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      Mr. Shoop asked that Mr. Reed appoint another member of the Board to serve as Chair to
receive the Nominating Committee report.

      Mr. Reed appointed Dr. Meriwether to assume the duties of Chair and receive the report.

      Mr. Shoop reported that the Nominating Committee met on Wednesday, September 10th
to consider the nomination of officers of the Board of Trustees and the members of the Executive
Committee. The Nominating Committee submits the following names for officers:

                   Steve Reed, Chair
                   JoEtta Wickliffe, Vice Chair
                   Russ Williams, Secretary
                   Paul Van Booven, Assistant Secretary

      Dr. Meriwether stated that there was a motion, and Ms. Sparks seconded the motion. Dr.
Meriwether called for any other nominations from the floor, and there were no nominations. He
called for a motion to accept the Nominating Committee report, and the motion carried

      Mr. Shoop said that the Nominating Committee submits the following names for
members of the Executive Committee:

                   Steve Reed, Chair
                   Marianne Smith Edge
                   James F. Hardymon
                   Robert P. Meriwether
                   JoEtta Wickliffe
                   Russ Williams, ex officio

      Dr. Meriwether stated that there was a motion, and he called for a second to the motion.
Ms. Sims seconded the motion. Dr. Meriwether called for any other nominations, and there were
no nominations. He called for a motion to accept the Nominating Committee report, and the
motion carried unanimously.

      President Todd congratulated Mr. Reed, and Mr. Reed received a round of applause.

      E.    Consent Agenda

      Mr. Reed asked for a motion of approval for the Minutes and other items on the consent
agenda. Ms. Wilson so moved, and Ms. Wickliffe seconded the motion. The motion carried
without dissent, and the following items on the consent agenda were approved:
             Minutes - June 24, 2003
             Minutes - Retreat - August 26, 2003
             PR 2 - Personnel Actions
             AACR 1 - Candidates for Degrees - University System
             AACR 2 - Candidates for Degrees - Community College System