38 Circular N0. 23
milk that they produeed. Every two weeks the rations were
alternated. l - `
Ration and Average Daily Milk Yield from Each Cow
Ration A—2 parts barley, 1 part oats, 1 part velvet- [
bean feed ....................r..r...................,..r.........A......................... 17.49 lbs. milk
Ration B—1 part corn meal, 1 part bran ............................ 16.61 lbs. milk
Difference in favor of Ration A .................... .88 lb. milk
From these data it will be seen that the mixture of barley, { .
oats and velvet-bean feed was somewhat superior to the COYH
meal, wheat-bran mixture; in fact, it was one of the best grain
mixtures that was used at this Experiment Station last winter.
Cost of the Materials and Mixtures, per Ton.
A B -
Barley—oats- Corn
Barley Oats Velvet- Com Bran. velvet-bean meal
bean feed. meal. feed mixture. bran
Aug. ..5568 $56 $40 $80 $46 $58 $63.00
Nov. .. 66 54 34 76 43 55 59.50
Feb. .. 78 62 42 78 39 65 58.50