.4
Corn Stover, without ear 5.9 1.6 30.8 46.5 9.4 5.8
Corn Stover, with ear 7.8 2.2 27.1 47.6 8.9 6.4
Cowpea Hay 18.6 2.6 22.5 35.1 9.9 11.3 -
Fescue Nay 7.0 1.9 30.3 43.2 11.8 6.8
Lcspedeza Hay 13.5 2.5 28.0 40.1 10.5 5.4
Soybean Hay 15.5 2.8 26.5 38.7 9.2 7.3
Timothy Hay 6.2 2.5 29.8 45.0 11.6 4.9
Alfalfa Stem Meal 11.5 1.3 36.3 34.8 9.0 7.1
Corn Cob 2.3 0.4 32.1 54.0 9.6 1.6
Corn Musk or Shuck 3.4 0.9 28.2 49.6 15.0 2.9
Cottonseed Hulls 3.9 1.0 45.5 37.2 9.7 2.7
Flax Plant By-Products 6.4 2.1 44.4 33.1 8.1 5.9
Oat Mill By-Product 5.6 1.8 27.9 50.8 7.6 6.3
Oat Hull Feed 3.5 1.5 33.5 49.3 7.6 5.6
nat Hulls 3.0 1.0 35.0 47.7 6.8 6.5
Chaff and dust°`**`*
*Vnrits in quality from fair.
**Yarics in quality from poor to worthless and even dangerous·

 Commercial Feeds in Kentucky, 1963 11
Miscellaneous Samples Analyzed in 1947-63 _
Feedstuff Protein Fat Fiber
Activated Sewer Sludge 29.2 6.0 6.7
Alfalfa Silage 4.0 0.9 9.5
Barley Bran 15.2 5.2 14.9
Bluegrass Chaff 7.1 1.9 28.5
Bluegrass Screenings 6.7 2.0 26.1
- Blackberry Seeds 9.6 —-— -——
Bread 12.5 5.3 0.7
Brewers Wet Grains 10.3 1.0 3.4
Buckwheat Feed & Hulls 9.6 2.9 22.4
Cake, Ground 4.8 9.9 1.5
Cob & Shuck bhal 3.2 0.6 31.6
Cookie Meal 7.7 8.6 0.8
Corn Dust 7.1 2.7 1.7
Corn Blowings 8.7 1.9 15.7
Corn Fodder & Soybean Plant 10.1 3.9 17.0
Cracklings, Edible 67.1 28.1 1.1
Cracklings, Inedible 44.1 22.2 3.0
Distillers Thin Slop 1.4 —-- ---
Fescue Silage 2.8 1.3 8.9
Honey Suckle 2.8 0.02 6.0
Ice Cream Cones, ground 9.2 1.5 0.7
Johnson Grass 7.8 0.8 37.6
Kale Seed 24.3 40.0 9.6
Korean Hay 13.9 —-— -——
. Korean Screenings 21.9 3.6 20.8
Lespedeza Screenings 19.8 15.7 26.2
Lima Beans, Ground 21.5 1.5 6.1
Malt Hulls, Ground 10.3 1.8 22.5
Osage Orange Apple 2.5 4.3 1.7
Peanut Vine Meal 10.1 2.3 34.0
Popcorn, Ground 9.4 2.5 2.7
Popcorn, Popped and Crushed 8.4 12.8 2.9
Potato Flour 2.0 ~—- —--
I Potato Flakes 9.0 ——- ---
Rag weed Seed 17.2 16.2 34.4
Sorghum, Ground (Stalk & Leaves) 4.1 2.9 19.6
Ground Unthreshed Heads of Grain Sorghum 6.4 2.1 10.5
Fescue 8 Clover Silage 2.0 1.0 8.0
· Oat Silage 1.9 1.5 9.8
Straw Silagc 6.5 3.0 19.5
Sudan Grass Silage 5.9 1.1 14.0
Sudan & Soybean Silage 2.4 0.6 7.9
Vetch Sccd 26.4 0.7 7.6
Walnut Shells 8 Meats 13.2 24.2 27.1
Walnut Meat Skins & Small Amount of Shell 21.5 45.5 12.0
Wheat Toast, Ground 12.6 4.9 0.5
Wild Onions 6.7 0.7 1.0
Wheat Silage 4.4 1.4 22.7

12 Regulatory Bulletin No. 183
It is important that the guarantee placed on a bag of feed be
a true picture of the contents of that bag. _
when the Kentucky Feed Law was adopted in 1906, it was thought a
chemical determination of the amount of protein, fat and fiber was
adequate in judging the accuracy of labeling a feed. Later it was
shown that the source of protein, fat and fiber was as important,
if not more important, than the amount present; For this reason, all
official samples of feeds analyzed by the Kentucky Feed Laboratories
have, since 1918, been examined with the aid of the microscope to
determine whether the ingredient list shown was adhered to.
Theoretically it would be possible to blend chicken feathers,
leather, weed seeds, pulp wood, a little soybean oil meal or urea
in the proper proportions and make a product that would meet a chemical
guarantee resembling that of a feed but it would not be a good feed.
Obviously no one would try to make a feed this way, but cases have
been found where feeds have been cheapened by the use of undeclared
additions of such products as rice hulls, oat hulls, corn cobs, mixed
screenings, ground chaff and dust, weed seeds, peanut hulls, etc. In
such instances the chemical guarantee will be met with regard to protein,
fat, and fiber even though the quality of the feed is quite different
from that declared in the ingredient list.
A recent sample of 16% Dairy Feed was found to be adulterated with
mixed screenings (chaff, hulls, rachis, stems, weed seeds, etc.) although
within the chemical guarantee. Another sample of Brewers Dried Grains
was within the guarantee chemically, but found by means of microscopic ‘
analysis to contain oat hull feed. .
Another feed - an 18% Laying Mash - though slightly low in protein
but well within the fiber guarantee. By microscopic analysis, it was
found to be adulterated with oat hulls.
Kentucky was one of the pioneers in this method of analysis. Nearly
all states now use some form of microscopic analysis along with the
chemical analysis. It has proven to be as valuable to the farmer and
honest manufacturers as any other form of analysis. The farmer is
assured the feed he is buying is as represented. To the manufacturer,
it offers protection against unfair and unscrupulous competition.

 Commercial Feeds in Kentucky, 1963 13
Requests are often received for a method of calculating the analysis of a
given feed mixture. Examples are given of two classes of feed most commonly
_ mixed by the feeder, in 1,000-pound batches, for his stock.
Example 1. 20-percent protein dairy feed
1 2 3 4
Percentage Hundreds of Pounds of
Ingredients of protein, pounds of protein from
or pounds each each
. in 100 ingredient ingredient
150 pounds wheat bran 15 1.5 22.5
200 pounds ground shelled corn 9 2 18.0
150 pounds hominy meal 11 1.5 16.5
150 pounds cottonseed meal 41 1.5 61.5
150 pounds soybean meal 41 1.5 61.5
100 pounds ground oats 11 1 11.0
100 pounds alfalfa meal 14 1 14.0
1000 pounds 10 205.0
Then 205.0 divided by 10= 20.5, the percentage of protein in this feed.
Example 2, 20—percent protein laying mash
1 2 3 4
Percentage Hundreds of Pounds of
Ingredients of protein, pounds of protein from
or pounds each each
. = in 100 ingredient ingredient
150 pounds wheat bran 15 1.5 22.5
y 200 pounds wheat middlings 16 2 32.0
200 pounds ground yellow corn 9 2 18.0
100 pounds ground oats 11 1 11.0
150 pounds meat scraps 50 1.5 75.0
100 pounds alfalfa meal 14 1 14.0
100 pounds soybean méal 41 1 41.0
_ 1000 pounds 10 213.5
Then 213.5 divided by 10 = 21.35, the percentage of protein in this feed.
Explanation of Method used in Table 1.
» 1. List the number of pounds and ingredients in column 1.
2. Get from the guaranty on the official tag or from the average analysis the
protein content of each ingredient and put it in column 2.
3. Place the hundreds of pounds of each ingredient in column 3. For example,
150 pounds of an ingredient is listed as 1.5 hundred pounds.
4. Multiply the figure for each ingredient in column 2 by that in column 3 to get
the figure in column 4. This is multiplying the number of pounds of
protein in a hundred, by the number of hundred pounds of each ingredient,
to get the total pounds of protein furnished by each ingredient.
5. Add column 3, which gives the total weight of the mixture, in hundred pounds.
. 6. Add column 4, which gives the total weight of protein in the mixture.
7. Divide the sum of column 4 by the sum of column 3. This gives the percentage
of protein in the mixture.
The percentages of other substances such as fat or fiber can be calculated in
a similar way,

 M Regulatory Bulletin No. 183
For samples not passed see Table 2 ‘
Number of Number of Number of
NAME AND ADDRESS or MANUFACTURER Samples Samples Samples -
Analyzed and Passed Not
Examined Passed
Acme - Evans Co.» Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana A Zo I
\·1.G. Adams, waynesburg, Kentucky 1 1
Agricultural Supply Co., Owensboro, Kentucky 1 1 I
Albany Hills, Albany, Kentucky 3 2 1 `
Albers Milling Co., Los Angeles, California 5 A 1
Allied Mills, Inc., Chicago, Illinois 117 110 7
American Crystal Sugar Co., Mason City, Iowa 2 2
Anderson - Spilman, Danville, Kentucky 2 2 V
Anderson County Farm Service, Lawrenceburg,
Kentucky 2 1 1
Anglo Sweet Feed Mill, Inc., Owensboro, Ky. 9 8 1
Archer - Daniels - Midland Co., Minneapolis, _
Minnesota S 8
Ashland Milling Co., Ashland, Kentucky 32 22 10
Aubrey Feed Mills, Inc., Louisville, Kentucky 169 152 17
Auburn Mills, Inc., Auburn, Kentucky 12 11 l
August Moldenhauer Mill, Menfro, Missouri 1 1
Aylor and Meyer Co., Aurora, Indiana l1 5 6 ‘
Bagdad Roller Mills, Inc., Bagdad, Kentucky 50 Mi 6
Baltic Mills, Inc., Vincennes, Indiana 3 3
Banner Feed Hills, Huntington, West Virginia 2 2
Bardstown Mills, Bardstown, Kentucky 1 l
Bardwell Milling Co., Bardwell, Kentucky 2 2
Barnett Co., llarrodsburg, Kentucky 1 1
Barry - Carter Milling Co., Lebanon, Tennessee 1 1 .
Barton Distilling Co., Bardstown, Kentucky 5 5
Bates Farm Supply, Dry Ridge, Kentucky 2 2 V
Baughman Milling Co., Stanford, Kentucky 21 17 4
Beacon Division of Textron, Inc., Kansas City, .
5-lissouri 26 2ia 2
James B. Beam Distilling Co., Clement, Ky. 1 1
Best Foods Div., Corn Products Co.,
flew York, flew York 1 1
Bi- rfounty Farm Bureau Cooperative,
Florence, Kentucky 21 21
Big Ji Feed fx Implement Co., Scottsville, Ky. 1 1
Birmingham Milling (To., Benton, Kentucky 1 1 l
Bobh Brothers, Leesburg, Ohio 5 5
Boyle Packinii (To., Danville, Kentucky 3 3 `
Browder Milling Co., Fulton, Kentucky 10 9 1 `
Brown Bnlasses Co., Inc., Iiorth Webster, Ind. 3 1 2
Bryant t. (Zrume ‘·1i1li:u; Co., Cancyville, Ky. 11 I 7 Z4
Buckeye Cellulose Corp., Cincinnati, Ohio 3 2 1
Bundy Bros. ci Sons Plill Co., Hcdora, Indiana 3 3
Burch Hester Feed Store, llustonville, Kentucky 5 3 1
· Bush Brothers K Co., Clinton, '1`cunessee A A
A.(i. Butts Oc Sons, Fulton, Kentucky 1 1
Cadiz `—1il1in&z Co., Inc., Cadiz, Kentucky 18 l!• is
r`,i···x~brll A Co., lre., `—l<1ttoon, Illinois 1 1
Caueyvillr Eioller Mills, Caneyville, Kentucky 7 5 2
Cardival 2-`ood Products, Inc., St. Louis, *10. 1 1
llirlislr Cooperative, Inc., Carlisle, Ky. 1 1
Carnation Co., Les Angeles, California 2 2
n`.irr,1ll County E`.ir:·i Bureau Coop.,
Carrollton, Kentucky li A I
nat Li:`i l’.ie1