
    W.   Amendment of Code of Student Conduct (SCCR 1)

    Mr. Ramsey, Chairman of the Board's Student Code Committee,
moved that the proposed revisions to the Code of Student Conduct
be approved as recommended in SCCR 1. His motion was seconded by
Mr. Dinkle and passed unanimously. (See SCCR 1 at the end of the

    X.   Mr. James W. Dinkle Recognized

    Mr. Sturgill recognized Mr. Dinkle, who was attending his
last meeting as a member of the Board, and thanked him for his
valuable service to the University.

    Mr. Dinkle introduced the following officers of UK Student
Agencies: Mr. Leonard Stoltz, President; Mr. Brent Austin, Vice
President; and Mr. Rayvon Reynolds, outgoing President. Mr.
Dinkle added that they have performed a very valuable service for
University students and the community. He then introduced the
newly elected President of Student Government Association, Mr.
David Bradford, and observed that he will be an exemplary
ambassador for the student body.

    Mr. Dinkle expressed his appreciation for the opportunity to
have served on the Board of Trustees and indicated that he had
found it a progressive and exciting year involving many important

    In closing, Mr. Dinkle said his year on the Board of Trustees
has been a very valuable and worthwhile experience, and he
expressed his thanks and appreciation for the help given him by
the Trustees and the University administration.

    Mr. Sturgill again thanked Mr. Dinkle for his service and
extended best wishes to him on behalf of the Board.

    Y.   Mr. W. Terry McBraver Recognized

    Mr. McBrayer indicated that he too was attending his last
meeting as a member of the Board of Trustees. In reflecting on
his tenure, Mr. McBrayer said he has seen a dramatic change in
the role of a Trustee, not only at this University but at
universities throughout the state. The quality of education at
the University of Kentucky is under attack and the academic worth
of a diploma from UK may soon begin to shrink unless the course
is altered. He added, however, that had it not been for
President Singletary, the problems would be more severe than they
presently are. While expressing his deep admiration for
President Singletary, he said he does not feel that President
Singletary can fight the battle alone.