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I · Robin Curls sits infront of a E
hologram of a Ford vehicle. °“
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obin Curle knows she is fortunate. Every day this 1972 Ii]   E I ° [I     h
HUniversity of Kentucky graduate gets t0 do what she In     E       I  
loves: guiding a small technology firm — only l2 employ- . .
ees — as it begins to pack a powerful punch into a mar-     U   up     H   Q B
ketplace of gee—whiz devices. As president and CEO of
Zebra Imaging Inc. in Austin,Texas, Curle spearheads a   I U   m S '
,, company that does what no other company purports to E]
do. Zebra interprets 3-dimensional (3D) data provided by
its varied clients and creates 3D full-color holograms from (MIT) seven years ago based on research conducted in
that data, in any size, and viewable without wearing spe- its Media Lab. Today, Ford Motor Company, Convergcnt
cial goggles. Investors LLC, and Dupont are some of the organiza-
The applications for this type of advanced technology tions which are investors in the company. Zebra’s strate-
are almost endless, and indeed, mind-boggling. Likewise, gic investor, Ford expects huge returns by using the
who can say what the revenue stream from future appli- products in its iterative business processes. _
cations might be? For example, Zebra has created holograms for Ford oi
Zebra, a privately-held company, was started by three some of its prototype vehicles since 1999. The normal
graduates of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology process for visualizing computer aided design (CAD)
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