· Kentucky .·1g1·z'cuZt1n·al Escperimeut Station 13
develop and enlarge if it adequately meets the needs of the
state. Frequently the thought is expressed that there is avail-
able a store of agricultural information far in advance of the
praetis of farmers in the stateand that Experiment Stations
may rest content with the progress that has been made and
i await the development of farm praetis. A more pernicious
statement as to the true situation can scarcely be made. It
is true that in many phases of its work, the experiment sta-
tion is in advance of the average farmer. It is not true that ‘ A
experiment stations may rest upon their past efforts. Never
before has there been so pressing a demandfor new informa-
tion and for new investigations. Agriculture is a rapidly de- V
veloping industry. Requirements of this year may be much
changed five years hence. The development of new and cheap A
sources of nitrate or of phosphate may requirea new study
of the relationship of these essential elements to crop produc-
tion. Increased land values, the development of tenancy, all
mean that new studies must be made if agriculture is to se- _
cure the proper direction. Investigations must be begun months,
and sometimes years, in advance of the actual need of the in-
formation. Cost of production studies, for example, must be
well under way before their need, otherwise they are rela-
tively of little value as the extensive need passes and the study
is not used. Similarly, methods of disease control in plants
are often essential before actual and profitable production may
_ take place. Investigations of methods of distribution, market
demands and organization are required before information
may be given or effective practis outlined. _ ,
Certain phases of Experiment Station work require cm-
phasis, especially the economic aspect of agriculture that may . _
be studied under the general heads of farm management, mar- .
, keting and agricultural economies. The farmer is concerned
with the price of crops and live stock, the tendency of tenancy.
land prices, farm labor and methods of farm organization that
will enable him to meet new conditions as they arise. 'Ihc
experiment station and the Department of Agriculture are the