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We asked; you a   ‘r· ,   “   WZ   {
l 3I1SW€l'€d. g q W A    A ' *·i *  _
[ Whether a grad from I I . _‘ I ~__.-·* ’ _ AV  
E this century or the V jr A "` {_ — ’   W7 
  last, you will see that . - ; , ,     @ `·_V_V_ he   I
lg UK alumni have —l IV _  .. ‘  i
  a bond built on I W  W     l W  
A shared experiences      
l that transcends   9:  
generations. ‘‘_,A     Q {
_ During the hectic VV   VV   » A
“ holiday season the     _ _  . ‘V
edltors hoqe th? l bEl0I1g€d to Troupers the last part of my   V W *
th€$€ €nU'|€$ Will years there and got to be in the Big Show in the “  . VV V .  s
. get you started on spring of the year and got to be in the smaller W  ‘ ·· . _ V  V _  
  your Own HSL guignol Thiezzre in sevlerzgl plzgysl pivzgorled in Ra- V   W
l , 10 1rst an t en switc e to oc1a or in my junior I
Take some tlmc t° and senior ear. I recall the very hands-on help I got from Dr. Wetzel and Connie Wil-
_ Y
call an old friend OY son during that time. I worked on campus in their department to earn some spending
yemjnjsce with your money. I remember the wonderful warmth of sprijng with thedbl)cfomingVof thehfloweri
• V V ,}  — V LM __ V_  _ 14 . V __  yy. T all WlSpy WIH OWlI1g1I1 my 31I` HS
V farnlly ab°ut UK.     fl {W _     ’ V _   _  .;_  · fwlk I“l,1Sl’1€d 3CI`OSS campus f1'OIT1 class to
We t*·¤¤*< ¤v¤*v¤¤¤ s     —·   I      ¤   A  it  f $$2Z2l£§,‘§.°§“$°Sl§hZIS`L2?§*§ fiiséill
wh° reslmnded with _ WV   f l   ,V A g_¥`  I  .  V;   tertainer for our parties, and I remem-
more lists and essays  V       ,kM,\ Nl Q V · V  ·_ _- V ber some pretty wild fraternity partiesl
than we could include _ ~   ` ` Y  .   »·-  W Went to-
hem and invite Ou   L. V. .1,yr‘   __¤ 2   .    q V And last but not least, I remember
I ’    f ;     . W ° A [lin __ the professors who challenged and ex-
t° mad '“°"°k‘;"':j"‘; Sorority mush i " pandedény minldlir. Haig? itn ruin-
V at WWWJ] .€ U lLl1'€ H13 C I'II€[ III pOSS1 y OI'[ C
l AI ·_ If t first time in my life, Dr. Snow opened up anthropology to me and I am an avid reader
umn:} you wa: of breaking news still in that field. Dr. Server who bullied me through Spanish and Dr.
I _ to sen some Ig ` Hernandez who coddled me through Spanish. Jane Cole and I
Ilghts of YOU" daY$ at I,. ` `”*··,_ could always get him off track in class. Oh, those were the
UK, Send them to  ‘   days and how I loved them all. Wonderful environment,