, I Qcmdition of the égricultural and (Mechanical Qvllege of Q
· @§entucky——@ep0rt of the gresident to the @0vem0r. i
, The Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky
was, by the action of the last General Assembly, detached
  from its connection with Kentucky University, of which it
had been one of the Colleges, and placed upon an inde-
C pendent basis. It is now governed by a Board of Visitors,
appointed by the Governor of the Commonwealth, and in
its administration and control is entirely separate and dis-
. tinct from Kentucky University. It is provisionally estab-
lished on the Ashland and \xVoodland estates, in the vicinity
of Lexington. During its continuance upon its present
1 site, and until its ultimate location shall have been deter- ._
mined by the General Assembly, the Agricultural and
_ Mechanical College of Kentucky has, by agreement with
Kentucky University, the sole and exclusive use of one
. hundred acres of land of the Ashland and \\/`oodland
_ C estates, and for every matriculate over one hundred, one
additional acre. Its matriculates, in addition to the ad-
V _ vantages anforded by its own departments of study, have
access, free of charge, to the Departments of Latin and
Greek in the Kentucky University. The course of study
in the Agricultural and Mechanical College has been en-
larged by an advanced course of Agricultural Chemistry,
. and by a special course of lectures, by the Professor of
Natural History, upon Economic Botany, the Relation of · 1
Geology to Soils, of Forests to Agriculture, and of Insects
to Vegetation. Facilities are afforded for cheap board in
, clubs upon the grounds. Last year good, substantial
` board and comfortable lodging were thus provided, at an
expense not exceeding eighty or ninety dollars per annum.
, Board in private families, including lodging, fuel, and
lights, can be obtained at from $3 O0 to 54.50 per week. l