Lexington, Ky.
Board of Trustees.
Hon. Edwin P. Morrow, Governor, Cluiirinun, 0.2: ofjicio.
George Colvin, Superintendent of Public Instruction, cx officio.
NV. C. Hzunni, Commissioner of Agriculture, cx 0f](lCtO. -
NV. ll. Grzuly. Louisville, Jefferson County.
J. l. Lyle, 39 Cortlandt St., New York City.
P. P. Johnston, Jr., Lexing,·ton, Fayette County.
R. 1*. lirnst, Covington, Kenton County.
li. G. (ilorilon, Louisville, Jeiterson County.
R. C. Stoll. .lie>;ingtoi1, Fuyette County.
1tuin<·y 'I`. \Vells, Murray, Calloway County.
Jaunos NV. 'l`urne1‘. Puintsville, Johnson County.
l*`runl< McKee. \·vCl'S2llll(‘S, i\\'oodforlll&lll, (ill(‘lll. (`urroll County.
J. li. Hush. Ileiuliwsou, llenilerson County.