t FE A  
I I . Soap suds IH the .       B  i_,:  . "  ”‘‘‘   I  ’ I K ‘  .    ` g,,_ V I
A f°u“ta'“ "‘ *"°"t     ~’i   =i’T   V 7   H
  of Patterson Office   `
I ‘?     ``“’ *         . » »— — Ai ` A
I T°"Y°" aim" “h"’_’78    ’   , .A  » .
National Champion- T _  . *5i 3    by gf?
  \ F `  S Y "·=·~* §`" iv t t
2. Streakers on motor- t he  °rld 3  
t cycles in ’74-’75       Y S  
l 3. The lawns around T* =  
. , | . .   ··¤`
 I the complex on the TOLLY HO'   _ Ag at
I One of the most memorable   ~
first warm and sunny things about UK tm me was the tt _t___ _ __,=____,____: _ A
· day each spring Tolly Ho and everything about it.I — ,V__   A V ° ii" `  
3 - ·· Mike Larson `77. `8ll was there when it was in the old location _‘_;
and the new location. . .and for the period of time that it was nonexistent. We spent  
A hhh many a late evening in the Ho and when it closed we were devastated. And when the
» 3 "QSO many new location opened, I can remember many of the same faces, students and nonstu-
V m€m0l'|€$! dents, who were there as if nothing had changed. I can’t tell you the last time I ate a Ho
. pyaygng tug-°f-wm·· in Burger and hash browns, but I can still taste it to this day! —— Donna White, ’88
sorority park (now the
I uhm,-yl) Cheese fries late at night at the Tolly Ho! — Kathy Powers Doughten ’84
• Th d ld l bb ' . . A . .
Pattefsggaaatitheoghggg Tolly Ho: Not a finer greasy spoon in all of the land. I lost my virginity there...my HO
t Ot- Patterson Halt virginity that is. —Ted C. Jones ’96
· Studying on the
bridge of King Library _, , A ·· g ,
(and where is it now??) _ ‘ -   _ _ _
_ Watktng from campus  it ` A;  _ ‘ g ta VVhat I think aboutt wherttreflectinglin my time at UK 1S
t to tt basketbatt game   .f. _ t tt '_·· A. , the beeping noise romt e crosswa ton imestone as you
downtown tn Rupp Arena   t ‘ V   t cross over to Taylor Education Building.
in the eeeeeeemeeidtii   — Marcy Cam Swisher ’99
• Taking large group , ft; . Watktn · A
_ , j_ _;,,  g through campus on a crisp autumn day and hear-
‘°“‘ "f "°'“‘f"'a' Ha"   M; ;s~{_t  ing the Memorial neiirbeiiw play
° Gemng IOS': '" the _ t · · `, i' ' e   $1 “My Old Kentucky H0me." t
multi-leveled ChemlPhyS ' t t A : ,.   _ Et-in Waggoner ,02 ~
building   ‘   · ))tAA%;>,A   t . A  
· Waiting in line for     U i` `    if ~ Ki 110VCd the imPYOV€‘ j ·‘*y ii';-U if {  
L hours (and explaining ‘f.'_t Ag '• gg-"" ment in my stamina t  ” ‘ I
to international students   " and physical fitness 5 _ t
, why we Musr do this) t walking t<> my **   ie »—·- ·“ " t
for tickets to Midnight - evening graduate T" \ ti _ or     t
t Madness courses from distant   / ~   ,“ "
. . Trying to waqk with parking spots at one with the elements. ` " ·   V,  
an umbrella through the _ Lim Frost `97 _ t A   U'   I V
‘wind tunnel’ between M _  
the classroom building ’·        
and POT ti Z, ·   i  
· Walking up the uneven '{ ·   H   \ ,
geps from the Student d The color BLUE! Bright, KEN- g     *   
, €t';";'tF° “D° "tja‘" °*““ y Tucior Btuewnen you neck up to   =   _
t nose"   rthztgsarsgg S heaven on a beautiful day, you see Qffi }` .  ~ B I g
I tOv€"tJKtt   ` Blue! When you look down to hell A t__  
tA __   tt nt you see RED (UofL & IU)! GO CATS! `“ie»  
W" H K ` — Shane Ball `96 z 3