16 i Tit'!-7‘li]j-SCCOJZCZ Amzual Report A
Ja1nes Speed, editor. January 16, 1919. .
A. J. Steiner, assistant veterinarian. August 15, 1919.
VV. D. Valleau, plant pathologist. August 15, 1.919.
Resignations :
Philip Lee Blumenthal, chemist. June 5, 1919.
A. L. Brueckner, assistant veterinarian. October 31, 9
A. E. Ewan, superintendent of experiment fields.
December 31, 1919.
Homer Perry, seed analyst. October 1, 1919.
Marguerite Perry, seed analyst. October 4, 1919.
VV. R. Pinnell, special bacteriologist. November 1.
R. L. Pontius, head, department of veterinary science,
March 31, 1919.
\Villiam Rodes, chemist. December 11, 1919. '
Mabel L. Roe, assistant- plant pathologist. July 1, 1919.
James Speed, editor. September 30, 1919.
F. J. Sutton, assistant horticulturist. October 27,
Additions to Equipment and Property Changes. ‘
During the year all outbuildings and barns upon the Ex-
periment Station farm were repainted and such repairs made
as were required to maintain the property. Few repairs and
no paint had been applied during the past several years. Many
of the structures were badly weathered and the expense in-
volved in the year’s maintenance cost was accordingly large.
New stalls and eqnipznent were placed in the dairy barn. V -
inodernizing the equipment and replacing stalls that had long
ago outlived their usefulness. The silo at tl1e dairy barn was
repaired and ehanged so that its capacity was increased. New
water piping was laid in the building and a new Scotch steam
boiler installed, replacing one that had been in use.