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nections with the University community, integrating their aca- ment opportunities, and academic and technical services — to '
demic and social lives. We must offer an enriching first-year enable a talented faculty to achieve national prominence.
experience to all new freshmen, continuously assess and im- 5. The University will increase the recruitment and support 0f
prove the quality of teaching and student learning, and involve high-profile faculty capable of conducting influential scholar-
our students in the intellectual life of the University. By ship and leading major scholarly initiatives. Through the
implementing new living-learning communities, we create op- Commonwealth’s Endowment Match Program, the University _
portunities for students to interact with the University com- established significant new endowments to stimulate research  
munity and its neighbors We must provide the finest teaching capacity and productivity. The University must accelerate ef- A
and academic support possible; assist with personal, social and forts to develop and fill endowed chairs and professorships
career development; and develop additional student life pro- with high-impact scholars, including existing faculty members
grams and facilities We must facilitate the success of all our who are positioned well for attaining national prominence.
S studeprs, including student athletes and minority and special K cy In catorsz q
r popu a ions. _ _
r _ By 2006, we will.
l Key Indlcators A. Increase the average faculty salary to at least 90 percent of
  By 2006, we will: the benchmark median.
; A. Increase the middle 50 percent range of ACT scores for in- B. Develop institutional policies and procedures that promote
  coming freshmen to 23·28, as reported to USNews & World recruitment and retention of faculty and staff.
l, Report. C. Increase by three the number of active or emeritus faculty
E B. Achieve enrollment and community-college transfer goals with membership in the National Academy of Engineering, Na-
  established in collaboration with the Council on tional Academy of Sciences, or the Institute of Medicine.
ll Postsecondary Education. D. Increase from 12 to 15 the number of nationally recognized
; C. Open a new undergraduate residence hall, designed as a awards and honors earned by faculty.
2lst century living/learning community.
D. Increase the first-to-second year retention rate of first-time,   IV: Discover, Share and   New
lull-time, degree-seeking students to 83 percent. Kn I d
E. Exceed the predicted levels of attainment on indicators of OW c gc ____ _ _
  quality undergraduate cducatiork as reported   Seniors On As E1 dOCtOI`Hl, I`€S€3I`Ch·€Xt€HSIV€ lIlSf1fl.lilOI1r thi'} UHlV€I‘Slty of
i thc National Survey Of Student Engaggmgnt   Kentucky IIIUSI d§H`lOIlSlI`Ht€ €)fC€ll€l'1C€ IH CllS({OV€I`y and IHHO·
E Increase the Srrnycnr graduation rare to 60 percent. vation, characterized by preeminent scholarship - encompass-
. ing research, creative activities, teaching and learning, and
·   IH: Attract, Develop and Retain a extension, as well as professional practice. Faculty, staff and
t _ _ _ students participate in the process of research and discovery
  DlStlHgHlSh€d FHClllty throughout their careers at the University. To meet our re-
l A distinguished faculty is the cornerstone of a successful re- search challenge and maximize its potential for the advance-
search university. An excellent and diverse faculty, character- ment of Kentucky’s economy and way of life, we will identify
ized by exceptional scholarship. superb teaching, and and pursue innovative ways to discover share and apply new
dedicated service, is essential if the University is to gain knowledge.
greater national prominence. The faculty members need the · · _
t broad-based support of the University community — partner- Obdectlrcsf _ _ _
t ships with superior staff. excellent facilities, and a commitment 1- _Tne Unrversny Wnl eggressrvely Pnrsne targeted srrnregles
to quality- if they are to realize their full promise. A primary to 'nerense exrrnmnrer research rnndrng· A Preernrnenr re'
_ locus for the University will be to attract, develop and retain a Search nnrVersnY eOnnnnenY deVernPs as eePeerrY te erenle and
([r_r,nrgnr_r;rr,dfncnhy share new knowledge. We must assist more faculty in launch-
_ _ ing productive research careers; link basic, clinical, extension,
. Ob]€CtlV€S$ and other applied efforts to focus resources on critical areas of
i l. The University will offer competitive salaries and benefits opportunity; and form multi-investigator, interdisciplinary re-
, to attract and retain distinguished faculty. Compensation is search teams that will target specific extramural funding oppor-
. the most important resource for attracting and retaining dis- tunities.
t tinguished faculty. We must make competitive faculty salaries 2. The University will provide the facilities and equipment
. our first priority. necessary to enhance research capacity Meeting the challenge
l 2. The University will offer competitive salaries and benefits to become a top research university carries with it the responsi-
to attract and retain superior staff. Compensation and career bility to ensure adequate laboratory space, research equipment,
g development opportunities are essential resources for devel- information access, and staff support. We must continually as-
_ oping and retaining excellent staff. Staff salaries. as well as sess research productivity levels and the need for new space
r health care and other benefits critical to the current and future and equipment, develop the means to meet and support identi-
I welfare of all employees. are included among our highest pri- fied needs. and ensure wise use and maintenance of facilities
orities and equipment.
3. The University will institute policies to attract and retain a 3. The University will cultivate the success of diverse efforts in
l distinguished faculty. The University`s policies must facilitate scholarly achievement and research. Excellence and recogni-
thc recruitment and appointment of highly qualified faculty. tion of faculty from many disciplines, including those for which
We must identify and implement best practices in minority extramural resources are scarce, are essential to fulfilling our
faculty recruitment. develop initiatives designed to find em- mission. We must foster leading scholarship throughout the
r ployment l`or partners of new hires. and ease the transition to University; commemorate the accomplishments of faculty, staff
E the University of Kentucky for new faculty. and students; and communicate their successes to the Com-
; 4. The University will strengthen support to faculty and staff. monwealth and beyond.
Providing exemplary support to facilitate effective faculty—staff 4. The University will attract and enroll highly qualified doc-
r partnerships is essential to our success. We must improve the toral students and postdoctoral scholars. A reputation for na-
quality ofthe support infrastructure —— business and adminis- tionally acclaimed programs enhances the ability of top
trative services facilities and equipment. libraries. develop-