32 Circular N0. 23
Velvet-Bean Feed l
Yelvei-beau feed is a material that has reeeutly beeeme
available iu the South. lt etmsists of the velvet beaiis and
pods gxreuud t‘e;;·ether. This is a heavy. uutritieus meal, 0011-
taiuiug about 15 per eeut. ef digestible preteiu. \vCl\'Cl-l](’tlll '
feed weighs 1,2 peuuds per quart aud is. therefore. a heavy feed.
(leru meal weighs 1,5 Imuuds per quart. aud brau. 0.5 peuud.
Velyet—beau feed sheuld be used iii a mixture that eeutaius
palatable aud light feeds. te make the enws eat aud digest it I l
readily. i
Trial Vt/ith Velvet-Bean Feed and Bran
ltegiiuiiug the itlth el` May. lfllT. eight eews were fed alter-
uately eu the l'<>ll·»wiue· ratieus; llatieu A eeusisted ef eue part _
eoru meal aud eue part brau ; ratieu ll euutaiued two parts eeru
meal. due part brau aud due part \`<‘l\'Ql-l)l‘tlll feed.
'l`he lu·au-eeru meal mixture might be termed a summer
eheek ratiuu here. as it is used l`re:lueutly iu summer by dairy-
meu el` this yieiuity. l·`ed iu etuuiertitm with pr<>teiu—rieli grass.
it suinplies a balaueed. palatable aud, erdiuarily. au eeeiumiieal
mixture. 'l`he eews were l'ed the ratinu <»l' eeru meal aud brau _
for twe weelcs. aml theu eliauged te a mixture el eeru meal,
brau aud yelyet-lieau l'eed. 'l`his test rau l`rem May 20 te l)ee—
ember 2i(). litli. 'l`he eews eeusumed beth ratiaus readily aud
seemed tit thrive eigually eu eaeh eue.
l·`er the eutire peried the twe lets ayeragged iu mill; yields
as Tellews: _
Ratlon and Average Daily Milk Yield from Each Cow
Ratieu A l part eerii meal aud 1 part brau ..,. . ......e....... 2tl.T2 lbs. mill;
Raliuu li 2 parts eeru meal. 1 part brau aud 1 part
velvet»l>eau feed . . .   ,,,., . _,,..__,,,,__. , ..,,,,.,,. , ._,,. 2•S.El»t lbs. mill:
l1ift`ere1u·e iu favor of llatieu ll ,.__.,,,_.. . .... . ..... .22 lbs. mill; `
Cost: cf Materials and l`t/lixtures, per Tori
Mixture B
Velvet- Mixture A 2('(>l'l1l1l€1ll
t'eru beau 1 eeru meal 1 brau
meal. lirau. fee l. ll)l'1lll. 1 velv.-beau feed.
May _ €ni•i,e~¤ Sttien $»t¤»,tr¤» $5ti_tlll $54,5tr
Aug_ >~¤r,¤¤e -ltl_<>¤» »lu_tm t;i§_t»t» ti1,5¤l
Nev. Tl; ee »lZl.tltl ZX-illtl Baie 57.25