510 C'l·}`1'I([(l}` N0. 23 _
Trial with Palm-Kernel Meal and Bran
1’1111‘11-1...1.. 22.41 1bS. milk
l{uti011 1342 parts C()l‘Il meal, 1 part ])El1l11-1{€1‘l1€1 meal,
1 11111*1 111*1111 A_______A_______._,_____....,11.....,_... . .,...,.......,..,....,....,........... 22.77 lbs. milk
I1i1Te1·e11ee in favor 01 Ration B ......................,. .36 lb. milk 11
Cost of Materials and Mixtures, per Ton
A 1 Ii) 1
_ C01‘11-meal  $313-C{(i1l;1€
(`(>l`ll \\'l1ez1t Pz1l111-ke1*11e1 1)1`21Il mein
_ 1110111. 1)l`2ll1. meal. mixture. mixture.
J11110 ..,,._..., $08.00 $46.00 $40.00 $57.00 $55.50
$1-111. ........ $#1.00 40.00 40.00 65.00 03.50
111-1:.   ...... 134.00 44.00 40.00 54.00 53.00 ·
'1`11(‘<1‘ (‘11\\`S 111111 211) 111111111ls 111: (i1Il'll si111g0 111111 8 110111111s 0f
s11_x*-1101111 1l2l_\' i11 111111i1i1111 1*0 1*110 111101*1* 111*11111 111ix1111*0s.
Trial with PaIm·KerneI Meal, Bran and Cottonseed Meal
111‘;L'1llll1Il;§ 1"1‘1l1'll2ll'_\' 10 2lll<1 1‘1l(11ll{;' May 3. 15118. f<)l11' 0f
1111* (’11\\'N 11s011 111 1110 1.1I1'1‘g`1l1l11f 11*s1 \\'(*1'l‘ 1u(‘l1 11 111ix1111*0 0011-
111111111;; 1.1llll' 1l2ll'1S ('(11'll lll(‘1l1. 11ll'1‘(‘ 11111*1s \\`1l1*1l1` 1)l'2lll 111111 (1110
11111*1 (‘11111lI1>l‘1‘(1 1111*211. i11 l‘(1lll1)21l‘1S()1l \\'111l 11 1ll1X1ll1'(‘ (‘(111l11()SC(1
(I1. 1.11l1l' 11&l1'1% ('U1.11 1111*111. 0110 11111*1 111*1111. 11110 11111*1 (‘1111'(1llSl"C(1
1l1l`lI1 111111 1'1\`11 1>2ll'1S 11111111-1101*1101 1111*211. 1\s 1110 ]12l1lll-1{1‘l‘ll<‘1 1110211 1
l‘lIN1 11111)* $215 1101* 11111. 1110 lll1X1l11'1‘ <‘11ll1&l1|11ll;f 11 \\'2lS 1110 1·110111101*.
'1`11111 lll1X1lll'1‘ 1‘1)N1 111111* $58.011 21 11111. 111 ('1>lll12l1'1S1)ll with $635.111
. 1
1'111' 1111- 111|11·1· 111ix1111*0.
. . . . K
Ration and Average Daily Milk Yield from Each Cow
1{1I111lll.·\ 4 11111*1s (‘()l`l1 1110111, 21 ])1ll'1S 1)1`Zlll, 1 11:11*1
‘ 1'll¥i‘T‘(1 lll¤*£l1. 2 ll1ll`1S 11:11111-1101*1101 11111;1l .......................... 20.75 lbs. milk
11111`l‘l`<.‘lll‘(‘ i11 1`2l\'(1l' 0l' 111111011 A ........_............ __ .10 ll). milk