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rlarch 4, 1986 meeting of the Executive Committee, the reception for
members of the General Assembly prior to the U.K.-Georgia basketball
game on January 23, and the reception and dinner for the Trustees and
their spouses prior to the U.K.-AubUrn game on January 31. He also
reminded the Trustees of the February 5 rally in Frankfort planned by
the Kentucky Advocates for Higher Education including a luncheon at
12:30, meeting of the Advocates at 2:30, the main event at 5:00 at
which former Governor James Hunt from North Carolina will speak, and a
reception at 6:00. President Singletary encouraged as many members of
the Board as possible to participate in the Frankfort rally for higher
education. He announced that the UK - Vanderbilt game on February 5
has been changed from 7:35 to 8:05 in order to accommodate those
attending the rally.

        President Singletary reported that he and the other university
presidents met with the Governor yesterday afternoon for an overview of
the budget as it applies to higher education. He added that the
presidents appeared to be very supportive of her proposed funding for
higher education but that specifics must await her budget message which
will be presented this evening.

        D.    Personnel Actions   (PR 2)

        With President Singletary so recommending, on motion made by
Mr. Black, seconded by Mr. Clay and passed, the routine personnel
actions in PR 2 were approved. (See PR 2 at the end of the Minutes.)

        E.    Executive Session Called

        The Board members went into Executive Session at 1:10 p.m. to
discuss a specific personnel matter. Following the Executive Session,
the members of the Board reconvened at 1:21 p.m.

        F.    Promotion and Tenure Recommendation    (PR 3A)

        President Singletary recommended that Dr. Joseph Murray Hayse
not be promoted to the rank of Associate Professor or granted tenure at
the University of Kentucky. Mr. Clay so moved. His motion was
seconded by Mr. Lassetter and unanimously carried. (See PR 3A at the
end of the Minutes.)

        G.    Acceptance of Gift from Ashland Oil, Incorporated     (PR

        President Singletary indicated his pleasure in recommending the
acceptance of two gifts, both of which are directly related to members
of the Board. He then recommended that the Board accept the gift of
$200,000 from Ashland Oil, Incorporated, which is the first installment
of a five-year commitment of $1,000,000. President Singletary again
expressed his thanks and appreciation to Mr. McCowan and his colleagues
at Ashland Oil for their support.