Zfeiztzieiry Agricultural Experim-etnt Station 59
On August 15, a ruling was issued asking that all
operators hold portions of all samples tested for 24 hours,
thus giving the inspector an ·opportunity to check the ac- - ‘
curacy of these tests. This ruling has been complied with in ‘
the majority of instances and the results obtained have been
satisfactory. ·
During the 18 months since the creamcry and tester’s
license law became operative, it has been necessary to report
but one violation to the courts for settlement. This was the
failure of the (T. NV. Jean Company to apply for a license for '
their cream station at Mt. Sterling. The case was settled by a
plea of guilty and a fine ot $300 and costs.
· During the year $3,176 have been received from station
licenses; $1,132.50 from testers’ licenses; and $547.26 from the
testing laboratory, making a total of $4,855.76.
Public Service Laboratories. An act of 19`18 provided that
certain specific work, consisting of analyses and identifications,
shall be made by the Experiment Station tor the State lioard
of Health. This service has been greatly developt during the
past year and a large amount of work has been required from
the hacteriological section, with a less amount of work in the
analysis of foods. Much miscellaneous work has been carried _
on, some of which represents specific samples forwarded to
the Experiment Station. others representing the official sam-
ples eollecteel from various sources. Much of the miscellane-
ous work is complicated and requires a very considerable
` amount of time of the analyst. Some of the work required
included waters and foodstutts suspected of containing poison;
samples ot food suspected of containing ground glass; human {
and other milk for nutritive value; beverages for thc alco-
holic content. sent in b_v court officials and others; stained
Q garnients to identify stains suspected of being blood marks;
maple sugar. syrups and honey for adulteration; chicken feed
and other feeds suspected of containing poison; waters l`or
cheniical analysis: vinegars tor adultcration, queries as to
composition of unknown substances, lnoth food and drugs; but-