attractive, high-tech facilities. In many cases, a new building helps improve a school's ranking status as was the case with Purdue University and Northern Illinois University.
He emphasized that armed with new facilities, the Gatton College of Business and Economics will be well equipped to continue preparing students for years to come, even with the nearly 30 percent student increase predicted. This will only prove to strengthen our ties with the state and to help improve the quality of life in Kentucky. He said that he is confident that the college's success translates into success for the Commonwealth.
In closing, Dean Sudharshan said that the Gatton College of Business and Economics is committed to making its students world-ready. Upon graduation, the students will be ready to enter today's business world and lead it with vision and innovation.
Dean Sudharshan thanked the Board for their attention and their efforts in helping the university achieve its goals. He received a round of applause from the Board.
President Todd thanked Dean Sudharshan and asked for questions. He pointed out that a new building for the college would be a two-for-one deal; getting a new building next to Memorial Coliseum and opening up its current building for badly needed space for faculty. It would be a very good investment for the state.
F.      Appointment of Vice President for Institutional Diversity (PR 3)
President Todd said that PR 3 is a recommendation that the Board approve the appointment of Dr. Judy Jackson as vice president for institutional diversity, effective July 1, 2008. Dr. Jackson is presently a dean at Vassar College in New York. She worked with the provost at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) for ten years. President Todd noted that Dr. Jackson worked for Professor Arthur Smith, who was his favorite professor while he was there, and Dr. Smith recommends Dr. Jackson highly.
Dr. Jackson is known throughout the country for her work in diversity. Her parents were sharecroppers, and she has several sisters who are college graduates. She worked at MIT while obtaining her Ph.D. at Harvard. The University of Kentucky will be her first totally public institution where she will have a community that she can work with to achieve her goals.
President Todd said that the search took a long time, but the university ended up with one of the best in the nation. He gave Provost Subbaswamy and the search committee credit for the successful search.
On motion made by Ms. May and seconded by Dr. Sachatello, PR 3 was approved. (See PR 3 at the end of the Minutes.)